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How David Icke's Demon's are Preparing us For the New World Order

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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Most of you will recoil at my suggestion that these are demons, but before you do I think that the science of anthropology will help us to see that every culture has agreed on demons existing and on their basic characteristics. For instance of them being very evil, for example the Sumerians could not even agree if there gods were good or evil but they were unanimous that the demons they delt with were very evil.

Cultures around the world have described possession by these evil entities in their writings as well as demons being very deceptive and manipulative..the methods for summoning them are consistent, certain drugs or rituals or tools like runes or chants, its interesting to note that the methods for making contact are ultimately based on the free will of the practitioner.

What I mean by that according basic demonology, demons require an invitation, although they sometimes manipulate the person through deception into giving them that invitation, take a Ouija board for example, we all know that it’s just cardboard and paint, but those that decide to use it are essentially asking to be contacted by spirits, and that’s actually all the spirits need, your willingness to be contacted ..

Let’s look at David’s testimony to see if we can get any idea if he is dealing with demons instead of ascended Atlantians trying to help humanity evolve.

Icke: Suddenly, I felt over, in 1989, that there was a presence in the room whenever I was alone. It became more and more tangible as 1989 unfolded, it was totally bizarre because whenever I was in a room alone…there was this presence, you know. Eventually, it got so powerful towards the end of ‘89 that I was sitting on the side of a bed in a hotel called the Kensington Hilton, just down from the BBC, and I said to this apparently empty room and I said, look if there’s something there would you please contact me because it’s driving me up the wall.

Lets stop right there for now. Notice how this all began with a desire to be contacted. Also note that David will later go on to basically preach that this is all that must be done to be contacted.

Icke: All they’ve gotta say is, it’s very simple that ‘I accept that I’m being guided, that I have guides in other frequencies, other dimensions of life that are here to guide me and help me in this lifetime, so I’d learn the lessons I’d decided I’d wished to learn, go ahead and guide me. When you do that, things start happening.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:18 PM
He says on page 139 of LCE

“Every single life form can be part of this transformation, if they say openly ‘I wish to be guided and work for the Light’

Notice that he capitalizes the word ‘light’ p156 he quote the entites which told him:

“Always ask for protection and guidance – Ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find, but they then say ‘ you must make the first move. You need to exercise your free will.”

They tell him at the end of the book :

“Welcome all beings, if you do this you are welcoming creation into your life.”

Its also interesting to note the negative effect that even pictures of Jesus begin to have on him, in the book truth vibrations’ he says this about a visit he made to a church as a tourist:

“Looking up at a large painting of Christ the picture turned black and moved around before my eyes. Only the face of Christ was still. Suddenly I felt a sensation I can only describe as someone pushing a pneumatic drill into the top of my head. I gripped the pew I was standing beside and my body vibrated from the top of my head to the base of my spine as something seemed to go through me…he says that moths later he was told that he received a gift of energy from one of the masters of this planetary system”…I.E like one of Alice Bailey’s “ascended maters”.

Revulsion toward Jesus is actually quite observable among these entities. I would say even empirically testable in our modern times. I have had a unique opportunity to work with hundreds of cases of sleep paralysis through a website a friend and I started called Sleep Paralysis is when one wakes up and cant move, but they are fully awake, it is most often associated with the feeling that there is some evil presence in the room. Over time, during the experiences, this presence can become manifest in some form, and can lead to very terrible cases of torture and even rape. This is attributed to demons in almost every culture in the world accept for modern western cultures like America, a few examples are:

In Fiji the experience is interpreted as “kana tevoro” being ‘eaten’ or possessed by a demon. In Hmong culture, sleep paralysis describes an experience called “dab tsuam” or “crushing demon.” In Malyasia, Africa, Hugary, the middle east, and everywhere in between these events are attributed to evil spirits, Western scientist do not have an explanation, they postulate, with no evidence, I would add, that it is happening because people are coming out of a dream state and into a waking state and that their mind is still dreaming even though they have awoken, I suppose the obvious question is if that were true, is why does everyone seem to be having the same dream about an evil presence in the room. It seems that dreams should be as varied as dreams normally are among people, but this is not the case.

