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You're Darn Straight The USA NEEDS Nationwide Martial Law!

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posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:30 PM
Yes, we most definitely do need a nationwide martial law. Because it will be a tough transition, when the military finally sees that they've been had by a corrupt civilian cabal, and are being sent to die over things that never should have been from a country founded on true freedom from tyranny. It will be a tough transition when they finally get smart and seize every federal building, and incarcerate the entire lot of Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court, and key corrupt elements of the military industrial complex, and temporarily hand power back to the states.

Yup, it will be a pretty tough transition when they voluntarily WITHDRAW all foreign troops, and tell the rest of the world to fend for themselves for a good long while until we get this total disaster of a country back on its feet with the right people, truly SWORN to uphold the Constitution, back in power and doing the right things.

Too bad for Wall Street when they seize all of the corrupt people there too. And they end the fed, recall all paper money, leaving just enough to back true assets of gold and silver. So they'll have to seize Fort Knox too, and any and all similar reserves of not only gold and silver, but of paper money, and oil reserves as well.

It's going to be a rough transition while they sort all this out. There will be chaos for a while, and there may even be bloodshed. I don't know how you are going to deal with local law enforcement, because a good bit of them are corrupt too. But you can start by confiscating their military grade weapons and tanks, for starters. You KNOW they have too much power, and civilian law enforcement should have never been allowed to get that powerful. NEVER.

But before you even get that far you are going to have to dismantle the NSA and CIA. You are going to have to figure out who in the FBI is colluding with who, and you better figure out who did 9/11 and/or let it happen. You have a lot to figure out, no doubt. Dismantling and dislodging age old powers that have this country in a choke hold will be the toughest task ever. It may be impossible. I don't know.

You are going to have to just legalize drugs. Face it. The war on drugs was fake from the getgo. And is a source of income for CIA black budgets. It is causing chaos worldwide.

But one thing I do know is that if you don't it, this country will eventually be attacked and destroyed by a world that can take it no more. So you have two choices: Clean house internally, or be destroyed by a world united against corruption and the illegal plundering of countries.

Figure out who the bad ones are and rise against them. It is a must. Those of us who know what you are doing when it happens will be patient. We have no choice BUT to be patient. We don't expect you to unravel a hundred years of malice overnight.

But first thing is first. Protect our borders with everything we've got. You have a constitutional mandate for that already. So get the troops home first, and send them all back to their respective states. Let the individual states allot and control their distribution to the borders, while the federal government gets suspended due to corruption and incompetence.

Send a message to China and Russia that there will no longer be any spying, and that the CIA and NSA no longer exists. Suggest that they similarly recall and terminate all spying programs immediately, and that any such agents caught will be terminated on the spot. Tell them to keep their noses in their own business, and focus on bettering their own countries and root out corruption the same way.

We CAN do this. YOU can do this. And I for one will welcome the Martial Law that will be needed to accomplish it.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:37 PM
Too bad none of that will ever happen since this nation is nothing more than a pasture full of sheep. Nice fantasy though. We can wish.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:41 PM
“war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes…known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few… No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”
James Madison.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:43 PM
I'm sorry but I'll defend myself and my family with all means possible. Screw the N.W.O I'm packing.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by kadyr80

Yeah, I know it's fantasy. But yeah, we can wish. And before the naysayers come into this thread arbitrarily dismissing it as such, a more constructive approach would be to really think of ways and things that could HELP them accomplish the transition. I'd much rather read posts from people thinking about this.

For example, how does the military confiscate the nuclear arsenal and take the power away from the President and SoD to launch- while still maintaining the power to launch in the event of an attack. Maybe that should be reprogrammed to need the authority of 2/3 of the Governors of the states before launch. Something like that. I don't know. But stuff like that which is constructive, and helps them in the task.

Part of it will be identifying people that have a history of upholding the constitution, and even people that have shown a desire for things to be right, like this guy Tom Drake for example:
edit on Mon May 23rd 2011 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:56 PM
Wow this is the most intelligent post I've read in a long time. Was starting to get sick of OBL rhetoric.

I welcome Martial Law if it is imposed by the citizens of America. Otherwise, whoever declares it will probably be just as corrupt as the people they are "cleaning out" and it will just end up being a replacement. We need to come up with a documented structure for the composition of this Martial Law.

I believe that something like this would work and you raise some excellent points! I never thought about Martial Law like that... always thought "Grrr... screw NWO!"

But in the right hands, martial law could fix the internal problems of the world's largest nations. However, there are a few factors that must be considered:

1. Who is declaring it? The illusion of power created will be monstrous and potentially VERY dangerous for humanity. I'd imagine that would be one of the biggest temptations for future corruption ever devised. If handled improperly, it could lead to a much worse situation.

