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Lets Shut Down Their Weapons Against Humanity, With United Intentions of Love and Prayer/Meditation!

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

I like where your head is at OP. There needs to be much more of this kind of thing. We as the human race are moving towards such a tipping point, where things could go either way.

We CAN change things with our constant positive thoughts and love. I truly know this. This power of creating our own existence absent of fear ( I speak of fear in the deepest spiritual sense) will become so incredibly vital over the coming year especially.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 08:48 AM
So happy this thread are getting the attention it deserves
Your words are so clear straight from the heart

From the heart I will join

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by samwiseold

Thank you, I've done this for two days, yesterday I felt this negative group trying to protect this technology. You just have to really picture yourself safe, in my case, on white or golden clouds or rainbows, just safe and see everything calm, all frequencies halted. I'm looking into meditations for healing the core and grid of this planet as well. I also see their technology secretly starting up and emitting those reverse HZ or sine waves that cancel out radiation and purify disease as well. Also, there are some very bad storms in the US right now,so seeing these cells as calmed and shrunk smaller and smaller. Really calm. I give it to Father/Mother, Family, Higher Self, Prime Creator/Family and Higher Self.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by laffoe
So happy this thread are getting the attention it deserves
Your words are so clear straight from the heart

From the heart I will join

Thank you, really hope for all the Love to manifest into positive solutions. From my heart, much Love & Light!

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hey! I have this conflict in me! You see, Im on my way on spiritual growing and Im getting more and more awake nearly everyday. I do feel that human is a being of light and love and I love your idea
We should live in a world of freedom and peace. But.. nearly everyday I get this feeling that is love and peaceful thinking enough to bring down the ruling elite and the current powerstructure to achieve the loving free world we deserve?

There is this part of me thet I try to keep supressed, the part that wants to hurt the people doing the wrong to us and wants their heads on the plate. Sometimes I think maybe a full scale war will be the only way! But then I feel that it would be a war lost already and Im no better than them
At these times I feel very disappointed at myself and I think that have I grown at all..

I havent met my spiritual guide(how i wish), but could one of you more advanced give me some advice how to deal with my feelings? I think that peace and love is the way to go(deep inside), but there is a beast in me wich slows my spiritual growth. Im greatful for any constructive advice. You can message me.

Thank you

P.S Should I have started a thread of this? Sorry if off the topic too much.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by WeekendWarrior

It's OK to ask this here. We can't use their pain tactics back at them. We would lose our progression. We are in a school, and even though in my opinion, and with my free will as a human being waking up, this school is not decent, loving or kind and I renounce it as its hijacked and run by tricksters. They walk this very very tight line between not losing control in that they don't think they're going to far, in their abuse of people, though its all corruption at its core, and they code everything to their Logos, including religions, and baptisms, and corporate purchases, you gotta love all those corporate Logo's, eh???? NOT! People are kept physically drugged with flouride and murderous drugs and chemicals, radiation, and drugged and suppressed by frequency. They feel the cosmic school is still intact because we have to see through all of this, follow these hidden and dismembered bodies of truth and then do what to end it???

Your question is precisely the delimna then? Do we just use try to use the power of positive thought? Do we fight back? Is the whole purpose of existence to die and be subdued at protests?

Its a very sick twisted abuse of cosmic law, and I renounce every single thing they do and declare with my free will that I don't accept their version of laws, they're crimes, and they don't have any authority over me, my children or humanity. Their laws, logos, and codings, their poisons and traps, their movies, games and entertainment, I RENOUNCE. This doenst mean we shouldn't watch, listen to the musics, kids don't get games. Because we shouldn't be forced to live in jungles and sensory deprived to get away from them, either. For I reclaim our right to media and renounce firmly all negative traps in them and reneder them null and void.
This is the problem its a really big problem.

So far, my solution is this:

1. positive thoughts. positive intentions. postiive prayers/meditations, and visions.
2. clearing, purifying all media and goods, all spiritual places and houses, all ceremonies from all hidden traps.
3. I forgive them, for they know not what they do, and wish to spare them the loss of themselves, family and progression that is staring them in the face unless they clean up their acts more, but I myself know the happiness of forgiveness, and the help, the lending a helping hand to prevent errors and making mistakes, the intervention, and encouragement of Family and Guides/Brothers and Sisters, and wish this for everyone an them too.

I'll go find my other thread for this is the fourth point, we need some help here, for there is no way this is a school that makes God/Goodness happy, and we need some help, real help.

So 4.
edit on 25-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:05 PM
I want to add this, its really important, and that is that we must put this into perspective as well. I don't approve of this worlds management, and that is very strongly expressed above.

However, we're all in this together, we're family, and there are so many distortions and errors, not only amongst humanity and our leaders and those in authority in the open in secret, but in the cosmos.

No one progresses, leaves the lessons, overcomes faults and flaws, is forgiven, except by Team Work, and due to the help, compassion, love, encouragement of Others. And there are no mistakes, we are all in this world for a reason. To improve ourselves and our relationships or effectiveness of unconditional love with others, and to make a difference if possible, if we wake up and heal enough, and get along. To overcome the difficulties between us, and that is why sending light and prayers, and love and healing even to the illuminati, is very important. Because we didn't earn our help, everyone needs help. We're going to be so humbled and so happy and grateful to each other in the end, when in this time, or another, we get through these difficulites.

