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Camping was wrong. BUT NEWTON WAS RIGHT!

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posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:04 AM
Hello there to you, reader. This may seem odd coming off of the whole Camping fiasco; nevertheless the actions of no fool will detain me from speaking. Let me first say that I would have never in one-million years have thought I'd one day be saying, "I think I know when the second coming will occur." But, here I am, and I think I know when the second coming will occur. Impossible? It's looking really possible to me. Inevitable? How about looking really, really, REALLY likely. Below I have three links that I have kept as succinct as possible; not a page in length. All that is required is a keen mind ready to evaluate the information without bias and purely for the sake of truth. I would say that a good knowledge of the scripture will greatly increase the ease of comprehending the fullest picture, but it is not ultimately necessary, I have also provided as many links to pertinent info as needed. Those wishing to go straight to the crux can jump to the third link first, this is the information concerning Sir Isaac's predictions. Note, these aren't Nostrodamus predictions "a golden king in a wheat field during the dark hour" stuff; this is point-blank, no questions about it. So if you are thinking "but I thought we can't know the day or hour?" well, I'm not saying you're wrong; just put it aside for now, read the links without bias for the sake of information.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by areopagite

Interesting. I'm going to check out those links. By the way, you might want to separate your post into paragraphs for better reading.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:07 AM
If we make it past 2012, it'll be a miracle with all the crazy people running around.
Good lord, I'm shaking my head over here.....

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:09 AM
i thought newton said 2060 for the end of the world?

(good proof too, unless....)

did history channel lie to me

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by areopagite

aagh the date just disappoints me >:/ so now the end is supposed to be around 2014/2015? this just sounds to me like the closer predictions of "the end of the world" approaches the date becomes to scoot up, tsss fear mongers i sweeear

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by BadBoYeed
i thought newton said 2060 for the end of the world?

(good proof too, unless....)

did history channel lie to me

I saw the History Channels documentary too, I was pretty sure they said 2060 as well. Probably did lie. As for this prediction.

As for Newtons predictions, I would trust them more than Campings in a heartbeat. But those days will come and go just like every other "end day" prophesied... after 2012, I cannot wait to see what new "day" and "event" it is. It seems that all mankind thinks alike, even the greatest of minds is polluted with the ever-present fear of a "judgement" or "end". I predict, that while Newtons prophecies fail to come to light we will see some new theory on the end by Einstein or someone of that caliber.

I think the most important question we should be asking ourselves is not "What day will the world end?" but "Why are humans so obsessed with an end?" If we're not waiting for the rapture because you don't believe in god/2nd coming/revelations then we're obsessing over the end of the long count calender that some ancient south americans made. Or just hiding in a corner, waiting for Elenin/Nibiru to smash us all too pieces... I think I will just stick with living instead.

No offense to the OP, I enjoyed your post immensely... I am just tired of all the doom and gloom. If I have to spend the rest of my life hearing all this negativity, I'd rather an apocalypse just occur already so I can get some peace and quiet.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by areopagite

your " proof " is nothing of the sort

the ` tetrads ` argument shows the best demonstration of basic fallacies

you need to stop and thnk WHY such momentuous events in the history of the modern state of isreral occured on / around important jewish holy days [ hint the timing of the yom kippur war - 1973 - fid not occur in conjunction with a tetrad - but its the most blatant example of they monumentous events shadow the jewish holy days ]

tetrads are quite common - while true that they rarely shadow jewish holy days - the article conveniently ignores the fact that nothing signidican in the history of the jewish people / isreal occured on the previous tetrad / jewish holy day co incidences

lastly , the leap to " jesus is coming " in 2014 / 2015 is utterly assanine - 2 enents of significance to modern isreal occuring around tetrad / holy days coincidences does not " proove " that jesus will return on the next coupling

further the jews dont recognise jesus as the messiah - and have rejected that claim for the last 2000 years - he might as well show up during ramadam - at least moslems do recpognise jesus as a prophet

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 04:44 AM
I hope we are both alive and well in 2014-2015 just so that I can tell you all ONCE AGAIN: That all predictions based on CORRUPTED BOOKS will inevitably FAIL.