In the cases I have seen about 90-95 percent of the people experiencing it been dabbling in some occult or new age practice and they have in some way given their free will over to these entities, who now apparently feel they have a right to be there, the more a person goes down that road the more intense the control the entities get, now here is the observable and testable part of this.

If a person genuinely calls upon Jesus for help the experience will immediately stop, very often the entities will scream or be thrown back by a powerful force. One does not have to be a Christian to do this, or to have previously believed Jesus was important, in fact as you can guess many of the people who are getting this are not Christians but most of them who see the authority that the name of Jesus has over these beings begin to research who Jesus is and do become Christians later. This doesn’t work with other names, for instance calling on Buddha no matter how sincere the person is doesn’t seem to concern the entities.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:19 PM
There would be another time in Icke’s life when he would vibrate uncontrollably like he did when looking at the picture of Jesus.
This was when he took his infamous trip to Peru, he tells the story this way.

Icke: I had the overwhelming feeling again, this urge, this impulse to got to Peru. We got to this place and it was in the middle of nowhere, basically when you looked around, it was encircled by mountains. I’m looking out the window daydreaming and I see this mount to my right, no more than three minutes down the road. As I look at the mound, all I can hear in my head is ‘come to me (repeated)’…I walked to the center of this circle, and suddenly my feet go again, like they did in the newshop but only this time, seriously more powerful. They’re like magnets pulling my feet to the ground. I think, oh crikey, I recognize that, here we go, and then I felt, like a drill going on the top of my head and through my body, through my feet into the ground and another one coming the other way. Then my arms go out at 45 degrees like that, I never made a decision to do it.

What then started to happen was this energy coming through me, this is February 1991, it got more and more powerful, my body started to shake with it…very powerful thought forms pass through my head, just like in the newsshop… It was like, if you’ve got a dam that’s holding the water back, well, the water is calm, right, cause that’s its natural state in that situation, but when that dam bursts, before a new balance is found, after the dam bursts, all hell breaks loose. All this water as it’s trying to go from one state to another…

When I look back, what happened to me on that mount, it was like, the waters of my mind bursting.

Icke always attributes this event to this place in Peru being located near a vortex point in something he calls the energy grid. But there is another side to that story.

I used to believe in the idea of “Ley Lines” myself, I had no reason to doubt it, after all all the so called teachers I had in the truth movement talked about it as if it was long established fact. But I encourage anyone to do some research about how this idea started, and see if you can still force yourself to believe it after that, There is actually a very interesting history of its evolution, and I will provide links in the notes where you can get all the details. but I will give you the basic ideas right now.

The guy who started it all was Alfred Watkins, He lived in England in the early 1900’s . He noticed that there were straight paths in his area of England that often correlated with ancient megalithic sites. Watkins referred to his alignments as ‘leys’. This is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘cleared strips of ground’ or ‘meadows’. Watkins’ theory of leys was that they were old straight traders’ tracks laid down by surveyors in the Neolithic period of prehistory. They used surveying rods, he claimed, and it was this line-of-sight method that led to the straightness of the old tracks. He basically said they were trade routes. And if you look for a map of ley lines today you will probably find one that looks like this. This is the extent of the real Ley was one straight trade route and only in England. No energy lines no reason for energy lines.

In 1935, Watkins died. In 1936, The idea then became know in the occult world because the British occultist Dion Fortune wrote a fictional book, a novel, called The Goat-Foot God, in which she put forward the notion of ‘lines of force’ connecting megalithic sites such as Avebury and Stonehenge in southern England.
From 1960 the ley theory took on a new lease of life, one that has led to the modern New Age notion of ‘ley lines’. An ex-R.A.F. pilot, Tony Wedd, was very interested in flying saucers, or UFOs. He had read Watkins’ The Old Straight Track and also a French book, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery (1958) by Aimé Michel, in which it was (falsely) suggested that the locations where flying saucers landed or hovered very low during the 1954 French flying saucer outbreak or ‘wave’ fell into straight lines or ‘orthotenies’. Wedd made the excited conclusion that Watkins’ ‘leys’ and Michel’s ‘orthotenies’ were one and the same phenomenon.

