There are two types of "abductions", the one is by the negatives and they operate under the umbrella of our NAZI co-op paramilitary, interspecies.
Tall whites, grey bots, and what we call reptilians, humanoids. When we were hurt with that abduction that occurred due to my friend, that was April
2009. Those greys operate out of the moon, at least, that was shown to me during me being pulled initially during that remote viewing attempt. It
was most odd, I was treated as if accorded a certain degree of respect, as if they don't have any jurisdiction over me, and yet were really resentful
that I was there. This has to do with permissions. And not giving them to the wrong channels or groups. Living with Love and Integrity. And not
necessarily by societies standards the successful one who can look after him/herself, ie. right winged politics standards. I'm dirt poor, 5 boys,
disabled, don't fit socieites standards, but have integrity and love and am awake. All the values in this world are backwards, completely 100%
The ones that took us in the abduction several days later, were greys, and I have a few memories of a deep space craft, either a station or a craft.
The man in charge was a very tall long blond haired man, what some would call a tall white, over 7 feet tall, he didn't wear the typical form fitting
body suit or the body armor I've seen. He wore more of a corporate high ranking, 2 piece blueish fancy outfit. I had to meet him briefly, don't
remember all that happened but he took information from me. It was a primal fear abduction to me. I don't want the full memories at all. Rigel.
That is an Orion group, in association with the greys on the moon, and in association with our military, possibly from Rigel, unless its his name.
For that is what came very strongly. And they don't normally have any permissions over me.
Every single human being on this planet has missing time and checkups from the higher ups watching over but don't remember it. Everyone is monitored
and things are under far more control than we think even when bad things happen, for life is test and staying here is not the goal, but handling
things as well as we can is.
For a mind blowing, good research into all of this: Lou/Baldin, especially his Q & A, many many hundreds of pages long. He's Sleeper
here, on ATS. He and ET_MAN share very similar info.
Positive citizens, cosmic, from another channel, future you and family. ET is complexity. There is no time. And Higher Ups/Guides/Angel Ets are
watching over, also those from the past timelines as well. And our solar system is highly populated on many channels.
Positives do not sexually assault you. In fact, you may be tested for neutrality. ie. Caring about the happiness and joy of others, wishing only
their happiness and goals, and not being selfish. I was tested by one of my contacts, someone who I do love and find beautiful, who was annoyed with
me thinking that and put through some heavy duty tests. They do it quickly, they hijack your mind and suddenly your're literally there, as physically
there,and put through whatever scenario they want. I passed, I expressed only wishes for his happiness, and he knew they were geniune so he
immediately took me to a huge station on that views the sun, which I believe is on another channel. And I was in complete shock over this. In the
end, saw only a bit, and was told that he almost wished he hadn't shown me and then this woman said, it was time I knew. That shift is really hard,
crafts you can walk away from. Some convince themselves a low flying soundless craft that appears out nowhere and disappears at your roof is a
satellite. Whatever cranks their boat. Its a free will thing, and we're in tests here on earth.
But that I couldnt walk away from, it was so permanent that shift of consciousness. Anyway. We do get tested. That man told me Africa is the symbol
for this planet, and what true disclosure would look like and to hang low if any other kind comes out. For true disclosure from benevloents means, not
tear down or meltdown of the economy, it means healing for everyone with frequencies, it means earth's environment and our diseases are healed, it
means equalizing by upgrading everyone. There would be no mistake. The fruits of the tree, not the PR campaign are what count. He also told me
someday, after I went home, I would be able to get permission to visit his home and he would be able to take me there and show me his world and
people. He knows how much I care about him as a friend or brother.
That may or may not happen before this cycle ends, it really depends on us! Or what they do, some things they are not allowed to, if they go too far.
For true benevolents with higher technology are watching over, but its a frequency thing,an awareness thing. We are giving permissions to the wrong
groups by war, starvation, apathy. By blaming each other for our conditions in this hellzone instead of seeing the horrible abuse going on, teh
corruption and only desiring complete eutopia and good things for everyone wtihout ever pointing a finger or trying to force someone. You don't
control anyone, you cannot support a system that links the basic rights of every creature on earth to land, food, resources, homes ,as they see fit,
to be enlsaved by negative mafia corporations. We're not slaves. Any work for adventures or contributing can only be volunteered.
Literally you don't own anyone, you can't force anyone, you can't deprive them of their rights to equal access to anything here.
Anyone who buys into this abusive hellzone and slavery is not ready yet for heaven, or high eutopia's.
edit on 25-5-2011 by Unity_99 because:
(no reason given)