Camping failed, Newton will fail too.

So did anyone who tried to set "dates" before, always based on the "Holy Word" of "the Lord".

Remember 1800s, 1914, 1916, 1988, 1994, 1999, 2000 ...? These are all dates set by christians (be it mainstream or Adventists, or Jehovas Witnesses, or whatever) - based on their "calculations" of the Bible. They all FAILED. Miserably.

And so will anyone else who bases his "numbers" on that book.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by areopagite

Newton's calculations were based on a 360 day calendar...
...which never existed.

The 360 day year is calculated by adding 12 x 30 day months.

However, the Hebrew calendar was a lunar calendar which have 28 or 29 days/mth...
...the first month of the year began with the first New Moon following the Barley harvest...
...and Barley grows according to a solar cycle ... about every nine years an extra 'leap month' or intercalated month...
...was added to the end of the year.

The effect of this was to bring the lunar cycle back into sync with the solar cycle of 365.25 days...
...which does not work with Newton's calculations.

edit on 23/5/11 by troubleshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by BadBoYeed
i thought newton said 2060 for the end of the world?

(good proof too, unless....)

did history channel lie to me

I wouldn't say they lied, I would say they demonstrated the usual inability to do thorough research. All Newtonians already know this; I linked to this question with an article by Dr. Stephen Snobelen discussing the error and the rash attempt to sensationalize the finding, which was egregiously mis-used by History channel et. al.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:05 PM

I saw the History Channels documentary too, I was pretty sure they said 2060 as well. Probably did lie. As for this prediction.

See above for this; I would ask that responses come from those who have read the articles; these questions have already been addressed there. If you would like to debate these, feel free to state your rebuttals and I will then proceed to utterly destroy them with ease.

As for Newtons predictions, I would trust them more than Campings in a heartbeat.

Seeing as how Newton's model is >already i.e. past tense< demonstrated by time to have enormous predicitive power; and seeing as how Camping (and every other would-be date setter, save Newton) proposed a model with >absolutely zero< predictive power; then yes, you would be following an intellectually correct line of thinking to trust Newton's predictions over Campings.

But those days will come and go just like every other "end day" prophesied...

This is a nice hypothesis; but it stands on the same ground as Harold Camping's- i.e. absolutely zero demonstrated predictive power. As opposed to Newton's model, which has sufficiently demonstrated enormous predictive power.

Or, do you disagree that Newton predicted these things centuries prior to their occurrence in reality, confirming his method and his information?

No offense to the OP

None taken.

I am just tired of all the doom and gloom. If I have to spend the rest of my life hearing all this negativity, I'd rather an apocalypse just occur already so I can get some peace and quiet.

No worries, meine freund; in the coming days of unstoppable doom and gloom pouring down upon the earth, you can indeed comfort yourself by saying, "No worries, Sir Isaac has already amply demonstrated the model, and science itself tells me that I'll have peace and quiet come 2015.

I mean, really, no one is actually comprehending that God just came crashing into science as usurper and conquerer, have they? It's actually quite beautiful in an ironic theme.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:16 PM

your " proof " is nothing of the sort

the ` tetrads ` argument shows the best demonstration of basic fallacies

Bear in mind, the holy days and tetrad alignments are more focused toward the Christians, so they can read and consider. You may feel free to attempt to rebut Newton's model, that one is especially for you.

lastly , the leap to " jesus is coming " in 2014 / 2015 is utterly assanine - 2 enents of significance to modern isreal occuring around tetrad / holy days coincidences does not " proove " that jesus will return on the next coupling

Do you deny that Newton predicted these events centuries before they occurred? Do you deny that a model's acceptance is based on its predictive power?

