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Extra Planes of Exsistence

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posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 04:40 PM
I wanted to know if anyone has had an experience in another "plane or demension".....just wanted people to post thier experiences, thoughts, ect. (I'm not talking 4D objects and such...but they are very interesting look 'em up some time...)

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 06:44 PM
I almost did a couple of times..

posted on Mar, 28 2003 @ 05:39 PM
I guess you could say that lots of people have some kind of extra-dimensional experience with every day that passes...If you consider the spirit world to be another dimension. The problem is that so few visitors there have the opportunity to come back *out* of that dimension to tell us what it's like...

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 11:23 PM
I don't really know for sure - I had been working at something for almost a year and had finaly gotten 'to that point'. Well, when it happened it scarred the crap out of me and although it took everything I had to pull away from it I managed to, bearly. I have asked a few people about this and was told it was another, to say it....well, for lack of better words, a different (but same time line) world or plane than ours.
(It's been many many years now and I still stay up 1/2 the night). I literaly thought that going there, or allowing myself to be pulled there, would mean physical death.

posted on Jul, 16 2003 @ 11:38 PM

I have asked a few people about this and was told it was another, to say it....well, for lack of better words, a different (but same time line) world or plane than ours.
(It's been many many years now and I still stay up 1/2 the night). I literaly thought that going there, or allowing myself to be pulled there, would mean physical death.

This is really fascinating! Can you describe a bit more about it?

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 12:49 AM
Well, I was trying to be more aware of the other sences and I would do a very deep relaxation type self hyptnotism and focus on breething myself deeper into (or shall I say I would 'sink into') this state with each exhale.
It turns out the hardest thing I ever accomplished was to "not think" - LOL.
Anyway - I would get very comfortable and try to stop thinking and only see through the dark (I know, but I don't know how else to explain it).
I have a water bed and it was easy to sink into this feeling or non feeling I guess you'd say.
So one night I had gotten farther than I ever had, so far into it that it wasn't even hard no to think anymore - as a matter of fact, it was as if I wasn't 'thinking' at all, but thoughts were still on going.
Then, and this is so crazy - I get goosebumps now thinking back on it - it felt like instead of my breathing myself into this sinking more comfortable and relaxed state - that suddenly this '???' was pulling me. Kind of like there was a black hole just a bit bigger in circumferance than I am around - and it was right under me in the small of my back. It was like sucking me in. I wasn't sinking anymore and didn't have control or even try - it was pulling so hard. I felt like a drowning person desperately struggling to hang on to something to stay afloat.
Now normaly I would only have to open my eyes or move or get a sudden thought and I'd be out of it. But this time I couldn't get out it seemed. It was so strong a pull that it scarred me. For some reason I thought of it as black in there (I think it is significant that I think of it as "IN there" but don't know why.)
And it was a place or something that was really good feeling - something that I wanted to do bady, something that seemed like it would be so wonderful - more wonderful than I have experianced here in physical life. But I also at the same time thought this is a trick - that this is a bad place and if I go there I'll be dead (this is franticaly now - I'm scarred and struggleing to get away, to keep from going over the edge because somehow it seems that if you get just so far in you get sucked - wham - right on through - and I didn't know if there was a way out/back).
I don't know why I thought it was a trick or bad.
I finaly got out of it, it was so hard to get my eyes open and my body to move. Once my eyes were open it was still happening, but when I sat up it was like there was some invisable something that broke contact and it was over - I thought.
So I calm down a bit and layed back down. (for all the time I had been working at doing this, what ever it was, I could only do it once a night because it took so long and once out of it it was all but impossible to do it again.) But this time, every time I layed down and closed my eyes I was instantly back at that edge and the thing was pulling me and the hard struggle to get back away again had to happen all over.
It really scarred me bad. I still don't know what on earth it was - what would have happened if I'd have let go and went. A friend of mine is a pharamedic and I wanted to ask her to come and sit next to me so I could try it - thinking if I died she could bring me back. LOL
But it kept on happening every time I layed down and got comfortable and closed my eyes for a good while - still I only sleep a few hours a night and only when I am to the point I am now - coffee'd out, headache and my eyes feeling like sandpaper.
If anyone has any idea what on earth happened, knows someone who might - anything at all....I'd love to know.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:00 AM
Check out a book called The Astral Projection Workbook: How To Achieve Out-Of-Body Experiences

