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Is this happening to anyone else?

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:56 PM
Last night, my dog was goin crazy bezerk.. Now, I dont like coming on here posting "my dogs acting funny" because thats actually the kind of post I detest MOST on this site.. anyways, so he is acting real strange but eventually falls asleep. I attribute it to the fact we had a pretty big/bad storm here last night.

well, also last night, I just got this weird feeling.. it started off as sort of a flashback/de javu type thing, then boiled my guts.. Not painful or anything, but it was just strange..

Well it just happened again a few minutes ago, same thing.. flashback/de javu.. then knot in the stomach..

It almost renders me breathless when it happens, and its not a real pleasant feeling.

Is this happening to anyone else? If not, does anyone know what this is?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by jewston

Wind has a habit of doing that.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 09:59 PM
Do you live in West Virginia?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by jewston

I consider myself a Lucid Dreamer these days... but far from "awake".

So to run with this, I'm consistently getting heat that seems to be generated from within every cell in my body that does create a certain degree of discomfort. I am also getting a frequent... for lack of a better word "buzzing" in my mind that my mind wants to keep associating with my ears but is clearly not coming in from my ears. It isn't perfectly consistent, but seems to be linked to the way I am viewing the world and people around me. The more in tune with the "oneness" the more my body heats up and my mind buzzes... the more I slip back into old habits and safe mindsets, the more everything feels like I remember from years ago.

So I can't say my experience is the same... but I can say that I haven't been "the same" for a few years now.

Namaste my friend. Stay confident in yourself.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:04 PM
link's not happening to me but it sounds an awful lot like a panic attack of sorts. I don't know how old/young you are but the heart can have some strange effects on your preception and bowels, so if you think there may be some heart health reason you may want to go ahead and make that appointment.

It is strange the weird feeling of deja vu...don't know how that fits in.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by jewston

Oddly yes my kids complain of their chest feeling tight and feeling foggy and like they are waiting for something. I do not tell them i feel the same because I do not want to make them worry. To make matters worse for me my dog has taken to sleeping in a different than normal spot, we have lived in this house for four years. I assume that it is due to storms or some cosmic misalignment or something. I hope you figure out what is triggering it, it is not uncommon for people to pick up on emotions from long lost friends that could just be thinking of you during a hard time.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:10 PM
I live in newton Iowa. Its not painful per se.. its just not, normal I guess you could say.

Im not a very linguistic person, but I can tell you it has a sense of fear, anxiety and excitement (like an adrenaline rush)

Im a 28 year old student, just started summer school, with 16 credit hours.. maybe its stress, but the flashback/deja vu stuff is creepy

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:14 PM
and my dog wasnt acting strange, like took a poop crouched to the left, or sleeping in the wrong spot..

he was jumping on me, nipping at me a little bit. So of course, I figured "ahh crap, hes gotta go outside, again" so I took him out, and he was jumping on me (hes a boxer) and pushing me ( im 6'4'' 265 lbs) hard, I was getting knocked backwards.. then, when we got back upstairs, he was crying.. this isnt abnormal for him, but its usually just when I say "do you miss your baby max" talkin about my daughter. But he just cozied up next to me and started whining..

To make matters worse, I hit a little of the whacky tobaccy last night, which I dont often do.. it was tripping me out hardcore.

Tonight, same thing though.. and no wacky stuff.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by jewston

My dog has been acting strange. I'd say it started about a week ago, but today was flat out weird! Also, I have noticed that other animals around here are acting a bit strange. I opened my front door today to find a deer walking down the road. It seemed confused... if an animal can look confused, lol. It went one way, then the other way and then took off running in another direction. It isn't strange to see deer here, but to see one act like that wasn't common.

I have felt rather strange myself, but I've had a lot going on that I've been worried about so that my explain my strange feeling.

Oh, and I'm in Kentucky.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by jewston

That's weird...I am a college student too...a few years older than you, and working on my second degree.

Going back to school for me has been tough this round and I too loaded up for the semester...16 credits is not anything to sneer at and I would not think much past anxiety for you, but I would not discount the heart issue either (even at your age).

Still the deja vu feeling is interesting...I don't know enough about it (other than the acedemic point of view) to even try to guess...hope you get some better awnsers than I can offer.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:20 PM
Its not really deja vu.. its just a feeling of something Im familiar with but cant figure it out.

When it happens, Im basically frozen and its like I see something that isnt. I know none of this probably makes any sense.. but I couldnt think of a better place to TRY and make sense of it than here

And 16 credit hours is a lot for a regular semester.. its twice what a "full time" student is (8 ch) for summer school.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by jewston

That funny...six is considered full time for the summer I did the minimum for the summer and took six. I consider it a break, and if your taking 16 for the summer then may god be with you.