He had also read an American book by Buck Nelson called My Trip to Mars, the Moon and Venus (1956) in which Rogers claimed to have flown in UFOs, and to have witnessed them picking up energy from ‘magnetic currents’ flowing through the Earth. In 1961, Wedd published a pamphlet called Skyways and Landmarks in which he theorized that UFO occupants flew along magnetic lines of force which linked ancient sites, and that the ancient sites acted as landmarks for UFO pilots. It all relied very much on the notions and experiences of an old-fashioned terrestrial airplane pilot, rather than intergalactic extra-terrestrial creatures!

Nevermind that if aliens were so advanced why wouldn’t they use modern equipment like our pilots to for navigation, why did they need these physical markers for navigation
This is when the new age picked up the story, and then it gets blown way out of proportion. I used to think that the maps people had of these ley lines, Like the one Icke uses in his presentations were based on some kind of science, The history of the maps themselves is pretty interesting too, They are all based on Ivan Sanderson’s 1972 article in Saga magazine, “The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World,” where he plotted ship and plane disappearances worldwide, focusing his attention on the Bermuda Triangle. This article has been debunked

· The number of ships and aircraft reported missing in the area was not significantly greater, proportionally speaking, than in any other part of the ocean.
· In an area frequented by tropical storms, the number of disappearances that did occur were, for the most part, neither disproportionate, unlikely, nor mysterious;
· The numbers themselves had been exaggerated by sloppy research. A boat’s disappearance, for example, would be reported, but its eventual (if belated) return to port may not have been.
· Some disappearances had, in fact, never happened. One plane crash was said to have taken place in 1937 off Daytona Beach, Florida, in front of hundreds of witnesses; a check of the local papers revealed nothing.
· The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is a manufactured mystery, perpetuated by writers who either purposely or unknowingly made use of misconceptions, faulty reasoning, and sensationalism.[11

yet this is still believed, and it is the single most important part of any map supposedly containing “ley lines” despite the really good explanations of why things disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. I wont bore you with any more details but please read the compete history of how the idea of energy lines came about in the notes, as there is much more to know, and I am confident you will come to the conclusion that it is simply taking Watkins simple claim to have found a trade route to extreme unwarranted conclusions
I say this because many people will claim that a proof that ley lines exist is that fact that certain places especially ancient ritual sites have a very heavy feeling of energy. I would validate that, but let me offer an alternate theory one that I think its based on a much more observable cause, and one that even most occultist will agree with.
Icke would say that the reason that people were sacrificing on this site is because it was on a powerful spot in the energy grid and they were adding negativity to it to affect the world consciousness and that’s why the place feels very negative…but I would say based on my understanding of satanic rituals that the area is not intrinsically special, it is simply by it being the place where a lot of blood is spilled in sacrifice that it draws the presence of these evil spirits, and that is why the area feels negative as a result of their presence.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:20 PM
Lets see if my theory helps us to understand what happened to Icke in Peru, but first let me describe a little about the area he was visiting.
The area that Icke was in was known for its blood sacrifice. New human sacrificial sites turn up all the time in Peru from the Pre-Incan and Incan civilizations, especially of small children. In fact the place Icke talks about in this clip was a place called Sillustani where there are stone channels that lead down to the lake so that the blood of the sacrifices could flow from the sacrificial site to the lake. Ironically there is also a lizard engraved at the site too, and they still sacrifice pregnant iguanas there to this day. There is a stone circle on a mound there which exactly like the one 3 minutes down the road where Icke says his Kundali experience was. This area is was full of these stone circles on mounds and I would suggest to you based on his description of his convulsions and on him hearing voices of beings in his head on a daily basis after this that he was further controlled by the entities at this point.

Then there is the story of his experience in the Brazil with the drug Ayahuasca

Icke: In 2003, when I had an ayahuasca experience, and a voice talked to me for five hours about the nature of reality. Real clear, very funny, and mind blowing and life changing.

