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ELEnin Dwarf Star Warning September 26, 2011 - Make Viral!

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posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:31 AM
Now it's a dwarf star.

Yesterday it was a comet.

Before that it was a spaceship.

Before that it was a planet.

It's as real as Camping's rapture - not!

I think it's the flying spaghetti monster come to spread his noodly destruction and blood like pasta sauce.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Why does all this # have to be predicted for around my birthday?

We have enough end of the world dates...let's give it a break

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by bjsmi2
Dude ! Thanks for the good work again ! Please keep it up !

The rapture thing I think has been purpose made to be another put off to hide the truth behind ELEnin, O yes people are going to say ELEnin is in the same basket as the rapture hoax. Silly humans only use a small part of their potential brain mass and all things are alike right...

The ancients have been warning us through time with writtings on stone tablets. Believe what you want I say to all but this I would seriously look at the actual science and evidence before making stupid remarks.
Non believers go do some research into ancient Sumerian culture and technology. It might surprize you ! The visitors and visiting object heading our way is going to make life on Earth a bit different as it has in the past many times and will in the future... Dont believe it ? Fine ! And the Earth is still flat right...

YOU should do some reasearch into Sumerian culture and technology (and also the later Babylonian one that Sitchin pretended to understand so well).

They were both bronze-age societies (they hadn't invented iron). They had lots of "little" gods. Their early kings somehow became gods (through unnamed methods). They describe things that we know cannot have happened, as facts, and their culture is essentially extinct.

Advanced and ancient, what crap.
edit on 22/5/2011 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:10 AM
This all fails the logic test. We are supposed to believe that information is being kept from us by TPTB and the institutions they control e.g. NASA, JPL etc. However, all the conspiracy theories are based on information that these bodies provide (! DUH) For example JPL data on the path of the comet and the key dates that are derived from that data.

If there really was a conspiracy to hide "the truth" do you not think that the data that is there would be so manipulated to make any conspiracy seem totally outrageous? The truth is the comet will come close and provides fuel for conspiracies. If you were hiding the truth the JPL data would show the comet NOT coming close.

If the comet, which is a brown dwarf, is "controlled" then the technology used is very very sophisticated. If the intention is to destroy the earth then why the f.... bother with Elenin taking years!!!!!! Get the freaking technology over to Earth asap and zap earth from space. If you can manipulate a brown dwarf you can sure as hell affect a planet like earth. FAILS THE LOGIC TEST MISERABLY!!!!!!!!!

This is all deluded nonsense with people extrapolating theories from known facts and warping the conclusion to suit their own doom and gloom mentalities.

Oh by the way : brown dwarfs. This little nugget came about because astronomers could not work out some of the anomalies around the edge of our solar system and have now detected and deduced that open space is full of brown dwarfs and thus explains a lot of what is observed. This was picked up by the conspiracy theorists and the two words "brown" and "dwarf" were put into the Elenin mix.......I ask you.... Jesus the desperation.

Following has NOT taken place so far this years and was supposed to:
Destruction of Tokyo, Destruction of California, US Financial collapse, Destruction of Rome, Earth Rapture. You can add Elenin to this failed list by October!

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:12 AM
If I"m not in a mental ward by November, it'll be by the grace of god. I don't know what to think, I'm about to think Lord Cthulhu is about to pay a mystic visit to planet earth, either him or the Daleks either way. We have a fight on our hands. Maybe I'll meet the doctor, that'll be a perk.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by malcr
This all fails the logic test. We are supposed to believe that information is being kept from us by TPTB and the institutions they control e.g. NASA, JPL etc. However, all the conspiracy theories are based on information that these bodies provide (! DUH) For example JPL data on the path of the comet and the key dates that are derived from that data.

If there really was a conspiracy to hide "the truth" do you not think that the data that is there would be so manipulated to make any conspiracy seem totally outrageous? The truth is the comet will come close and provides fuel for conspiracies. If you were hiding the truth the JPL data would show the comet NOT coming close.

