posted on May, 21 2011 @ 05:02 PM
Hi everybody, have not been in this forum for some time. I have what I believe is a genuine concern about my privacy and possible health resulting
from a recent radiology scan.
I fractured my right femur in February during an automotive accident. It was actually more rough than only a broken leg and it was a miracle of God
that I actually survived and am close to 100% recovery. A titanium rod was implanted into my leg (I was not concious to give consent, did not know
until after I woke). But enough about the accident let me get on with the matter at hand.
I went This past Tuesday the 17th to have my final follow-up to so they coudl clear me for work. When I walked in for the exam, the radiologist, an
older gentleman, asked me to pull down my pants and get on the table. I quickly said what? He quickly replied I have to get a shot of the affected
area. I was only wearing jeans pants, and this is the same man that took my scan last time, (this is a small specialty facility run by the Tampa
General Hospital) probably the only radiologist. I simply cooperated to get out of there. This where it got wierd, he positioned the device precisley
centered over my groin area (this is not where my fracture was, or any damage for that matter). My mind was pre-occupied with returning to work at the
time, so I was not thinking too deeply into this. He took one scan and immediatley left the room to check the scan.
When he came back in, he then re-positioned the device over my leg exactly where the fracture was, like he did when I came in orignally in March for
my first follow up scan. I just thought this seemed quite odd now, as in why the hell did he need to scan right over my genital area. When I finally
went in to see the physician, which instead of an actual doctor this time it appeared to be a male nurse/orderly to talk to me about it (last time was
an actual orthopedic doctor). He brought up the scan, and to my shock the first scan he took was right on screen, along with a damn clear view of my
penis. In fact you could barely even see the part where my fracture or the rod actually was.
The orderly quickly shifted to the next image in the series, which actually focused on my leg, which was revealed to be completely healed.
What am I worried about? I did not have a clear view of my penis in any of the original Hospital scans, nor the follow up scan. I was unaware such
images can show up in an xray, I thought you just see bone. I feel honestly violated, and kind of am ready to storm in there this week and choke the
old man out. Then I realized the situation may be even worse than I first realized?
I suddenly came to the realization that my testicles and penis were just directly exposed to a burst of these xrays with no shielding. I took an exray
when i was a young child and a few years ago during another incidient to my foot. They used shielding both times in that area. Maybe the tech has
advanced, but I was hoping to give my partner a daughter she has always wanted, and my mother always wanted a daughter too so I felt we would try for
girl in a couple years when we are more financially stable to sort of make them both happy. Im the second of two sons and I have two sons.
If there is a chance that this could affect my fertility, I am really worried here.
Am I being over paranoid as far as the health consequences, and was this in fact an invasion of my privacy?
Please I dont know what to do.