posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 10:02 AM
August 5
"It says the project has failed to deliver many outcomes and is ineffective.
Labor's Chris Evans says the system will now be scrapped and replaced at a cost of $150 million.
He says Defence Minister Robert Hill signed off on additional funding for the system."
Hehe, Canberra can't 'talk' to Pine Gap.
Lil' Johnny on the 'hot-line' to W...
Johnny, 'Hey mate, what o/s are you running at 'the golf balls'? (secret codes words)
W, (leaning and whispering to Rummy) 'Those Aussies have a lil' comprooter in golf balls now'!
...White House 'Muzak' kicks in.
[edit on 4-8-2004 by sanctum]
[edit on 4-8-2004 by sanctum]