and some of these books

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:11 AM
i know what your talking about. i've gotten to a state like that many times. Sometimes in this plane i forget my name, i forget where my body is, and i even forget that im human(a state like this is called Satori in Buddhism).
i don't feel like im being sucked in anymore, that was something that used to prevent me from getting there because it would cause me to break concentration.
sometimes when im startled out of this place i feel as if im rushing back into my body. then it takes me a few seconds to regain my orientation.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:18 AM
My aunt mentioned this topic.
Until this experiance I didn't believe in it at all - after the experiance... I still can't say I believe it, but I sure can't come up with any other explination.
I'll check the library and see if they have anything on it. (I'm in the first year of a new business and hoping not to spend a single extra dime

Is the info on the net pretty much along the same lines or is it so varied that I'd have to ask someone who knows about it to get decent info links?

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 01:25 AM
Your the first to understand what I'm talking about much less have been there. Did you feel the same way, like it was going to be so peiceful and comfortable there --- comfortalbe in a way we don't understand but so great? Did you think it was bad/scarry or that you may die if you "go in".
Is that 'sucking you in' thing normal???
How do you go back?
I'm sorry for all the questions...I understand if you don't want to spend alot of time answering.
I'll do a search on Satori, thanks

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 04:03 AM

I'm sorry for all the questions...I understand if you don't want to spend alot of time answering

Its really not a problem, im glad i can help.

Did you feel the same way, like it was going to be so peiceful and comfortable there --- comfortalbe in a way we don't understand but so great?

yes it was the greatest feeling and it totally changed my life.

Did you think it was bad/scarry or that you may die if you "go in".

there was one time when i was in this undergound cave (very much like a typical image of hell) that was like a maze. i couldnt get out and back to my body. iwas in there a long time and i couldnmt escape it began to become more and more intense and scary. still i couldnt snap out of it. i dont remember the last thing i saw b4 i came out (i think i blocked it from my memory). As i came out i felt as if i my soul had ran full speed and slammed back into my body. i jolted up as i came back into my body. i was in a cold sweat and hyperventilating and disoriented. i ran to the bathroom and threw up. i still felt like adrenaline was rushing through my body for a while after that.

Is that 'sucking you in' thing normal???

probably, i experience the opposite however. i feel like im being sucked back into my body when i come out.

How do you go back?

i'm not sure. usually all i have to do is think about it. but, i have gotten lost a few times. the best thing to do is set an alarm to wake you just in case.

this is a difficult subject to explain, especially if the person your trying to explain it to has never experienced anything like it, so i undersatnd your frustration. remeber your not the only person this has happened to. i hope i was of help and that you understnad what i said. its pretty late and it might not make sense. if you have anymore questions i will be glad to answer them (as long as i know theanswers).

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:25 AM
Thanks, any little piece of info I get is more than I had. I've often thought about trying it again - but with life so stressfull right now I'm not so sure I could manage. I also wonder if it would take me a long time to get back to the point that I could get there again.
I may just go ahead and start practicing again and before getting to far along I'll definately be hunting you down with more questions.
The alarm clock is a good idea. How long should it be set for? I wonder if your resperation or blood pressure or anything biologicaly changes. I think I will have that friend of mine be there f I do get to that point again - just for curiositys sake if nothing else.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:39 AM
The experience you've described having is most definately an *out of body experience*/OBE or a form of astral projection. There are numerous threads here about members experiences/opinions. Sometimes, it just helps more then anything to hear/read that you are not alone in your experience(s).

