I want to add this, its really important, and that is that we must put this into perspective as well. I don't approve of this worlds management, and
that is very strongly expressed above.
However, we're all in this together, we're family, and there are so many distortions and errors, not only amongst humanity and our leaders and those
in authority in the open in secret, but in the cosmos.
No one progresses, leaves the lessons, overcomes faults and flaws, is forgiven, except by Team Work, and due to the help, compassion, love,
encouragement of Others. And there are no mistakes, we are all in this world for a reason. To improve ourselves and our relationships or
effectiveness of unconditional love with others, and to make a difference if possible, if we wake up and heal enough, and get along. To overcome the
difficulties between us, and that is why sending light and prayers, and love and healing even to the illuminati, is very important. Because we didn't
earn our help, everyone needs help. We're going to be so humbled and so happy and grateful to each other in the end, when in this time, or another,
we get through these difficulites.
For those how have lost loved ones, here, even children, know that they are in better places, and don't wish to return, they watch over, their Future
selves, our lives and progressions. Some of those crafts are future family here, and Guides.
So, seeing the positive, doing this meditation, even preparing our hearts for forgiving all, seeing that light in everyone, even those mismanaging
things, no matter how much distortion and wrongdoing is heaped on top of it. We must have compassion only, though still be mature enough to say, no,
this is not being permitted, and strive to find ways to take back our sight, our visions, our minds/consciousness, from the negative to the positive,
and believe we can make a difference.
But strive to understand others, even those doing this, love them, forgive them, but don't approve their actions. Because its not alright, the wrong
doing. But be generous with forgiveness, for that quality of understanding on forgiveness that we extend will come back to us, here and now, or in
our next steps in progression.
Forgive yourself, forgive the Illuminati... and let´s move on ---laffoe's very inspiring thread.
Its about belief. Slow Mode lasts until you look down, so don't look down!!!!
edit on 25-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason