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Proof of nordic alien females?

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posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:01 AM
Awesome thread. My favorite this week, maybe even for the month. True or not, that is one hell of a story to tell the grandkids one day...

"Gather 'round, and grampa will tell you about the time he gave three alien babes what for!"

If there is any way this story could ever be absolutely verified, they should write epic poems about this guy. Don't think I would have bitten her, though. I tend to react a bit more graciously to a face full of boob, be they alien or otherwise.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Seriously, why is it always the "Hot babe" why is it never fat old toothless hags?
That would kill his 6 hour erection real quick

Fat: Can probably make one great meal
Old: Experience...lots of wild experience
toothless: Can certainly have its advantages.

See the good in all situations

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by VariableConstant
I tend to react a bit more graciously to a face full of boob, be they alien or otherwise.

Well, being given the face to boob move is different say, in a strip bar by the local hotty than 7am in the morning by alien chicks...I am pretty much alpha hetro, but being honest with myself, I reckon my mix of sleepy fogbrain status mixed with the simply absurd and...well, alien experience may catch me very much off guard...but I would think I would instinctually choose the flight verses fight method and simply try to jump on the headboard verses start the zombie chomp counter...

Still, I can't fully say how it would effect me...and given that understanding, I cannot then judge the guys reaction to be better or worse than mine...

note to alien babes...please do not show up naked on my bed...rather, knock on my door and wait for me to answer...also, I would prefer pm verses am.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by AdamsMurmur
Anyway, I want to believe this story thanks to the hair evidence. But being related to us too? This has some really interesting implications. It also means we may be compatible. *blush* Maybe they want human DNA to increase/diversify their gene pool, who knows.

If this is truth, if these beings are extraterrestrial, then the implications of close match to our dna is massive...

I don't accept that in a universe of a trillion variations of life, the people stopping by are basically just of us has to be "the experiment"
Our entire race, or at least a specific one (like from the DNA test) could be that experiment.

Either that or it's much more possible than we thought for humanoid beings that look similar to us to evolve on other worlds. We do have a very practical body design.
edit on 25/5/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

edit on 25/5/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by MAC269
reply to post by SaturnFX

Dear SaturnFX

Well when I say witnesses how about the lie detector guy for a start?

Not to speak of the woman who ever she is lets see what we can find on the tests?

ok, the polygrapher is a guy named Gavin Wilson
A quick google search shows there is a Gavin Wilson in Australia, trained by the FBI, and seems to do alot of high profile testing.
So, that proves that he did it, and therefore the guy whom took it believes what he is saying to be dead honest...or at least totally calm about lying..however you want to look at the results of polygraphs (not science, its a stress detector).

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

SaturnFX amazing you got my attention. Over time there have been many discussions about the Pleades star system. Some of what I gathered was there are multiple species from their the Light beings that go by pleadians or the reptilian Draconian. To go further I gathered there was a war and Draconians won. The Draconians from what I read some data from ATS Draconian or reptilian as some call them got some Pliedian DNA and they use this light DNA like prism works some how either by them wearing a suit of some sort that can make its viewer see what they want. This was just to share some pre found data. Now it seems I potentially learned of somethings which are sensitive in many ways and as of now I don't know how members would process it so I will tread lightly. But from things I am learning or being toyed with which I hope not. There are beings local very local that seem to have, prepare for this the ability to transfer male humans into 6'2 tall femal blondes as mentioned in the OP. The individuals who shared seemed really compassionate and in fear as they were more experiencing the femal traits take over. Yup they began to lose their manhoods thru a process. They already were turned but could at times morph back into their original body still wearing the same clothes they had on before transform, but the would only turn into their real selves for five minutes that's it then back to their she selves. Yes this is deep indeed and its so outta box if true so many would have a hard time even processing it or even excepting it. So take it as you will. I haven't been in contact with for some time but the contact information seemed legit. Again I won't go to into detail because I don't know what agency is overseeing their progression but these 2 males entered thru North America seeking hollow earth and were teleparhically told they had this done because they entered and could return back to themselves if the journied further into hollow earth. They got afraid as 1 understood and lost their manhood for good. So why you males joke and lol you better think about the idea if another seen you how you see the pretties. In no way am I joking so take it how you wish. Be well SaturnFX you produced some data so I respect that as you helped me fully understand something. S&F

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:19 AM
I have read about this story! I don't ever remember seeing a thread on it on here as well. I might have seen one but it wasn't anything really in depth or detailed.

It is really fascinating too! It is one of my favorite alien accounts I have come across.

The fact he had evidence and everything tends to make me believe him even more esp since he passed a polygraph, which I know many people don't consider them valid yet he totally passed.

I'm glad someone posted this, it deserves its own thread!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by AdamsMurmur
Either that or it's much more possible than we thought for humanoid beings that look similar to us to evolve on other worlds. We do have a very practical body design.
edit on 25/5/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

edit on 25/5/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

Humanoid type beings is one thing...the gray alien for example..sure, thats a pretty practical design

however, consider the factors involved for such similarities of whats being discussed here (nords)...there would have to be similar gravity, similar environments..the evolutionary path would have to be nearly mirrored.

Now, surely in the entire universe, there are probably tons of species with very near to identical forms...however, the likelyhood of finding such beings...especially at this very young stage we are in, seems highly improbable (or them finding us...either way).

Could it be a disguise?

I don't leads to a boatload of, the "new age" movement is littered with stories of experiments from ancient people, etc...and if we are a transplant or some sort of hybrid, then sure...that makes sense, however...two totally unrelated species from different environments having mirror similarities...that to me sounds more unlikely than the story itself of the galactic bikini team ending up in this guys bedroom

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13


ok, this thead is really about just this specific case, and perhaps a bit of light speculation around it...granted, its tempting to speculate in such areas.

Your post, (I appreciate it btw) does seem slightly off topic...sort of potential for derailment...I wouldn't mind reading through your account, however, it should be by your own thread in the gray area since your offering up a whole ton of objectionable claims.

I won't respond to any of them, but just thank you for the post, and request you not further that thought in this particular thread, but instead make your own so the concepts themselves can be discussed piece by piece and not interfere with the content of this thread.


posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:33 AM
To add these 2 are or were ATS members not long ago. Thanks again SaturnFX

I won't derail your thread nor post of these 2 any more see you provided the plate and I put food on it.
edit on 5/25/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:35 AM
He had 2 hairs;
I dont know if that could be called proof....
How do you know the guy who examined the hairs wasnt in on it?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by DjSuperman
He had 2 hairs;
I dont know if that could be called proof....
How do you know the guy who examined the hairs wasnt in on it?

That is one of the senarios...however, it seems unlikely.
trying to get the name of the dna company that ran the tests...

but ya, it would have to be more than just the random dna analysis would have to be him, the host of the documentry, the well noted polygrapher, etc...and for what? the guy didn't write any books, seems to be a quiet guy overall not trying to get rich off of his account...

it may keep that thought in the possibility bag, however, it seems unlikely due to it being massively complex for no real gain.

Oh, and your right...2 hairs is not actual proof...its evidence.
the polygraph is not proof...its evidence.
but how much evidence needs to be presented before judgement is rendered..if this was a rape case, someone would be going to prison based on the evidence (the pubic hair was the victim's, and the polygraph shows no deception...)
edit on 25-5-2011 by SaturnFX because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:44 AM
I dont know why they would go through all the trouble of kidnapping him just to rape him,
Unless they were shooting a porn or something;

I think it would've been easier for them to just go to a sperm bank,
Since he said they look identical to humans

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by DjSuperman
I dont know why they would go through all the trouble of kidnapping him just to rape him,
Unless they were shooting a porn or something;

I think it would've been easier for them to just go to a sperm bank,
Since he said they look identical to humans

Thats under the assumption they were trying to breed

Perhaps they were doing experiments on him personally for one reason or another...I am trying (in vein) to find more to this story...such as, what happened after the bite and discussion...did they just leave? did they have naughty 6 hour sex, did he black out? etc...alot of unanswered questions which really doesn't help out the understanding or motivation of anyone...

What we do know is this
a exceptionally rare and strange set of hairs were found by him, and he honestly gave an account of a very unusual story about alien females in his bedroom one morning...otherwise...totally left in the dark, and I am sort of disappointed in just how little overall there is beyond that. Granted, the rest of the story may have been little more than discussions of positions, or whatever...but it may hold key as to possible motivation that could be broken down (again, running on the assumption that the story is as stated)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:51 AM
So ... is it just me, or is everyone in this thread ignoring the fact that the DNA test confirmed it was, in fact, human DNA in the hairs, no more extraterrestrial than Aborigines or African Pygmies? Or are we supposed to ignore that and pretend they found a triple helix or something?

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:53 AM
I too remember having heard about this before. I believe I read it in a pdf somewhere and considered it... well, plausible, if unlikely. I've given this much thought, and I just cannot think how any remotely normal guy would have that particular reaction in those circumstances, even if in a half-awake state. I could believe a "Holy MOLEY," reaction, or something along those lines. But biting? And then swallowing the skin? How. The. Hell? Especially if there were no violent or threatening actions on the part of the Swedish Bikini Team. Good Lord, no surprise they thought it was "going all wrong."

But, then, what do I know? All I can say is: Pictures or it didn't happen....

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 12:59 AM
I don't know what's more unbelievable, that this guy didn't just go at this girl like a priest rescuing a troop of Boy Scouts from a burning Viagra factory, or that people hear "DNA test showed Human DNA" and they seriously think that the most likely explanation is that the donor of said DNA is "she must be from another planet!"

On the other hand, maybe the poor man's self-esteem is so low that upon finding a naked girl in his bed he assumed there must be an alien invasion going on.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

A disguise, like shapeshifters?
Anything's possible.

Maybe these folks are the Watchers/Angels from Biblical accounts (another purposed theory), which say they possess strange powers like putting people to sleep, levitation, walking through walls (like, how did they get in his room without breaking in?), and telepathy (voice in my head!?).

Yeah, it's pretty out there. If you look at those peculiar videos and stories about these "nordics," they often talk about the "light." Mumbo jumbo? Could be, for sure. I'm also sure if this were 2000-9000 years ago we'd believe this stuff in a heartbeat and write it down.

Hey look, we're writing about it now, just being highly skeptical about it. lol

Considering they have very pale skin and hair means they probably evolved on a world with a dimmer star or at least further away from it. Maybe a very thick cloud coverage like Venus, and/or dense atmosphere keeping all the heat in. Who knows. Our solar system is probably way too small a sample size to base what's possible for planet types, and maybe our notions of how life should evolve on other worlds is just plain wrong. Just because a grey appears to have very thin limbs and neck, etc., doesn't mean they come from a world that has much less gravity than ours. We don't know their physiology. Their limbs and what not could be a lot more sturdy than ours and support more weight, like a metal or alloy that's much lighter and stronger than another metal, and yet there is less of it too.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Originally posted by TraptInTheSystem
reply to post by SaturnFX

Definitely sounds plausible. Although people alwyas want proof and scientific tests run, but when something like this happens and there is an actual find it's still bunk. I wouldn't have beleived it myself, but there is evidence.

Well ya, this is evidence of...something (I have no clue what though). Now, the concept of course is the pleadian hawtness, however, just to keep everyone in the loop, it could be many things..
Just going on the super explanations, it could be:
Aliens (of course)
zombie ghost pirate ninja's
a total hoax involving a family, several scientists, a polygrapher, and a documentry editor
actually, I am running out of ideas...the list is actually narrow here...I could use some thinking (key: thinking...not just disbelieving cynics) skeptics to dissect and give plausable alternatives.

I totally want to believe in space babes waking up us men with geek nirvana...but my worldview simply doesn't allow for that level of need someone to talk sense into me...there is evidence...tangable, testible, evidence...

Kaiser Solze

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by vexati0n

I am not saying I buy into this BUT if you actually paid attention the analysis said the sample came from someone who was biologically CLOSE to human genetics, It says it at around the 4 minute mark.

There are theories that Humans were bio-engineered from alien DNA, I DO buy into this theory as it explains why there is no missing link, why we just popped into existence around 10k years ago and, with DNA tweaks throughout the years, we have become smarter more technology advanced.

Great video, and the scary thing is his voice never quavered or nothing, it seemed a legit story, and with a LDT to confirm he was telling the truth. thanks for sharing with us!


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