Ayahuasca is a '___' containing drug, which is naturally produced in the pineal gland and is present in wild plants found in places like the Amazon basin and has been used for millennia by aboriginal shamans and medicine men to contact the spirit world and to receive information from entities there. It has recently come in "vogue" to experiment with '___';

It is common for adjoining '___' partakers to see the same apparitions, such as serpents enveloping them.
Psychologist Dr. Rick Strassman conducted a formal clinical study of '___' ingestion under the auspices of the University of New Mexico, which he detailed in his book "'___': The Spirit Molecule". He found, under controlled clinical conditions, that subjects had these experiences within seconds of ingesting '___', which almost universally mimicked what are described elsewhere as "alien abduction events" (note that these subjects were screened to be those who were not familiar with stories of UFOs or did not believe in them). The entities they encountered were typically described as traditional "greys", reptilian or insect-like. The contacts usually involved medical and reproductive experiments conducted by the entities on the subjects, described as violent rape episodes. When subjects were willing to try an additional experience, they reported that the entities acknowledged their prior disappearance with no sensation of "time loss." The episodes were so traumatic to the subjects, that a support group was later formed to help them deal with the emotional trauma of the experiences.

I would ask you to remember the quote from Terence Mckenna warning about these entities who had more experience with this drug that most people. And as much as he enjoyed talking about it, recall that he always described the so called elves he came into contact with as ”mischievous”. Which is a more sugar coated version of the descriptions I have heard from people that have taken it, who simply call these beings evil, in fact I think Mckenna sugar coated much of what he said about '___' to make it appealing to people in my opinion, and as we saw in his quote it was not him but the Logos inside of him that was concerned with getting people to take '___'. But that’s another subject.

Here’s a question we should ask about these entities that show up when we take drugs like this: should we assume that the entities that are talking about love are good? Or based on the fact that the negative ones obviously exist and are contacted by the exact same means, can we be skeptical of the positive ones as well, how do we know that the so called good ones we encounter aren’t simply pretending to be good… ….especially as in Ickes case if the voice is clearly describing the same doctrine that Alice Bailey’s “ascended masters” have been trying to teach us from the beginning. This idea of spiritual evolution .

I think that the biggest problems we have in the truth movement are.

One, we have no idea that everything we believe, we were made to believe by people caring the message of these entities,
and two, because we don’t really understand what their endgame is, or why they are so diligent with this deception, which makes us powerless to defend against it, we don’t even know what it is they are trying to ultimately do.
We find ourselves wanting to believe what they want us to believe and we never have realized that we are being led like sheep to the slaughter to what I like to call the New New World Order.

Let me introduce you to the real plan of the Illuminati.
The one thing that has never changed in Ickes teaching is the idea of the coming evolution of Humanity.

Icke: One of the themes of that time, we’re talking 1990, was that there was a consciousness shift coming. I kept meeting with a lot of psychic people in those days, and they kept saying, ‘I’m getting something, I’m being told to tell you this’ and again and again, it’s a consciousness shift coming. There is an awakening coming, and now that the ‘90’s has become the new century, more and more this stuff about this shift is going on.

It also happens to be the central thesis to Theosophy, the mother of the new age movement, in fact the very term “New Age” is referring to a coming time of spiritual evolution. This fact alone should show you how the idea of a new spiritual evolution is the only idea that matters to these beings. It was what Hitler was working towards, and it is the reason why the 2012 phenomenon exists today, that is to be another vehicle to sell people the idea that a spiritual evolution is coming it is usually sold in tandem with that idea.
We have already looked at some of the reasons why Icke thinks the idea of the coming spiritual evolution is valid, one is because he believes the photons from the photon belt will change us, and alternatively he believes that the “Galactic Logos” will send its “seven rays” through the sun god and change our DNA into a better evolution.
Despite these flimsy premises, Icke is absolutely convinced that nothing can stop this from happening.

Icke: I’m absolutely convinced that the end of this prison society is a done deal. I think the outcome is gonna happen, it’s meant to happen and we’re now seeing, and it’ll go on for awhile, but we’re now seeing the last throes of a dying system.

You also have to understand that we are being promised a utopia in no uncertain terms.