Everyone can do this, some by accident, some deliberately. And then as you've described, it can feel as if another entity or person is forcing you there. I have studied/done this for many years now and have helped people achieve this as well. This is one of my very favorite things to discuss here at ATS. Here is a thread about others comments and experiences. Like I said though, there are many more..

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 06:47 AM
Thanks bunches. I bookmarked the link you posted and will run take a peek asap (very busy day ahead and I'm not even done with my coffee yet, not been in the shower, and the baby is still alseep.

See you there.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:14 AM

I found this little article while surfing yesterday,
it includes a video about a boy who was dieing that
claimed he could see angels surronding him just before
he died. It has photos taken at a party for him that
include white spots and orbs.

I've always thought that there are many planes
to reality. We're on one of the lower ones where
the vibratory rate is slow. As it increases matter
gives way to spirit.

I think were all higher vibratory entities that have
been seduced into a lower vibratory prison.
Our prison wardens, whom ever they may be
suck the spirit energy off us to power the little
illusion they've got us believing is reality.
Kind of like the way they used humans as
batteries to power the machines in the matrix.

[Edited on 17-7-2003 by fortean]

[Edited on 17-7-2003 by fortean]

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 10:37 AM

The alarm clock is a good idea. How long should it be set for?

it depends on how long it takes you to getout of your body, so take prep time into consideration.
a good lenght of time starting out is 30 minutes to an hour. then from there u can gradually work your way up to longer times.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:59 PM
Quote: I've always thought that there are many planes
to reality. We're on one of the lower ones where
the vibratory rate is slow. As it increases matter
gives way to spirit.

..., whom ever they may be
suck the spirit energy off us ...

I can't really explain this in such a way that it would make any sence to all of you, but in a way you did discribe a truth. There are many planes, what you are reffering to as vibrations I call energy. And there are some (usualy entities vs. ghosts or spirits or guides ect) that do seem to drain you or take your energy.

I really hate using words like ghosts and spirit and entity ect, because there are so many things people think when they hear these words that I don't agree with....I call them "non-physical" (for future refferance.)

I have gotten alot of pieces and parts that have given me only a clue to the 'other side', it's like we are in a small little confining part of the whole picture - we are unaware for the most part just how limited we are I think.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 09:42 PM
Hmm don't know if it's related to this or not, but i've had something similar although not OBE. I routinly perform various breathing exercises to help with my martyial arts, and once around two and a half years ago i was lying in bed unable to sleep and began to perform one such exercise. It involved me lying on my back getting totally relaxed to begin with, then ensuring that i breath as softly as possible. I would take long soft breaths in and then let the air escaper of it's own accord yet not inhale again until i felt my body demand air, now for some reason when doing this the time between exhaling and inhaling increases with time, so effectivly each time I breath i deprive my body for longer, yet without any discomfort (an absence of that feeling of suffocation). So in this instance i recall at some stage i had just stopped breathing, and although I was only semi concious (my eyes were naturally closed and i couldn't move my limbs) I was still fully aware of my condition. Luckily as this was something i had practised although never this far, I didn't panic. Instead I found myself thinking more clearly and faster than I ever have done, solvling problems that had eluded me for years. I can only guess that I remained in this state for at least five minutes before I awoke for a reason unknown to me. Just thought I'd add it as it's kinda puzzled me since it happened.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 10:43 PM
Were you scarred or paniced at all?
I ask because it seems that (for me it was an accident and I thought me and a man was going to die his motorcycle at over 100 miles an hour vs. my car door) -- and I watched it comming toward me in slow motion, and my thoughts were very clear, very detailed and well thought out and it seems to me that there is just no way I could possibly think through all those things in just a breif portion of a second - but time wise it had to be.

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 11:34 PM
No panic was the oposite of my state of mind, as it was a procedure i had done many times before i had put myself into a complete state of relaxation to begin with, which also induces a great deal of calm. Yet it was weird lying there thinking "I'm not breathing, if i dont breath soon i could die" and not being in the slightest bit worried about it.

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