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A Modern Government for a Modern time

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:26 PM
It is apparent to all, on one level or another, that our current Governmental System is broken. We have gone from a Nation of Free People to Persons under Corporate Law, leading us to Militarized Dictatorship (some believe we are on the threshold of that door already). Many people are discussing a form of insurrection or revolution of the People against the Government and how this may be achieved, but there is very little discussion or examples of how to put it back together. I, for one, do not want it put back together under the old ways. This, in my opinion, will only lead to much the same as today. I therefore submit to the World, rather than any specific Country, what I believe to be a plausible alternative to the current systems of government.

********************The Constitution*******************

Preamble: The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to protect those conditions that let all individuals achieve prosperity and happiness. Those conditions can be delivered by a constitution that prohibits the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person, group, or government against any individual.

Article 1: No person, group, or government may initiate force, threat of force, harm, or fraud against the person or property of any individual.

Article 2: Force may be morally and legally used only in defense against those that violate Article 1.

Article 3: No exceptions shall ever exist to Articles 1 and 2.

The Six Axioms:
1. Values exist only relative to Life.
2. Whatever benefits a living organism is a value to that organism. Whatever harms a living organism is a dis-value to that organism.
3. The basic value against which all values are measured is the conscious individual.
4. Morals relate only to conscious individuals.
5. Immoral actions arise from individuals choosing to harm others through force, fraud, deception, coercion- or from individuals choosing to usurp, attack, or destroy values earned by others.
6. Moral actions arise from individuals choosing to benefit others by competitively producing values for them.


The People and the Governments (on a community,sub-local, local, national, and global level) shall be divided into 3 Houses or Casts(the word "Cast" is used hereafter).
These three Casts shall be designated by the type of work the individual does and are known as Working, Mental, and Enforcement(cast names are open to suggestion).

Examples of Cast positions are as follows:

Working: Anyone that provides to society through working with their hands ie; Manual labor workers, Medical doctors, Food service,etc.

Mental: Anyone that provides to society through thought ie; Teachers, Scientists, Religious leaders etc.

Enforcement: Anyone who provides to society through defense ie; Guards, Police, Military, etc.

No Cast is above another, as all are created equal in the structure of the Government and are held accountable for the decisions they make.
No Individual is above another, as all are created equal in the structure of the Government and are held accountable for the decisions they make.

Children, beginning at the age of 9, will spend non-school time working within a Cast for 3 consecutive years, at the age of 12 the child changes Casts and works 3 years within that Cast, at the age of 15 the child changes Casts and works 3 years within that Cast. At the age of 18 the new adult chooses their Cast and thus their position of benefit to society. They may change Casts after 3 years within that Cast and are in good standing.

All Government Council structures will be set up as follows;

1 Arbitrator(Non-voting) and 3 Members of each Cast, equaling a ten member Council for each level of Government.

Anyone, at the age of 18 or over, may be a member of a council for their perspective Cast and is voted in based upon their contributions to society and is voted in by the members of their Cast.

Anyone, at the age of 27 or over, that has worked, as an adult, a minimum of 3 years in each Cast, and is in good standing, and has council experience, may run for Arbitrator, and is voted in by the Council members of all 3 Casts of the same level of Government being applied for.

In the event of the resignation, removal, or death of a council member, an immediate vote is cast, by the people of that Cast, to fill the position.

In the event of the resignation, removal, or death of an Arbitrator, a vote is cast by the Council members of that level of Government from eligible members of society. If no qualified member is available a Council member is voted in to the Arbitrators position until an individual is found qualified. The People then cast a vote to replace that Council position within their Cast(see above)

The people will express their concerns to their Cast Council members. If resolve is not achieved they then may go to higher Councils or to other Casts Council members.


Businesses are strictly limited to the local and mass production of individual product level and are only in competition on a local level. No limit of businesses within a local, shall be imposed.(Forces fair trade)

Businesses are bound by the constitution to contribute only products that are beneficial to the human experience.(Forces product quality)

In the interest of competition no product that is beneficial to the Human experience shall be withheld from society.(Forces advancement)


Taxes are 29% of All workers income and nothing more.(Forces tax equalization and limits Government spending)

Services of power, water, and waste are combined and limited to 5% of the individual household income.(Limits basic services)

Payments for Medical bills shall not exceed 1% per month.(Forces ability to pay)

Money shall not be saved for more than 5 years. Money accumulated in savings at the beginning of its sixth year will be forfeit to charity.(Forces economic stimulation)

Guards are payed by companies. Police are payed as a private company, by the people, not to exceed 5% of the total household income. Military is paid by the government on a local level.


All crimes will be brought before the sub-local council for trial.

The accused will represent them self and the accuser will represent the state.

Each side will have one attempt to plead their case.

If found guilty of a violent crime including murder one request of appeal will be granted to go before the next level of Council.


