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Cop Tasers 10 yr old girl for not going to bed

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Itop1
It's ok to come here and complain about your countries corrupt law system, but i don't see any american citizens standing up for whats right, i dont see any news about mass protests to stop it or change it, its easy to sit behind a computer screen and condemn something, if you really cared about what was happening to your country you would be proactive in stopping it or at least contributing to something that could change it, or are all americans couch potatoes that really don't care?

I know the cop and mother is wrong, but whats more wrong is the millions of americans standing idly by and letting this happen in a country that allows people to protest without getting shot.

Buddy, this is exactly what we're doing here. We're promoting awareness of the issues and engaging in intellectual debates about the ramifications of these types of events.

You can't fight these dictators without first organizing. You can't effectively organize and protest in the streets without getting a certain chunk of the people on board. You can't get them on board without spreading awareness of these evils first.

So that's what we're doing. We're fighting the wars against our minds, in a civil and intellectual way. I'm all for taking to the streets, but that won't be a reality until enough pressures force enough minds to "activate". That has yet to happen.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Absolutely ridiculous! I have a 10 yr old daughter and this is insane!

Why the heck does mom call 911 over bedtime? My son is autistic and sometimes has meltdowns, but I'll be damned if I'd call in a cop to tazer him. Key is, get him in a safe place and if I can't calm him down (99% of the time I can), move anything that can injure him out of the way, and let him tire himself out. I'd NEVER call the cops - too many "cops+autistic kid = bad outcome" incidents.

Or, she could have handled it the way my mom did. If I got to the "kicking on the floor" stage of a tantrum, she was likely to overturn a bowl of cold water on me. That'll stop a tantrum cold! (no pun intended)

Mom's giving statements as Ms. King. Dad's on the Today Show with a different name. I'd give dollars to donuts that they're unmarried and mom is single-parenting - which is NOT an excuse for this, but may explain the "emotionally disturbed" portion.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 12:03 PM
the world is just getting way out of hand. this officer should lose his badge for this. and the mother should get tazed by every parent in the world who acts as a real parent and deals with their child!

~go to bed nora!~


~dont make me get the tazer and harm your developing organs and brain cells!~

*but dad!*


posted on May, 24 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Hessling

That's all I can say. I used to like/trust police. Now, after seeing crap like this, and being treated badly by one for no good reason...I don't like them much anymore.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

I spoke to a friend of mine in the UK about this and some other things. For instance the man in the wheelchair that was slammed to the ground and the 14 yr old girl who was tased in the head etc. He couldn't not believe this was going on here. He stated that if the police acted that way there they would be in jail. It makes a person wonder why the world is using the US for ideas about freedom and democracy while we are becoming the example of a police state.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 01:48 PM
if you cant get a 10 year old to go to bed without it coming to this....something is wrong. Of course, had the mother laid the proper foundation from the beginning this would be happening. Parents have gotten so lazy.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 02:08 PM
Well my question is.....Did the little girl shut up, take a shower and go to bed like she should have in the first place????

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by redrose123

For the same reason that we're so brainwashed here.

It's because the elite control the media, and this socially engineers people to be uncritical of their established institutions.

I also think that the food and water have something to do with it.

We have fluoridated water here, and most people are consuming it along with GM foods and only god knows exactly what else.

BTW, I've heard many places in Europe are far ahead as a police state.

The U.S. is pretty bad, but it's not the worst in every which respect.

Another thing I thought to mention was the sheer size of our population.

It's statistically more probable that, all things being equal, you would find both more of the best, and worst, amongst the countries with the highest populations versus a country with much less of a population.

US is number 3, behind India, and China.

How much of a police state are those countries


Resources available to secure divided by the number of people to be governed, equals the amount of control which is needed to keep the social institutions running....

edit on 24-5-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 02:58 PM
The mother is an intolerant idiot......there are ways to discipline children without any physical force....or ...yelling....they can be disciplined in a loving manner with gentle firmness. For example...when my son was 10 and he would act up...there was a chair he had to go sit in...and not speak or move for 5 minutes...then we would sit and talk about his behavior and why it was inappropriate and how to improve his reactions time. This form of discipline worked for us both...and always ended in a loving hug...and we both learned something.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 03:10 PM
I have a ten year old daughter and this is shocking to put it lightly.

I know a taser is supposed to be non-lethal, but I have heard of a tasering being fatal. My first thought is, what the hell could a ten year old possibly do that would threaten a cop enough that he thouught this was the best course of action, and thank god this was not one of the few fatality cases caused by a taser.