“Beyond the turmoil of transformation awaits a new dawn for all the life-forms on this planet. We will live in a world of love and peace and harmony; a world in which the extremes of today and the recent past will give way to a level of understanding, wisdom, love that we could not begin to understand on this low and troubled frequency.”

The first problem that emerges is that this is sounding a lot like what those that wrote about a New World Order talk about. In fact, this chapter comes from a chapter entitled “New World” in Icke’s LCE. But what people often miss is that the New World Order plans to bring order out of chaos, it is suppose to rise out of the ashes of what will appear to be a great change in paradigm, that is why Manly P hall called it the “New Atlantis” they intend for their system to look like a utopia, and they intend for people who currently fight them and resist a world government to think that the old system that they have been fighting has been defeated and they intend for them to embrace what will look like a utopia their victory.

Alice Bailey said it best when she wrote:

“The new world order must meet the immediate need and not be an attempt to satisfy some distant, idealistic vision. The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience. The new world order must lay the foundation for a future world order which will be possible only after a time of recovery, of reconstruction, and of rebuilding.”

Notice in this next quote that she considers the current system which is obviously still controlled by them just the prepetory new world order she says:

“In the preparatory period for the new world order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organize any equipment for destructive purposes or to infringe the security of any other nation.”

“...the present world order (which is today largely disorder) can be so modified and changed that a new world and a new race of men can gradually come into being. Renunciation and the use of the sacrificial will should be the keynote for the interim period after the war, prior to the inauguration of the New Age.”

In a writing called “Preparations until 2025” she made some very revealing statements:

“This must form the theme of all the propaganda work to be done during the next few decades
- until the year 2025 - a brief space of time indeed to produce fundamental changes in human thought, awareness, and direction, but - at the same time - a quite possible achievement, provided the New group of World Servers and the men and women of goodwill perform a conscientious task “

what was this group suppose to teach. I find this one particularly interesting it says”

“The day is dawning when all religions will be regarded as emanating from one great spiritual source; all will be seen as unitedly providing the one root out of which the universal world religion will inevitably emerge. Then there will be neither Christian nor heathen, neither Jew nor Gentile, but simply one great body of believers, gathered out of all the current religions.” —Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul

And this final quote I find particularly revealing considering that it is the one thing that Icke has consistently done through every manifestation, the last few pages of every book he has written is explaining this message that Alice Bailey said Emphasis must be put on:

“Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity.”

There is also a very dark side to Ickes spiritual utopia, something that I have previously only alluded to. Not everyone is invited to the utopia. And those that refuse to conform to the new system will be eliminated. This is very apparent when you read the channeled writings.

In The Book of Co-Creation, New Age leader Barbara Marx Hubbard states:

“Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend . . . One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving . . . Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human . . . the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body . . . Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God's selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death.”(114)

Alice Bailey explained what the new world order will do to those who refuse to accept its utopia:

“… let us never forget that its the Life, its purpose and its directed intentional destiny thats of importance; and also that when a form proves inadequate, or too diseased or to crippled for the expression of that purpose, it is - from the point of view of the Hierarchy - no disaster when that form has to go. Death is not a disaster to be feared; the work of the Destroyer is not really cruel or undesirable… Therefore, there is much destruction permitted by the Custodians of the Plan and much evil turned into good ….”(115)

In his chapter “New World” Icke says:

“I do not seek to hide the severity of this period of fundamental change. It will be tough for every one of us…Many will return to light levels (die) in the wake of the physical events and the quickening vibrations. The Earth Spirit is already rising up the subplanes, and through the years ahead she will progress through the whole frequencies in her journey back to Atlantis and beyond. .. Those who cannot quicken their own vibrations through love and balance will find themselves out of synchronization with the environment around them. This process is already apparent.

As the vibrations of a being fall behind those of their planet, it manifests in physical, mental and emotional imbalances. And such people will need all the love there is to give. Their behavior will be unpredictable and sometimes unpleasant and inexplicable.
Those who cannot at this time rise with the climbing subplanes and frequencies will eventually return to the light levels (die) and be surrounded by love of indescribable warmth and power. They will asses their progress and decide how they wish to proceed on their path of evolution.

