posted on May, 21 2011 @ 09:04 PM
Once you surpass disbelief and all the fear that has been forced upon us since childhood, and begin to realize that, yes Virginia, there really are
spirits surrounding us at all times. And I don't mean ghosts. Those are not the same energy forces. Thousands, millions, even more. So many different
species. You begin to notice them and they are amazing. They can be warm, loving, powerful. I think what you encountered was a man that had strong
spirits with him, bound to him and he is well aware of it. And for whatever reason, they were communicating with you. Talking to you. Whispering in
your ear. They are not normally 'voices' like what we are taught the creepy ghosts are, but they are differing levels of pitches. They speak to all
of us. Most of us just don't listen. Let this experience guide you, without fear, to your next new beginning. You know as well as I do, you were not
'hearing' things that day. You were being taught.