When politics became involved to try and prevent one side from getting the Hispanic vote, it blurred the vision of how to deal with the nation's
border and immigration problem. I will try and give you an assessment and provide a clear vision on what should be done to solve this problem.
This is a free country, one with laws to keep order among our citizens. In order for us to maintain our freedoms, these laws must be enforced. While
we are the Land of Opportunity, to be able to participate in the opportunities, one must follow our immigration laws, no one should be trying to
prevent legal immigration, it is the violaters of these laws who should be the focus of our effort. If one can gain access to the country by breaking
the law, and allowed to remain, how can you expect the illegals to respect to ANY law this country has in place? The first thing immigrants must
respect is the law of the land. Freedom without laws is Anarchy, hopefully we can agree this is not a viable option.
Now, how to tackle the problem?
The first and foremost, must be a serious clamp down on our borders at all points of possible entry. Some say put up a wall, others say it is
impossible, I say it is possible and building a wall is not necessary. Illegal border crossings are simply a problem which has to be curtailed if
anyone hopes our efforts to prevent further foreign terrorists from attacking the homeland, will succeed. How can you claim any progress in tracking
down suspects if they have the ability to come in or leave at their pleasure?
Increase funding for the Border Patrol and Coast Guard immediately so more officers can be hired, and implement more training on the use of
surveillence apparatus, like the UAV's which have started to be utilized. Cameras, listening devices, sensors etc could help identify illegal
crossings. One thing that is overlooked is the formation of civil defense volunteers who could assist and help the border patrols while changes are
implemented. It was not a problem for our past generations to help in the protection of our borders, use WWII for reference, if you organize a large
enough group of volunteers to watch the borders and coasts, it could amount to only a few hours per person per week to ensure that illegal crossings
are limited. Any use of the National Guard would be temporary until Border Patrol officers and/or Civil Defense patrols could handle the mission.
Remember this is a law enforcement issue not a military mission, armed conflict should not be needed especially if our neighbors do their part on
their side of the border. Civil Defense patrols would merely be eyes and ears and report violations via radio or telephonic means, no confrontation
should be allowed.
Now it must be stated that we must demand cooperation from our border countries to respect our position on illegal immigration, any position by those
countries which threatens or prevents our ability to prevent the crossings or violates our immigration policy should be met with condemnation and
possible sanctions. This is more directed towards the Mexican government who for years have done little to prevent the illegal crossings. Some say
that this will cause a backlash from the Hispanic community, and this could occur, but it is in ALL American's interests to secure our borders and
actively enforce our immigration laws. Once the Mexican government respects the US's right to enforce immigration laws, the sooner the Mexican
people will respect it.
Once the borders are secured, the illegals already in the country will need to be dealt with. Efforts are already in place to gather up the illegals,
but what to do when you gather them up? I say, it depends, those who have committed crimes in addition to being here illegally, should be deported
immediately to their country of origin. Others who are already here and are trying to become part of the fabric of America, working hard and
generally putting forth an effort to become a productive citizen, these should have an opportunity to process through the INS legally and a set time
to accomplish this put in place. Failure to take this chance to become legal would result in deportation.
numerous sp:ed
[edit on 8/4/04 by JacKatMtn]