posted on May, 27 2011 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by ParkerCramer
Let me make this simple for you to understand.
Yes, I watched the videos... Yes ive read the articles. This is not the only thread on this topic.
The key word used is "consent".
Everytime you see an officer in the video dealing with a person, they are asking for consent to search. This is what I have been trying to tell you
and others.
Say NO.
If the officer has enough PC to search, they are going to do it over your objections (and they legally can since they have PC). They still ask for
consent to search even though they technically dont need it at that point.
The Chief in the video flat out states they are taking advantage of laws on the books.
Here is the second suggestion ive made numberous times. If you dont like the way the law works, then get involved and change it. The Police work for
city / county / state, and those governments work for the people. Be heard, and hold your elected officals accountible. If they dont represent your
intrests, vote for someone else who does share your views and is willing to make changes.
Worst case scenario, research the laws in your state and find out how to go about a citizen initiative to have a law introduced by a citizen and
palced on the ballot to be voted on by the people.
Sitting and constantly bitching about actions, while doing nothing to prevent or change those actions, does no good.
On a personal level do I think the officers are in the wrong - I do (they are with the law though). I dont beleive that should be our sole function as
police officers at all.