There has got to be some serious ramifications for this abuse of force...the mother should be up on charges to for not stopping, worse yet, giving permission for this idiot to use a taser.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:26 PM
Any cop that tases a child should have his Nuts tased for 10 mins strait. If it is a woman cop she should have here breast tased for 10 mins. This mess need to be stopped, and stopped now...What are you going to do peeps, wait till a child dies to do anything at all? You already let the pedo's at TSA feel your child off... Can't an adult handle a child? What kind of person would even let a cop tase their child? An idiot that needs hospitalization in my opinion...At least 90 days of observation...Dam, America is sure dumbed down to hell now....

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:26 PM
You know, this could have been avoided had the mother owned her own taser, therefore negating the need to call the police. If some ten year old kicked me in the "groin," I would probably want to tase her too. Seriously, I would want to, but that doesn't mean I would have. Clearly this is another case of excessive force...Especially considering the girl isn't a criminal, and had broken no laws.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

The two countries you mentioned are not considered Republics or free countries. When we are reduced to be compared to them that proves my point of how low our standards have become and what type of country we are becoming. Instead of improving from the civil rights, and human rights laws we are seeing more and more examples of outrageous behavior. Our police forces have a high amount of military and ex-military percentage. The police are basically recieving military type training. The Navy Seals, Army Rangers, Special Forces ect. are not trained to help, hold your hand, be the friendly next door neighbor We no longer have police on our streets we have the military wearing a different uniform.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by ShadowAngel85
Well how is that different, to the parenting methods from 30-40-50 years ago? Back then, if a child didn't do what the parents said, it got punched or beaten with a belt (or anything else, parents were pretty creative back then when it comes to violenting a child) and that was deemed 'good parenting'.
It's not much different to that taser story (except it was police man and the police is hated on this website)

Friend, your entire argument was faulted from the start.


Punching or beating a 10 year old child for not going to bed even 30-40 years ago was just as cowardly, abusive and wrong, as it is today.

If you or anyone you know has young children and truly feel that it is perfectly acceptable to "punch or beat with a belt" a 10yr old child for not going to bed; please get help before you kill or hurt someone.

There is zero rational reason to Taser, Punch, or Beat such a young child for any reason. If a parent can not handle such a young girl at bed time, without resorting to physically attacking her, something is extremely wrong mentally with said adult.

What happens when this kid becomes a young teenager? Is it ok to hit her with a bat for not coming home on time? I'm not trying to be insulting or wise.

Think about it.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by redrose123

No, it is even scarier than that.

At least a military member I see what I do as a service to you and view all other members as on my side. Police do not see me as one of them. They do not think they are serving me. If you are not a LEO you are on the outside.

As for anyone asking where the mass protests are, they are happening all the time. The media is not covering the levels of social unrest in this country. The national feelings about police is palpable and people are marching all over in protest of police brutality.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by jerryznv
I have a ten year old daughter and this is shocking to put it lightly.

I know a taser is supposed to be non-lethal, but I have heard of a tasering being fatal. My first thought is, what the hell could a ten year old possibly do that would threaten a cop enough that he thouught this was the best course of action, and thank god this was not one of the few fatality cases caused by a taser.

There has got to be some serious ramifications for this abuse of force...the mother should be up on charges to for not stopping, worse yet, giving permission for this idiot to use a taser.[/qoute]

Ha Ha Ha,,,,,You gotta laugh at that first line.... (this is shocking)

edit on 24-5-2011 by Twisted1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Hessling

They are all insane, even the newscasters. Even that news item is insane. Send them to a FEMA camp!!!

A Social Worker should have been called in to deal with the little girl rationally (yes they are trained to do such things).

That is one of the most disgusting news reports I have ever watched.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by ShadowAngel85

What? Have you ever been hit with a taser before? The same thing my ***....

Edit: Brutality towards children is never justified. Period. End of story. Just because they did it in the 50s doesnt mean its right. They used to put coc aine in Coca-Cola, we should just pick that up again since they did it in the past.

edit on 24-5-2011 by ProjectBlue because:

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:08 PM
What the hell..... What kind of retard calls the cops on their kid? Not listening to mommy is not a law enforcement issue to begin with. Second problem, tazing a kid, really? Is that cop the mothers retarded half brother/father in some imbred crazy movie or something. What the hellllllllllllllllllll......

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Twisted1

Ya your right that is funny...I would edit it but now that you have pointed it out it is just funnier.

Oh well...mistakes will be made...I did not sign it 2008 so that should count for something!

Well my question is.....Did the little girl shut up, take a shower and go to bed like she should have in the first place????

This was the real question right?
edit on 24-5-2011 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

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