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The Illuminati has been after me since my childhood. What the hell do I do?

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posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:38 AM

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:38 AM

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:39 AM

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:39 AM

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by MonarchSlave

You have schizophrenia. It is treatable. Please seek a psychiatrist and tell him/her about this.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:11 AM
reply to post by MonarchSlave

Whatever you do, please get help. Don't let others feed your paranoia or let them ridicule you. There are decent people out there and you can find a therapist or psychologist to help you through this. It will be scary, because opening up always is, but they will let you go at your on pace. You might think they might be out to get you but that is not the case they just want to help. Now, I could never say I went through anything like you did but I had a strong distrust in people when I was young, it was because of the help that I got that I've come to realize the world is not out to get me.

I've said my peace, I hope you listen and you find the comfort and happiness we all seek in this crazy world.

EDIT: I've noticed your religious, if you have distrust of therapist at least go to your local church and talk to a pastor about your concerns. I'm sure he will be more than happy to give you guidance and help.

edit on 9/1/2011 by Mcupobob because: Just cause

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by litteonecries

Brice Taylor author of the book "Thanks for the Memories" to which she tells the truth of some of the B.S happening around us, i for one believe her story, you see what people need to do is stop fighting about what the name of this alleged group who did this to Brice Taylor is called maybe it is the Adam Weishaupt Illuminati maybe its just a very powerful group of high ranking satanist's like the group depicted in the movie The Devil Rides Out either way there out there, and yes they have learned all the tricks from the techniques of MK-Ultra to the use of energy manipulation learned through the force known as black magik.....

What gets me is people who come on here and just try and ignore the fact that MK-Ultra happened .......NEWS FLASH.....MK-Ultra happened and it was proven and if people think that the government just gave up on the theory of mind control after the program was outted and i can't put this any other ways then there fools and i don't use that word lightly.

Who knows what the OP went through only her, she knows what she saw she knows what she experienced, so its up to her to follow through on this however way she sees fit, opinions are like you know what and yes we all have them, if i were her i'd read ALL the comments take them all into consideration and then follow her own path, and god speed to her on her travels.

edit on 1-9-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by MonarchSlave

They are NOT Lucifarians. They are Jewish - They control the music/movie/fashion/every kind of media, and control all the banks there are. That is why Jews are rich. I understand you predicament and it sounds like a tough situation to be in, the Illuminati is everywhere, every neighborhood, street, alley, school, even every internet site.

I dont know what to say to you on the terms of what you can do to get them to stop, But, stay alert and try to decipher their patterns (if they sneak around your house e.c.t) I dont know what else to say but that, i have seen some Illuminati in my local town they looked really auspicious (wearing black hoodies pulled down to their eyes)

Stay safe

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by King Seesar

they are NOT Satanists, They are Catholics, Jews, and Christians. NO Satanist would do the things illuminati do nor do they want a NWO.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 02:48 AM
I think you're having paranoiac delusions of grandeur, nothing more. Unless you're highly special somehow (DNA, abilities, whatever), it's very highly unlikely that the Illuminati cabal would assign so many agents to watch you and direct your experiences. It just doesn't make sense.

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 04:23 AM
reply to post by NZkraw

There's many versions of theology in the context of what a Satanist is there's Levey's conceptual version there's the satanic scrafice cult version also more and i'm for none of them to be honest with you, there all flawed doctrian of man...

Even people who are pro Adam Weishaupt's version of the Illuminati which many think isn't the same as the modern day Illumianti who do the things we speak of had flawed doctrian because the basic thesis of Weishaupt's concept were all based on a purely scientific method of worship and science is man made and we all know man is flawed so in a sence by Weishaupt's understanding your following a doctrian that is flawed from the start...

As for the the Jewish people you speak of sure some Jewish people are part of this cabal (call them want you want) but there not all Jewish and besides wants a Jewish person joins this cabal they cease being Jewish and have become Satanic and that gos for all the people what ever race creed or color who join this group willingly...
edit on 12-9-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by MonarchSlave

Move to Brazil and teach English to survive and pay the bills. It's as easy as that. No one will even notice you and no neighbor will have a strange sign from across the street.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 04:20 AM
First let me state i don't think TheImmaculateD1 is any how demonically possessed just the opposite in fact as he tries to get the word out on wrong doings he has seen and put a stop to it...

Now that we have that out of the way TheImmaculateD1 said that he can jump from very high buildings and not be hurt to which of course people called his bluff and then i came across this video where a women gets hit by a car that she runs out in front of on a major highway and she gets up just fine like nothing happened.

See for your self start at 2:56 of the video.

After seeing this all i can say is never underestimate the theory of mind over mater either that or it just was pure luck she survived or she was demonically possessed (which i believe is possible) and this somehow made her trajectory to the blunt force of the car.

You be the judge.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 02:20 PM
As an Aetheist, I don't believe in "demons", as there is no evidence of them (dont you dare mention the bible as it is all a load of bollocks).

Now this is something which im skeptical on, The Illuminati. Do they actually exist? Is it a government made conspiracy to distract people from something else? Has anyone got any evidence?

I personally think they do exist but I could be absolutely wrong, I'm not going to believe everything I read of here as I've never met any of you in person therefore I won't be able to judge if you're lieing or not.

I'm joining the British Armed Forces soon in preparation to a World War 3, which may or may not happen. Another question, is there a group AGAINST the Illuminati?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Krono

You bring up some interesting questions, first off of course i'm going to mention the good book known as the Bible because its true and even if you don't take it as the gospel surely you can see certin lessons on life within certin subjects contained in it.

Now is the Illuminati real, i'd say yes and no i don't think the cabals that make up what people constitute as the Illumintai or TPTB (the powers that be) are directly related to the Bavarian Illuminati that Adam Weishaupt formed and if it is they have changed so much would we even consider them the same, however one of the cabals i speek of has pockets within the governments around the world so in a sense your right they (the shadow elements) are hiding stuff such as black op missions new tech they have ect ect and its not for yours or mine benefit.

As far as a group to oppose the cabals known as the Illuminati yes there are and here's a link to there story.

edit on 24-9-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by King Seesar

There are 5 simple things that will mean the difference between life and death and they are :
1. Remain absolutely calm!
2. Do not ever panic!
3. Keep your head clear of all thoughts!
4. Loosen yourself up and do not ever tighten up!
5. When you come back do not try and move the second you awaken as you will be in an enormous amount of pain, this will pass.

Try not to hit anything on the way down!

From impact I start to stir around Minute 20 and am fully awake by Minute 40 and am on my feet by the end of Hour 1! Hence why if I take a hit like that my order is to call the Ambulance by Minute 30 if there is no stirring or movement!

Do not however do this on a daily basis because every hit takes a little out of you!


On another occasion I took another bad hit (forgot the circumstances) and actually was in the back of am Ambulance woke up inside of it and was attached to a gurney and had like 10 prods and needles in me, ripped them all out, managed to get up in the Ambu and opened the back doors and jumped out, wound up getting hit by a van behind it sending me into a tractor trailer cab's grille and got knocked to the street and got ran over by an 18 wheeler flatbed which managed to roll out of the line of traffic and hurt like hell for like an hour and a half. About a year or more later I happened to run into one of the EMT's on board and their face turned ghost white.

It has nothing to do with demonic possession and everything to do with mind over matter, to use your mind to control your body.

I don't know what makes me this way but since it is a gift from God I learned long ago to not question it nor use it for profit. My ability led to the development of the show Stan Lee's Superhumans for which I will never be profiled because a rule of contact is if the person does not wish to be contacted nor wants to appear on camera they do not have to. So that my fellow superhumans are not subjected to unwanted attention of they do not want to as everyone has a right to live a private life free from cameras and whatnot so that they can have some sort of semblance of a normal life. If you are pure hearted and do it for the right reasons God, The Holy Family and The Government Of The Divine will make sure you survive.
edit on 15-12-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

On another occasion I took another bad hit (forgot the circumstances) and actually was in the back of am Ambulance woke up inside of it and was attached to a gurney and had like 10 prods and needles in me, ripped them all out, managed to get up in the Ambu and opened the back doors and jumped out, wound up getting hit by a van behind it sending me into a tractor trailer cab's grille and got knocked to the street and got ran over by an 18 wheeler flatbed which managed to roll out of the line of traffic and hurt like hell for like an hour and a half. About a year or more later I happened to run into one of the EMT's on board and their face turned ghost white.

You are completely delusional know full well this never happened..........

Do you ever get tired of making claims that are bogus?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

You are completely delusional know full well this never happened.......... Do you ever get tired of making claims that are bogus?

I think this poster is either delusional.. or merely posts for giggles..

Some on here know full well what they say is bogus.. but they find it entertaining.. and love the attention it gets.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

Dellusional? As if. Real life event, Shocked to find what the human body and mind are capable of?

I've gone through things that would kill a lesser person. I myself am still amazed that I'm still alive with no side effects.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by gabby2011

I'm sorry but I do not post this stuff for entertainment and if you see what I post here as entertainment then the one with the issue is you.

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