Icke say in TSSYF:

“Others who follow the propaganda of the Global Elite and the Prison Warder consciousness will cling on to the old vibration in their desperation to find security. They will become even more vehement in their religious, political, and economic dogma. They will resist the rising vibrations if they choose that path, and this will have mental, emotional, and physical effects. The two states of being, the programmed mind and the open mind, will be more obvious with every month to those who know what is happening.

And not just that, but according to Icke these certain people that are hanging on to the old age are going to actually prevent the rest of the people from getting their evolution.

“We are now entering a period of fantastic change, and the happening of events are speeding up all the time. We have two challenges here in front of us… people [have to] get access to that information, and start to realize who they really are and the nature of life, then we can go into stage 2 which is the Incredible Consciousness shift that is going to happen (and is happening with many people already, but can happen for everybody if we open up to the knowledge of what’s going on and to do that the edifice of suppression has to go.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:21 PM
What I see so often in the New Age movement, is that they’re focusing on the second but they’re in denial of the first. And the second is not going to happen for many people unless we remove the suppression.”

Now here is a though that has disturbed me for awhile.

Obviously the idea of spiritual evolution is being pushed by the global elite and these entities, and I suppose it could lead to a world government, but only if the entire world was in on it, I mean right now only the New Age and the so called truth movement, which has now been converted to new age, believe the spiritual evolution stuff, and sure the idea is expanding thanks to shock value things like the 2012 stuff, but still it would have to be believed by the entire world and not just a few, they would have to be passionate about the idea of spiritual evolution.

Let me let Mr Icke explain how this could all change overnight.

Icke: What I would say very strongly, and it’s coming more and more into my life, there is an x-factor, which I don’t understand yet, but I sure as hell know it’s there, and it’s an x-factor that’s going to bring an end to this childish playground nonsense of human control.

Interviewer: You mean an external influence?

Icke: Something, something, I absolutely…on a deep level I know it….I’d say, and I’m probably being optimistic, but we’d probably live in a global version of Nazi Germany within ten years if we take that route, if we take ‘that’ route, we’ll be, in ten years time, deeply into a transition to a very different world. It’s just a choice, but this x-factor is gonna change the world into one that I would like to live in. I dunno what the x-factor is, but I know it’s coming…

Woman: No one’s gonna do it for us.

Icke: Well, my feeling is that there’s an x-factor, I don’t think that humanity can do it alone because the programming is so deep and the pressure to go the other way, to hold onto the hack, is so powerful to people who are in mind, alone, but I think what we can do is change enough so that we stop adding to the problem, ut I think there’s an x-factor, and I think there are things going on now, outside of our awareness and on much levels of consciousness than we’re aware of, that is also supporting this change.

Notice what the function of the x factor is, he says that the programming to hold on to the old ways is too strong, but the x factor, this external thing, will shatter that paradigm and set us free from our old way of thinking and it will give us a new paradigm.

Let me suggest a possible x factor that people like Bill Cooper have suggested, and one that I think without question we are being prepared for by the global elite, and have been for at least 70 years. That is an extra terrestrial presence being discovered. I realize that there are many documents that reveal a plan of the new world order to use an alien threat to cause the patriotism needed for a world government. After all people would no longer view themselves and separate countries but instead a world family, this would also create the need for a world bureaucracy to deal with the threat. But I think that based on the propaganda of Hollywood and the occult writings that this might not be presented as a threat at all, but rather as them posing as a savior to a world that will be war torn, They will claim to be saving us from ourselves, they will claim to have genetically created mankind, and they would claim that they used to be like us and that we are on the verge of an evolution. Suspend disbelief for a moment, As I explain how this would serve as Ickes x factor and the catalyst for his Utopia and the real new world order to begin all at the same time.

It would accomplish the primary thing that Icke says we need to do in order to shift with the planet, that is to destroy religion of all types.

All over the world religions would be in turmoil, here are these aliens and they are claiming to have created us, that means they are claiming to be our God in a sense. Overnight the programming that Icke says is too powerful, the religious programming, that is holding us back from the shift, would be shattered. All the religions would be forced to reconsider their ideas.

