reply to post by getreadyalready
i passed this on to a couple of contacts hopefully they will get back to me tonight.
for the intial searches i do know they wanted people that were CERT certified because of the dangerous conditions of most of the structures and the
gas leaks and the continued severe weather threat.
reply to post by antar
Again quit armchair quarter backing and get in your car and come down here. the heavy rescue crews were sent to areas they knew more than likely they
were going to have 100's of people trapped together quickly using up any clean air that was trapped with them under the rubble. it just so happens
that 2 of those places were a walmart supercenter and a home depot, not to meantion resteraunts, smaller shops, APARTMENT BUILDINGS, and HOUSES that
are in the area around those places. They also sent heavy rescue crews to the Hampshire terrace apartment and the dillons grocery store that were
completely destroyed in the tornado because they knew they were a lot of people that could be trapped their as well.
also I'd like to point out that most people that were trapped and still alive in other parts of the city were dug out by the people that live in those
areas that crawled out of their own houses as soon as the tornado passed and immediately started helping their neighbors. also those people that lived
right next to the damaged areas that were lucky and didn't have any damage of their own rushed immediately into the damage path and started digging
people out. also a lot of people crawled out of the walmart and home depot right after the tornado and immediately started digging people out of the
rubble at those locations.
So Yes maybe it is good your not posting tonight since clearly you know nothing about the city of Joplin Its layout or where around 5pm on a sunday in
the city of joplin there would be large groups of people and where they might be trapped.
And as for the sounds of the city I can tell you right now it is just as noisy at night as it is during the day. with all the sirens on the emergency
vehicles going 24/7 as they rush across the city.
But i guess its just easier for you to watch the national media stir up stuff and critize whats going on here from afar than it is to actually come
here and see it for yourself.
Hell if you believed the media you'd think that looting was widespread. there was less than a dozen incidents of looting and everyone has already been
arrested and charged and currently sitting their asses in jail.
IF you believed the national news you'd think that we only had 1 hospital until we the people that live here called them out on it and set them
straight. then they started saying the major hospital for the area was destroyed which again was false.
If you believed the national news then you'd believe 1500 people were still trapped somewhere in the city, again this is false. there are 1500 that
were either out of town and haven't contacted their family yet or they are people that were in town and have went to stay with friends or family and
people outside of joplin are looking for them and haven't been able to get intouch with them yet.
BOttom line its just to easy for some people to sit behind their monitor and make comments than it is to actually get off your asses and do something
that will actually help people
ETA: right after the tornado I rushed into the damaged path to check on 2 family members. 1 was my grandfather whose house was virtually untouched by
the tornado which was a surprising how close it was to the tornado, he was fine. I stayed with him a few minutes when he asked about my aunt and told
me to go check on her. I rushed all the way to the west side of town to the area around St. Johns hospital. She lived on Connor street. I made it to
20th and Connor in my truck then walked 4 blocks on foot through the destruction i didn't stop until i got to my aunts house. I dug both her and my
great aunt out of the rubble that was their house. I started to walk them back north towards my truck when we heard people screaming that were trapped
in a house. Me, my aunt, my great aunt and alot of people that lived around there dug them out and we just kept doing that working our way back north
out of the damage path.
now what exactly have you done?
edit on 25-5-2011 by Mercenary2012 because: (no reason given)