Yes, we most definitely do need a nationwide martial law. Because it will be a tough transition, when the military finally sees that they've been had
by a corrupt civilian cabal, and are being sent to die over things that never should have been from a country founded on true freedom from tyranny. It
will be a tough transition when they finally get smart and seize every federal building, and incarcerate the entire lot of Congress, the White House,
the Supreme Court, and key corrupt elements of the military industrial complex, and temporarily hand power back to the states.
Yup, it will be a pretty tough transition when they voluntarily WITHDRAW all foreign troops, and tell the rest of the world to fend for themselves for
a good long while until we get this total disaster of a country back on its feet with the right people, truly SWORN to uphold the Constitution, back
in power and doing the right things.
Too bad for Wall Street when they seize all of the corrupt people there too. And they end the fed, recall all paper money, leaving just enough to back
true assets of gold and silver. So they'll have to seize Fort Knox too, and any and all similar reserves of not only gold and silver, but of paper
money, and oil reserves as well.
It's going to be a rough transition while they sort all this out. There will be chaos for a while, and there may even be bloodshed. I don't know how
you are going to deal with local law enforcement, because a good bit of them are corrupt too. But you can start by confiscating their military grade
weapons and tanks, for starters. You KNOW they have too much power, and civilian law enforcement should have never been allowed to get that powerful.
But before you even get that far you are going to have to dismantle the NSA and CIA. You are going to have to figure out who in the FBI is colluding
with who, and you better figure out who did 9/11 and/or let it happen. You have a lot to figure out, no doubt. Dismantling and dislodging age old
powers that have this country in a choke hold will be the toughest task ever. It may be impossible. I don't know.
You are going to have to just legalize drugs. Face it. The war on drugs was fake from the getgo. And is a source of income for CIA black budgets. It
is causing chaos worldwide.
But one thing I do know is that if you don't it, this country will eventually be attacked and destroyed by a world that can take it no more. So you
have two choices: Clean house internally, or be destroyed by a world united against corruption and the illegal plundering of countries.
Figure out who the bad ones are and rise against them. It is a must. Those of us who know what you are doing when it happens will be patient. We have
no choice BUT to be patient. We don't expect you to unravel a hundred years of malice overnight.
But first thing is first. Protect our borders with everything we've got. You have a constitutional mandate for that already. So get the troops home
first, and send them all back to their respective states. Let the individual states allot and control their distribution to the borders, while the
federal government gets suspended due to corruption and incompetence.
Send a message to China and Russia that there will no longer be any spying, and that the CIA and NSA no longer exists. Suggest that they similarly
recall and terminate all spying programs immediately, and that any such agents caught will be terminated on the spot. Tell them to keep their noses in
their own business, and focus on bettering their own countries and root out corruption the same way.
We CAN do this. YOU can do this. And I for one will welcome the Martial Law that will be needed to accomplish it.