posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:21 AM
Why is this ok, but Charles Manson's art must be destroyed on sight immediately after confiscating it?
Some of the things on the list creeped me out a bit and made me wonder how some of this could be legal/safe/smart to sell...there are many idly crazy
people out there who look up to even more bat shat insane people like the uni ..imagine if a copy cat got his hands on this or he has instructed
someone say an "apprentice" or co member of one of the extremist groups he belonged had been instructed to buy some of these things and follow out
with his plans...I know a little "Criminal Minds" but you never know..
A list of names...who's names exactly?..birth certificates and licenses?..Again who's and why and how?
Sounds more like the black market to me.
Also is the money going to go to the families of those he has harmed?
I'm thinking must the places that will make bids are museums and such.
Also, wouldn't/shouldn't they hold on to this if they are really going to go through with this notion of him being behind the old case of the pill
tampering..that he hinted at doing but wouldn't give his DNA up for...shouldn't they already have his DNA...he's on death-row and committed violent
crimes..I don't get it.
FBI probes if Unabomber tied to pill scare Kaczynski not cooperating in Tylenol case
Since they don't already have his DNA I wouldn't be surprised if any extensive chemical testing has been done beyond explosives on the clothing and
bags they are selling.
These items could potentially be incriminating evidence for a crime he has not faced trial for yet.