Secondly, it would finally get the idea of a possible evolution to the entire world, everyone across the world, from the smallest village to the largest city would have a really good reason to believe that they too could be evolved, they could become like the aliens, they could become actual gods. Overnight the x factor could turn the entire world into little David Ickes believing their evolution was just around the corner.

And of course the world government utopia would be possible then, but it would be even better if what after a time of war like when Alice Bailey said The new world order must be appropriate to a world which has passed through a destructive crisis and to a humanity which is badly shattered by the experience.….here is why:

We need to be convinced that the utopia that we will be asked to join is totally different than the old system..For us truther types we will need to be convinced that the new world order has been defeated in order to trust such a utopia…the regular people will only have to be convinced that the new system, since it will be based on non religious ideas, now because the aliens showed us that the religions were wrong, will be one where there will be no more wars; that will be the promise…the war that we are saved from initially must be made to look like the epitome of religious wars, it will be something that pins the Jews against Muslims which will draw in the so called Christians…the world will be convinced that the previous wars were about religion…this will be the way that the genocide starts….It like the treaty of Versailles times 100.

Only universal disaster could have brought men to a state of mind wherein such propositions and solutions could be presented. The general recognition that the old order has lamentably failed is most valuable. – Alice Bailey

The new world order will seem to have been defeated, we will rejoice in our new hope of utopia we will badly need it, we will be told to await out new found powers, but when they don’t come we will be told that it is because there are still among us that are keeping us from it, those that are still hanging on to the old age.

All this makes what Icke is saying here very concerning.

Icke: But we’re now seeing the last throes of a dying system, where the Illuminati in their box, they’re believing they’re crashing the system to create something else, when it’s actually crashing really, for another reason.

Understand what he is saying, he is admitting that they are crashing the system to create something else. This idea should be common knowledge to all of us who study them, they are going to be the solution to a problem they created. and Icke of course knows this, after all he is mister problem reaction solution.

But listen to what he is saying…he believes his utopia will arise out of their ashes and for some reason their phoenix wont rise… in effect he is saying when the system crashes…he is expecting his utopia to rise but they are expecting a utopia to rise too…how are we suppose to know that the utopia we get after the crash is the one that Icke is talking about instead of the one they have been planning to bring about for so long…or probably the bigger question is… are theses utopias one in the same, they certainly sound the same.…What a dangerous game this is.

They will say that there are still people who don’t trust the new utopia, (these people will primarily be Christians because there are prophecies specifically mention a great deception that will seem to offer peace but it will only last a 3.5 years before it shows its true colors)

All the other religions will find it easy to agree to the new system. This in addition to the propaganda that Christianity is behind all the wars of the past will convince the entire world of theses words of Aleister Crowley who was given this message from a being claiming to be an Egyptian god.

“But the future is now and the manoeuvres are being unveiled. As far as Christianity’s role in this new age Carpenter states: “Christianity therefore as I say must either now come frankly forward and acknowledge it’s parentage from the great order of the past, seek to rehabilitate that and carry mankind one step forward in the path of evolution – or else it must perish, there is no alternative.”

[William Cooper:]
“But this callous disregard for the right to life of every human on the planet has been predicted before in the New Testament. John was moved to write, ‘… yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.’ The new world order, ladies and gentlemen, will sail in on a sea of blood.”(111)

I want to encourage people to look into some of the things that we have been constantly told are true in the Truth Movement..For example we have always been told that the bible was changed by the illuminati…but if you se my video was the bible written or changed by the illuminati you will see that if this claim is easily.

Or that Christians were behind the crusades and other wars see my video “religious wars, fact or fiction”

Or as I mentioned the Zeitgeit version of history. Watch the video Zeitgeist Refuted final cut or check out any of the links at the website, if your really concerned about truth watch that film, or go to my youtube channel where I have 336 uploads and other videos I have made like this one, and consider the possibility that you have been brainwashed as I once had been, to hate Christians and Jews. Is it so hard to believe knowing Satanists are behind this?

We here we have been told by Icke, a man definitely possessed by something, that if we worship the God of the bible we are worshiping the reptilians.