If the comet, which is a brown dwarf, is "controlled" then the technology used is very very sophisticated. If the intention is to destroy the earth then why the f.... bother with Elenin taking years!!!!!! Get the freaking technology over to Earth asap and zap earth from space. If you can manipulate a brown dwarf you can sure as hell affect a planet like earth. FAILS THE LOGIC TEST MISERABLY!!!!!!!!!

This is all deluded nonsense with people extrapolating theories from known facts and warping the conclusion to suit their own doom and gloom mentalities.

Oh by the way : brown dwarfs. This little nugget came about because astronomers could not work out some of the anomalies around the edge of our solar system and have now detected and deduced that open space is full of brown dwarfs and thus explains a lot of what is observed. This was picked up by the conspiracy theorists and the two words "brown" and "dwarf" were put into the Elenin mix.......I ask you.... Jesus the desperation.

Following has NOT taken place so far this years and was supposed to:
Destruction of Tokyo, Destruction of California, US Financial collapse, Destruction of Rome, Earth Rapture. You can add Elenin to this failed list by October!

You speak too much common sense and logic, we're not supposed to have that. We only get fear monger, we're a conspiracy site remember ? But don't worry I agree

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:18 AM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

On the one hand, there is the possibility that Elenin could be a dwarf star. In the middle we have the possibility that Elenin is what she is claimed to be, a comet. And then we have the possibility that Elenin may not actually exist at all and its being used as some sort of message.

If you truly believe that Elenin is a dwarf star, and we are all up the creek come September. Then why don't you go on a spending spree? Sell everything, spend everything, do a Camping.

You could even buy a big a55 telescope, take some pictures of the dwarf star and post them here for us all to admire. That is, of course, only if you truly believe it is a dwarf star.


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by SatoriTheory
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

On the one hand, there is the possibility that Elenin could be a dwarf star. In the middle we have the possibility that Elenin is what she is claimed to be, a comet. And then we have the possibility that Elenin may not actually exist at all and its being used as some sort of message.

If you truly believe that Elenin is a dwarf star, and we are all up the creek come September. Then why don't you go on a spending spree? Sell everything, spend everything, do a Camping.

You could even buy a big a55 telescope, take some pictures of the dwarf star and post them here for us all to admire. That is, of course, only if you truly believe it is a dwarf star.


Up a creek ? We have no paddles either, that was an understatement! If I had the cash, I'd buy a telescope and take the f' ing pictures. But I don't, so it's the end once again

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by Heartisblack

Up a creek ? We have no paddles either, that was an understatement! If I had the cash, I'd buy a telescope and take the f' ing pictures. But I don't, so it's the end once again

On a more positive note, without an end, we cant have a new beginning!

I think the writer of our story has a mental block, they don't seem to know how to start again, so we never end.

oh well...

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by Newbomb Turk

Indeed in one of the other threads on this subject I have noted the date 24-26 Sept. Check my post history. It's there.

This being a date that if we are on the same plane as comet, i.e. on level alignment based on the positioning of the NASA model, then the solar winds that create the tail of the comet, which by information read here, seems to be very large, would blast across earth like a blow torch.

This would only happen however if the sun, comet and earth are on a perfect linear alignment at 90 degres to each other. i.e. on a 2D plane.

If however as this is a 3D system, if the comet in its approach trajectory is not linear to the Earth, i.e. it come from above, or below the system centre line, the tail as it sweeps around, would point even slightly if not completely away from earth.

As for the other points.

issuing a WARNING suggests that there is danger present, and that precautionary action should be taken to mitigate the negative effects of the event of which the warning was issued.

The need to "make viral" means that it should be spread as quickly and as far as possible. Further embedding the urgent, nature of a clear and present danger, about which the warning was issued.

In the absence of absolute proof that such an event will occur. In that people are left to look at the evidence and decide it is it true or not, indicates a need for the application of belief. In this case it is no different to Camping, or the Heaven Gate People, or Orthodox region as a whole.