2. Who isn't declaring it? This is equally important because those places who aren't under Martial Law may develop their own society outside of this plan. They may form alliances and overthrow countries whom they long hated. There are a lot of possibilities with this factor.

3. Probably the most important factor would be how is it carried out? You've outlined a few establishments in the OP which need "fixing" (and I agree), but where does it end? What if this goes to far and becomes just as great an injustice as those the Martial Law tries to fix?

But this does put things in perspective...
edit on 23-5-2011 by prepared4truth because: typo

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:57 PM
Can you guys imagine the headlines?

"US military seizes and dismantles federal government, returns temporary power to the States."

What a day that would be indeed!

And then just sit back and watch all the corrupt bastards come forward to express their discontent. Because anyone actively bitching about the takeover/dismantling may likely be one of them. Nab them too, and sort it out later. First order of business though is to STOP the foreign country invasions and recall all troops so they can be used in this effort.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:02 PM
Everyone is talking what if martial law. Most seem to forget when dealing with a corrupt organization, its not how many you take out, Its who you take out. Most think George,Barry and the DC crime are the reason for the world being in the state it is. Nope! They too are puppets on the strings of Bildeburg.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by prepared4truth

Excellent post my friend.

I think it will be quite obvious when the right people do it. For example, they would cancel the Patriot Act on the spot. They would dismantle the TSA, and the DHS. They would send troops to the borders and tell Mexico to kiss their asses.

And frankly, if they knew what's good for us, they'd make Ron Paul a high adviser. He'll tell them the right things to do that are constitutionally sound.

And how about all those FEMA camps? Perfect place to put all these bastards until things get sorted out!
edit on Mon May 23rd 2011 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:14 PM
my prediction for the US and probably UK

Unless we sort the sh*t out.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Can you guys imagine the headlines? "US military seizes and dismantles federal government, returns temporary power to the States."

That should read "returns power to the states"

instead of temporary, thats a big part of the problem, states rights are upheld anymore......and crap rolls down hill, there for the rights of the PEOPLE arent upheld

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:22 PM
I for one feel that either what I am talking about WILL eventually have to happen, or we are indeed doomed to nuclear war.

The military needs a secret exploratory committee to identify and bring forward those that can be trusted. There are ways, and they have the best tools in the business to do this. Some of those in government already, like Ron Paul, would be suitable candidates for advisory positions. But considering that most politicians are total slimeballs and rose to where they are from doing backroom deals and pander to lobbyists, they are probably going to have to look to rural America- and possibly even to people that have no history whatsoever of being involved in politics.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Authoritarian nationalism, of the military persuasion, might cause a little bit of an upset to most Americans. I doubt the rest of the world would be too enamoured with it either.

Can't help but think most people might prefer to retain the creaky old democracy they've enjoyed since your nation was founded, warts n all.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I for one feel that either what I am talking about WILL eventually have to happen, or we are indeed doomed to nuclear war.

Or you have no idea what you are talking about...and there are always more than two options.

I'm not really worried about the military taking over...and what a terrible idea that is anyway.

And you really think the entire Military is all on the same page ideologically???
edit on 23-5-2011 by OutKast Searcher because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:33 PM
Wow, I thought the birther conspiracy was delusional, now you're on about a military coup. I don't think it works like you're thinking it does. You think once the military is in control that they will ever give up the power? Military dictator sounds good though huh?

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by Kali74

I think they will GLADLY give up power back to those who have shown the proper capacity to lead this country the RIGHT way, and not sending them off to die as mere pawns in a world chess game.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Do you want the U.S to end up like Sudan, Ivory coast or even Liberia? You don't want empty headed people carrying guns running a country and raping every damn thing that walks.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by Kali74

I think they will GLADLY give up power back to those who have shown the proper capacity to lead this country the RIGHT way, and not sending them off to die as mere pawns in a world chess game.

And let me is your ideology that will define the "RIGHT" way....correct???

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Well, what's so wrong about following the constitution? If that ideology is bad, then I guess we have nothing more to talk about.

Actually the way I envision this going down, the military would immediately decentralize, and send each person back to his/her state of origin. So it would not be a centralized martial law at all, but a state imposed martial law per state, so that things could be worked out and the evil cleansed.
edit on Mon May 23rd 2011 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Awesome post.

One thing concerns me...All top military officials are on the take too. Look at what all the retired generals do right after retiring...

They are CEO's in the waiting for the MIC.

Why would they care about us?

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