posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by PplVSNWO
Looks like you, me, and everyone else is wrong and are arguing over NOTHING.
Turns out, the Ferrari was stolen from a Dealership (not a "rich" guy) in 2003. The insurance company paid the dealership for the loss and
technically took ownership of said Ferrari, and sort of "wrote it off" since they never thought they would see it again.
Flash forward 5 years later, the Feds confiscated the Ferrari in 2008 during an investigation of some criminals who had possession of it. In 2009 the
Feds were moving it from one garage to another when they crashed it. That's when the "owner" (the insurance company) told the Feds to pay up. They've
been stalling ever since.
Finally, in March 2011, the insurance company (owner) sued the DOJ to recover their losses who they can now blame on the Feds, even though it was the
Feds who found it in the first place.
So there is no "rich owner". It's an corporation.
And like all corporations - WHO CARES? They get paid insurance premiums - they agreed to "cover" the Ferrari and it's part of the cost of doing
business. NO SYMPATHY.
edit on 27-5-2011 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)