For those how have lost loved ones, here, even children, know that they are in better places, and don't wish to return, they watch over, their Future selves, our lives and progressions. Some of those crafts are future family here, and Guides.

So, seeing the positive, doing this meditation, even preparing our hearts for forgiving all, seeing that light in everyone, even those mismanaging things, no matter how much distortion and wrongdoing is heaped on top of it. We must have compassion only, though still be mature enough to say, no, this is not being permitted, and strive to find ways to take back our sight, our visions, our minds/consciousness, from the negative to the positive, and believe we can make a difference.

But strive to understand others, even those doing this, love them, forgive them, but don't approve their actions. Because its not alright, the wrong doing. But be generous with forgiveness, for that quality of understanding on forgiveness that we extend will come back to us, here and now, or in our next steps in progression.
Forgive yourself, forgive the Illuminati... and let´s move on ---laffoe's very inspiring thread.

Its about belief. Slow Mode lasts until you look down, so don't look down!!!!
edit on 25-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:25 PM
You guys are really funny. You say you are waking up. You say your spirit is coming into consciousness. The pathetic part of this whole thing is that you think believing in all these conspiracy theories is a prerequisite to achieving total consciousness. The conspiracy theorists like yourself, think people who don't believe this garbage are not spiritually awakened. You say they are close minded and they need to "wake up". Can't count how many goons make threads about "waking up".

Well, I got news for all you clowns. I'm spiritually awakened. My mind is open. My consciousness is second to none. But I don't believe there is a government conspiracy to poison us with chemtrails, enslave us through banks, secretly rule us in ignorance, hurd us into concentration camps to control us, reptilians are walking the Earth to consume human flesh, etc, etc, etc.
edit on 25-5-2011 by ElGatoLoco0698 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by ElGatoLoco0698

I am questioning what you mean by your post? You're talking about believing the conspiracy theories? They're the tip of the iceberg, and some of them are attempts to hijack your consciousness and put out as counter intelligence. HAARP is the real deal. The bloodlines and their abuse of humanity is the real deal. Doing something about it is everyone's responsibility, but waking up is a choice we have to make.

They won't be herding anyone into concentration camps for I don't give them that authority and will not obey a single one of them. Also, I am envisioning constant wake ups and safety. We need more to hold this.

What you believe in the end is up to you, and what you were meant to accomplish in this lifetime. Seeking within, praying and meditating, will help dislodge some of the programs in you, and bring you to those things you can do to make a difference.

I can't bring up what certain friends have said, but we have long conversations, but the one who is calling the shots of this slave camp, is in control of every aspect of its weather, and this involves advanced scalar and ties into the moon cycles as well.

He and his minions and overlords free will does not slam dunk mine or anyone else's and might does not make right, furthermore they have completely underestimated the soul abilities of those here, and our own free will to forgive them while still striving to be safe and make a better world. Period. I don't give him any rights over me.
edit on 25-5-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:53 PM
OK, I did this meditation again. I'm still unsure what to envision for the grid and the core of earth. But I went through a simple, clear process of praying and putting all in the hands of Creator/Goodness/Love/Yeshua and Higher Self/Family of Love and Goodness, for any correstions necessary. With envisioning, we're asking for miracles and helping to use our free will to co-create, to see them. Without harm to any living being, for the highest good of all here, now living.

So I stood at stone hedge in my mind and literally felt as if there was some kind of infestation there or some negativity. I stood calmly and sent pink hearts down the gridline through every chakra line an energy center of earth, and to the very core, it sort of snapped in as if I was pulled, and I maintained my position and saw a gentle healing of positive goodness, for the benefit of earth and every life form on it, and all volcano's subdued, all activities made gentle, and a shield surrounding earth, from all gravity or troublesome events.

Then I saw every technology used for harm to be neturalized, all hz stopped halted, i saw the haarp facility, pictured foreign bases, pictured the ultimate technology in the hands of the Rothchilds or Royal Family and all those over their heads, halted, stopped, and taken down. If waves are being used to control Fukushima, that continues, in fact total elimination of all radiation. I saw the cool down and cementing Fukushima and all isotopes and gamma rays stopping and dropping like golden harmless sand to the ground and in the ocean a miracle. I picture rain pure, air pure, water pure. Land pure. Vegetation pure. Our bodies pure. I pictured ionized radiation belt above the earth pure.

And then I saw all volcanoes calm and all tornados reduced, reduced, reduced to calm still weather, storms subdued, sunshine, and gentle rain.

And all the black ops coming out of their bases with a resolve to tell the truth and join with the people, and all those trapped in underground in transhuman experiments and suffering healed, released, some just taken to paradise without pain, in the twinkling of an eye, all helped all healed. I saw those street kids just getting out by miracles and a huge crowd telling the world in a huge press conference what the corrupt leaders and military had done to them, and we change everything.

I will keep doing this.

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