posted on May, 24 2011 @ 02:50 AM
People who say 'you should've gotten a camera' should think things through a little better. The OP states the sighting lasted for about two seconds.
Not nearly enough time to even think about grabbing a camera; you're probably just figuring out what the heck you just saw.
I can see how people are a little skeptic though. I once had an encounter with an unknown object. No pics, because I was driving on the freeway and
it's appearance only lasted 3-5 seconds. I shared this encounter with some close friends via email, and it cost me an hour at least typing up the
whole story.
The point I'm trying to make is, when you don't have photography, you should really try hard to convince your audience. If it really happened, this
shouldn't be a problem. In my email which was two pages long I first prepared the reader with some context. Then gave a very very detailed description
of what I saw. Location, time, movement, colors, my reaction, my hesitation, my awe.
Then I proceeded looking up YouTube videos with similar accounts and/or similar locations to state that I'm not the only one claiming to have seen
this phenomenon.
Long story short: I have no reason to doubt you, but if you really want to convince your audience you should put in a little more effort.
on 24/5/11 by SergeantTrammelant because: Grammar