posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Anyone got a rough idea or guide as to how you can make your own collodial silver?
Silver coins are an easy source but then what?
Sticking a small coin fragment and sucking on it is one way some of the old-timers would purify water etc.
But having a solution is supposed to be the A1 method for health / illness prevention / treatment.
Indeed, it's a lot better than nothing or relying on toxic drugs that have a shelf-life and their own problems and side-effects.
The gist of making it is it's distilled water and electrolasis but the concentrations are reputedly 2 - 5 parts per million so measuring silver
fragments into the water and the procedure seem's somewhat laboratory-esque...
Anyone a guru at this sort of thing? on 21-5-2011 by WatchRider because: Link Addition