You ask us to look at the scientific data. and decide from there. I have, And I decide, in line with scientific method, that as the effect are not known to us, and have not been proven, there is little I can do, without belief that would make me want to take this seriously.

But that in the end it IS just another date in the long line of dates, that have been and still yet to come, in which we will fried, zapped, melted, invaded, exploded, infected, microwaved, beamed, burnt, drowned, shaken, transported, ascended, transcended, Condensed, liquified, apprehended, abducted, starved, or generally made dead. When the truth is that every single person on this site, and in the world at large, is going to one day die.

And maybe that is the time for each persons judgment, not one day for all. But after that, and when the 25 Sept passes, we have 21 Oct to look forward to which is Camping's final day, then the 28 Oct which is "The Dark Knight" event. Then whenever blue beams starts, then Dec 21 2012. if indeed they have calculated it correctly!

In closing, why are so many people obsessed with the destruction of our home planet. maybe if we stopped considering continually the final destruction of it as a certain and constant ever present danger as we have been doing. We would treat it and each other with more respect. And this world could finally be the beautiful paradise it is capable of being.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:07 AM
Hooray!!! The 21st of May has passed, let's jump on another fake end of the world scenario!!!!....What is all the fuss about Elenin anyway??? There are other comets and asteroids which will be passing us by before that date at a much closer proximity than Elenin...

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:12 AM
might sound a bit wild but what if elenin was being controlled, not to destroy earth but to pull it into its orbit. Taking it away as a snack on its cosmic journey, taking all the resources till earth was barren like the moon, and discarded in space or sometimes a planet may pick it up. Would make for a great sci-fi movie at least.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:41 AM
They who can not comprehend something out of the norm will strike back with negativity and ridicule due to ignorance and fear. I pitty those but forgive them all for they will suffer in time to come. That day will be you will stand in awe and think to yourself you have made a choice of mistake. An object is entering your solar system. It will affect your Earth. And it will affect every human. Take heed to the ones who try to warn you.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:42 AM
If there was a real danger,our Government would tell way the adminitration of prez o would keep secrects like this from us...he ran his entire campaign on open is all fear mongering bs

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:23 AM
This is ridiculous. There's no proof this is anything but a comet. Just a JPL app that proposes a few alignments.

There is about as much science connected to this conspiracy as Camping's rapture and the May 28th Super Moon. When will people ever learn?

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Homedawg
If there was a real danger,our Government would tell way the adminitration of prez o would keep secrects like this from us...he ran his entire campaign on open is all fear mongering bs

The gubmit! (I know how to spell Government thank you)) won't tell us sh!+!
They want us dead! You know that! I'm a GLP sitter, pardon me for my exclusive doom.
I know it's just a comet, i'm still waiting on the 15th of March pole shift. Anybody remember that :? Or the supermoon ? No, because it came and passed. We're still here, as Marie Antonette said "Let them eat cake!" Or as I put it "Let the doomers have their false doom."

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by yourmamaknows
hey if anybody reads this ill be happy
i agree that there is a smokescreen of sorts out there but just not sure what about maybe this maybe something else. what about this tho maybe haarp if there is such a thing is not doin what they do to cause chaos but maybe they are doin it for another reason like tryin to relieve pressure from hotspots around the world in a sequence so the disasters although bad are not happening all at once if elenin is coming and it will do nasty things to us all at once maybe the powers that be have decided right or wrong that to try to save us or as many of us as they can then they have to create disasters before the big one so that it wont be so catastrophic to us all by the way i dont trust governments at all .... but it is just a thought

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:08 AM
well done
we must keep an eye on this one

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:10 AM
Comets pass the earth all the time, just like this one will, why does there always have to be something sinster with anything that happens in the world, are peoples lives really that sad they have to make this s**** up.
edit on 22-5-2011 by CharterZZ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by bjsmi2

They who can not comprehend something out of the norm will strike back with negativity and ridicule due to ignorance and fear.

The problem here is that nothing is out of the norm, yet ignorant and fearful people are spreading negativity.

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