I am interested to see how you determine that predicting future events does not fall under the jurisdiction of science? Since this is entirely the foundation of all scientific thought and modeling?

further the jews dont recognise jesus as the messiah

And this is relevant to Newton's model, exactly how? Bear in mind, everyone in the world can deny everything they like; it will in no way have any bearing on the predictive power factually demonstrated by Newton's model.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by areopagite
Newton's predictions are beyond dispute

Oh really?

One has to wonder why he failed to predict that people don't survive death, float into the sky for a 2,000 year vacation and then return to earth.

Just because Newton was arguably one of the smartest men to ever live it doesn't mean he didn't fall victim to such irrational beliefs as alchemy and religion.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Camping failed, Newton will fail too.

Interesting theory. Camping has a record of 0-2. Newton 3-3

I can state with 100% scientific immunity: science states that the second coming will occurr 2015. MUST it occur? No, but the predictive power of the model allows me to say "YES! Yes, it will occur" with rational immunity.

Consider: I say to you, here shortly, Texas will be given back to Mexico, probably not of Mexico's doing, but some friendly nation. Mexico will gain El Paso out of this; and 5 years after this, an invasion of extra-dimensional beings will occur.

3 years later, America goes bankrupt and sells Texas to Spain. Spain then gives Texas back to Mexico; but the Texans retain El Paso. 2 years later, Mexico invades El Paso and takes control of the city. I'm willing to wager that at this point you are either: 1. taking my final prediction VERY seriously, or you 2. are an intellectual degenerate not worthy of science or truth.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by metatr3n
I can state with 100% scientific immunity: science states that the second coming will occurr 2015. MUST it occur? No, but the predictive power of the model allows me to say "YES! Yes, it will occur" with rational immunity.

Yes, you appear to be immune to rational and scientific thinking.

I'm calling for your evidence that confirms your claim that "science states" any such thing.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by areopagite

I don't know were you came up 2015 but Issac Newton's prediction of end of the world is 2060 not 2015 here is the link check it out.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Newton's calculations were based on a 360 day calendar...
...which never existed.

Well, clearly you and Newton have differences in your models. He uses the 360-day cycle. Now then; Newton's model (which uses this cycle) has clearly demonstrated enormous predictive power, so it looks safe to say his methods look to be good. Now, you say he is using the wrong information. That is great. Could you propose your model which demonstrates an enormous predictive power on par with Newton's?

If not, then you can see the situation I am in:

1. You deny Newton's method. Newton uses denied method to predict the future with uncanny accuracy.
2. You do... what? Nothing?

You can see how I am pretty much forced by reason to reject your rebuttal on grounds that the predictive power of Newton's model demonstrates sound refutation of your proposition? So, between you and Newton, I am going to go ahead and go with Newton on this. Unless you've got a competing model with predictive power which is demonstrated off the charts?

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer

Originally posted by metatr3n
I can state with 100% scientific immunity: science states that the second coming will occurr 2015. MUST it occur? No, but the predictive power of the model allows me to say "YES! Yes, it will occur" with rational immunity.

Yes, you appear to be immune to rational and scientific thinking.

I'm calling for your evidence that confirms your claim that "science states" any such thing.

Read the third link proposed. You will see the foundation of scientific method:

1. interpret information
2. formulate hypothesis
3. construct model with predictive power
4. sit back and watch time verify your predictions

By the way, this is NOT me, but Newton wants me to say "IN YO FAAAAAAAAACE!"

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by slipknotrules2009
reply to post by areopagite

I don't know were you came up 2015 but Issac Newton's prediction of end of the world is 2060 not 2015 here is the link check it out.

Please read your OWN link, friend. I have already posted this; and you are posting the same link. If you would have read the link your posted, you would see that Dr. Snobelen is attempting to clear up the matter of "2060"

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by metatr3n

What did Newton actually predict that has actually happened?

You are aware that Newton gave up on his own speculations...aren't you?

edit on 23/5/11 by troubleshooter because: (no reason given)

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