On that note...16 for the's without a doubt anxiety, or at least it should be.

edit on 25-5-2011 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:29 PM
its really not bad..

Now keep in mind, Im still new to school because I did the Army thing first.. so my classes are pretty easy

Developementa pyschology (7 total in class) 3 ch
Student life (lol, 4 people in class) 1 ch
Western Civilization (4 people in class) 4 ch
environmental science and concurrent lab (14 people in class, 11 in lab) combined 4 ch
Math (starts in june) 4 ch

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by jewston

our dog is a sweetheart, very well behaved. she does not like storms and thunder agitates her. keep in mind that dogs have not lost the primitive touch that so-called civilized society has beat right out of mankind. the few things mankind has left to enjoy from caveman days are bodily elimination and orgasm. even they are altered, as we must use specific equipment to void ourselves, and we have to go through a mating ritual (if pros are n/a) to do the funky chicken.

a few months ago my dog was really agitated and upset. checked the usual, she had food & water, made she i took her outside, didn't need to go potty. there was no strays or wild animals in the garbage cans or what-not. but she was up and about, going around the house very upset.

a day or two later we found out there was seismic activity not too far away from our area. i think that had the dog upset, and i felt bad about losing patience with her.

our canine friends seem to be well in tune with drops in barometric pressure too, like when rain or a storm is coming from far off.

as for your own poor sleep, that is common these days. most peoples lives are so wound up with worry, pressure, poor diet, lack of exercise and distractions like TV and the Internet that they rarely get a good nights rest. many neighborhoods have so many lights on its almost like daytime at 3AM. we are too far removed from living with nature, and we are paying the price.

edit on 5/25/2011 by LargeFries because: missed a letter, el typo, had to correct he to she

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Developementa pyschology (7 total in class) 3 ch

This is my going to awnser alot for you when it comes to the deja vu type of stuff...sounds kind of lame when I say it like that, but I remember my intro to psych. course pretty well still to this day, and my mind was taken to a new level for sure.

It happens to be my major in sorts, actually my major is Social Sciences, but I have all of my psych. out of the way already and I am off to the fun stuff...well it's my opinion it's all fun.

I am going to respectfully disagree that your course load is not that bad though, in my opinion, you are in for a treat because although they seem simple enough...there is alot there.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:45 PM
It is quiet typical for a pet, like a dog, cat or bird etc., to get antsy before or after a storm since they can sense these kind of things as a survival instinct.

Pets have also been known to detect paranormal activity, possibly what you experienced.

I have experienced deja vu before but not like your instance. I usually can tell if my dog can sense a paranormal disturbance if she continually is staring in a direction where no is in front of her and looking up at a corner or part of the ceiling.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:45 PM
Yeah! My dog has been barking needlessly and acting scared, exactly like he acts when we have a lightning storm, except the weather is beautiful. He didn't do it yesterday though, it was the two days before. My son even tried to go out with him and have him show where the threat was, but he just looked at the sky, and at the top of the mountain we live against.

As for me, on Sunday, I was not feeling okay. I kept saying outloud (somewhat jokingly) "there is a disturbance in the Force". I think I am very sensitive to movements in the collective consciousness, and it effects me physically and mentally, and I really felt something like a storm going on in that level. Nothing particular or problematic is happening in my own life or environment.

I don't feel it right now. But perhaps cultural revolutions are going on in so many parts of the globe it is just de-stabilizing.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by LargeFries
reply to post by jewston

a day or two later we found out there was seismic activity not too far away from our area. i think that had the dog upset, and i felt bad about losing patience with her.

edit on 5/25/2011 by LargeFries because: missed a letter, el typo, had to correct he to she

Seismic activity; a possible explanation for both yours and your dogs symptoms.

keep an eye out for other strange phenomena
that may signal an earthquake in
Central and Eastern America;
bird migrations and activities,
sea-life die offs,
frogs and toads in unusual areas.

Other than that, get some rest, drink water, eat healthy, and exercise.
spring is in the air.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by PatriciusCaesar

I gave you a star for reminding me.. I figured it was wind (heavy) but I do recall almost feeling my bed shake a little bit last night (from the wind hitting the building)

And laughed to myself when I thought, "here comes the big one ats always talks about"

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 11:42 PM
That is interesting, last night I passed a man who had a dog, the dog was yelping and whining, as if something was distressing him.

I have been experiencing a mild "sinking feeling" as if we are coming to the edge of a cliff...

There is definitley something happening on a global scale, what it is I am not completley sure, but I predict some kind of sudden change, something that shakes up the astral/spiritual world.
edit on 25-5-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

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