If a Cast member is found guilty of a non-violent crime, penalties are decided by each individual Cast member, not to exceed the constitution. ie; Stealing/shoplifting=sales rejection from any or all businesses except food and water. Amends may be made through community service.

If a Cast member is found guilty of a violent crime they are incarcerated to the discretion of the local Council within reason of the crime.

If a Cast member is found guilty of purposely causing the death of another Cast member, the Council will decide, separate from the trial, banishment or death.

Exceptions may be made, by the Council in which the crime is committed, in the event the crime was committed in desperation.


Thank you for taking the time to read through this I look forward to your comments,


posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:31 PM
dear sir

your post is an insult and slap in the
face to the 12,700 Americans who died
in the Revolutionary War.

the problem is what has been added
to those original documents, not what
they originally stood for.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

sorry just misjudge you

On topic your government has too much loopholes
edit on 24-5-2011 by starwarsisreal because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Thank you for your opinion.

reply to post by starwarsisreal

Loop holes or opportunities, in the eyes of the beholder.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 10:03 PM
Wow, you want to exchange a slightly flawed constitution with THAT?
That government would be even more fascist than ours already is.
I started laughing when I read you can only save money for 5 years.
And then you use the term 'Cast member.' You need to learn some history and learn what the "caste system" is.

edit on 24-5-2011 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 10:19 PM
A regimented soceity would not produce rebellious individuals, and would eventually stagnate under its own conformity. In that sense, we need control but we also need insurrection in order to have a truly free soceity.
edit on 24-5-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 10:25 PM
Thank you all for your suggestions for making it better, alternatives, and name changes.
edit on 24-5-2011 by IPILYA because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by SystemResistor

I believe this society is designed to continuously grow in the betterment of mankind, thus never stagnant.
Competition in business is promoted for that betterment.
Hording money slows down the economy and creates greed.
Maintaining a balanced society builds strength.
Allowing everyone to participate builds competition, which in turn builds better leaders.
Competition lowers prices, thus more for the money.
Competition promotes better products and services thus better health care etc.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 10:42 PM
A modern government should be run by machine with open source code. The machine will judge impartially. The machine will not take a bribe. The machine will not act out of fear. The machine's logic is open for all to see and everyone follows the same rules.

The code of the machine is subdivided into thousands or millions of sub modules. Changes to the modules, or additions would be accomplished with citizen voting on a yearly basis.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by IPILYA

I think what you are proposing is a kind of "negative interest", as a restriction on saving would affect interest rates. In addition, it would be difficult to enforce because people could simply invest thier money into commodities, and stockpile assets in order to hold on to thier wealth.

In terms of leadership, the public should be allowed to invest in the shares of its own government...

The "government corporation" would be a not-for-profit entity that provides public goods and the amount of aid that the government can spend would be a function of the amount of shares purchaced for varying departments, the government offering a "recommended" purchace plan, or the individual can choose where to spend thier money - this includes money for healthcare, pensions, roads, schools, police etc.

Deregulation and decentralisation of the media is also essential to remove the stranglehold that monopolized media has on the demands of consumers.

The other key problem that exists is the disequilibrium in the value of money - with a more advanced system, money would be a measure of trade, as opposed to a standardised measure of currency. However, to be able to measure money in real terms, would require an individual to have a system of shares in commodities and resources, and when an individual is paid a wage, they receive a special kind of "profit share" in thier company -i.e. a percentage of profits of the overall company or outlet depending on their position within that company. There would be standard transfer rates into cash and the value of your assets will fluctuate according to the productivity of your sources.
edit on 25-5-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by IPILYA
The People and the Governments (on a community,sub-local, local, national, and global level) shall be divided into 3 Houses or Casts(the word "Cast" is used hereafter).
These three Casts shall be designated by the type of work the individual does and are known as Working, Mental, and Enforcement(cast names are open to suggestion).

Examples of Cast positions are as follows:

Working: Anyone that provides to society through working with their hands ie; Manual labor workers, Medical doctors, Food service,etc.

Mental: Anyone that provides to society through thought ie; Teachers, Scientists, Religious leaders etc.

Enforcement: Anyone who provides to society through defense ie; Guards, Police, Military, etc.

No Cast is above another, as all are created equal in the structure of the Government and are held accountable for the decisions they make.
No Individual is above another, as all are created equal in the structure of the Government and are held accountable for the decisions they make.

Children, beginning at the age of 9, will spend non-school time working within a Cast for 3 consecutive years, at the age of 12 the child changes Casts and works 3 years within that Cast, at the age of 15 the child changes Casts and works 3 years within that Cast. At the age of 18 the new adult chooses their Cast and thus their position of benefit to society. They may change Casts after 3 years within that Cast and are in good standing.

A) It's spelled "caste".
B) Look at how well the caste system works in India for them.
C) Your "Constitution" is Marxist at the very least, but closer to a fascist state. That way lies madness.


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