Icke: When you worship, you project energy, you are feeding this force by thinking you are worshipping this force when you are worshipping these!

He has changed his mind in every book he has written about which way to tell you not to look toward Jesus and not to look at the Bible. His entieties have told him to tell us That demons don’t exist. The voice that talked to him for 5 hours in brazil went on quite a tirade about how demons don’t exist how could they if everything was an illusion.

There is fabulous reason why this misdirection is happening, because the real agenda is being played out like a military system. These demons are influencing people to prepare the way for what the new world order calls its phoenix. And what the theosophical society calls the world teacher, their Christ, what I would call the antichrist. A genuine Satanist knows that this has been the plan all along, they are awaiting something they call the black awakening when this system will begin.

Alice Bailey said:

The widespread expectation that we approach the “age of Maitreya,” .. when the World Teacher and present head of the spiritual Hierarchy, the Christ, will reappear among humanity to sound the keynote of the new age…. There are millions of mentally alert men and women in all parts of the world who are on rapport with the Plan and work to give it expression.. They provide opportunity for cooperation with the spiritual evolution of humanity… there is no group so likely to ensure that humanity achieves this most difficult goal as the men and women of goodwill …. requiring only courage… to initiate action to prepare for the New World Order.”

All the conspiracies are leading up to one event. There is an ancient Angel that has been working on a system that would allow him to actually control the world to such a degree that he could force them to worship him as God… and unfortunately for the first time in history the technology is capable of doing that, I believe that the implantable microchip could actually play a role in this..

And he is the General in this, that is why you find Satanism behind every door you kick down in the investigation of the new world order, that is why you find his demons telling people to go out on a word stage and teach a doctrine that will lead them right into his hands, to an elitist mindset seeking the luciferic initiation of the light bringer, Prometheus, lucifer… they have always been preparing you for the Him…there agenda has never changed…..but we have been so brainwashed to hate Christianity that the bible is the last place we would look for the truth.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:32 PM
hmm having read some of what you say , this stands out...
One does not have to be a Christian to do this, or to have previously believed Jesus was important, in fact as you can guess many of the people who are getting this are not Christians but most of them who see the authority that the name of Jesus has over these beings begin to research who Jesus is and do become Christians later. This doesn’t work with other names, for instance calling on Buddha no matter how sincere the person is doesn’t seem to concern the entities.
that statement makes me think that the demons are related to jesus..
and the reason nothing else influences them is because to belive that they can influence you you have to belive jesus can save you..
but in my mind it all boils down to one word when it comes to dealing with other worldly beings...
To say that every other spirt or soul is evil and jesus is the only good spirt seems a little bit naive.
I know there are other good souls who would give them selves to help us.. and the fact that didnt walk in the path to jesus dosnt make it evil.
but ill read the rest and better form an opinion
but thats just my view

edit on 21-5-2011 by sprocket2cog because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-5-2011 by sprocket2cog because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:37 PM
David Icke was a mental soccer commentator who lost his # on live TV and declared himself the sun of god. If you're going to try understand spirituality or its development in his terms may I perhaps recommend a set of tarot colouring pencils and a drawing book?

Seriously how much more of a mullet does the man have to have before you can see him for the shill he is.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 04:15 PM
Ickey should never have come off of his Thorazine drip. He's a poster boy for the failure of care in the community. The quicker they re-section the involuntary moon spasm, the better.

On a side note: He should have gotten life in a small windowless room for wearing that turquoise shell-suite in public.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 05:45 PM
Brilliant break down. Excellent critical thinking. They do seem to be identifiable after all. Pretty much the way I see it too. S&F.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 05:51 PM
All you have to do is research Christianity past the Bible and its as full of as many holes as the new age doctrine.

You think Icke works for Lucifer in that case so do the Pope and Jesus. When you really break it down they all work for the same team and its obvious from the evil in the world on all levels.

Hold on to that Bible tight and hope it saves you, I'll trust in God the piece thats inside me my heart.

Heck the name Jesus didn't even exist until 1614 as their was no j or e in English yet this is supposed to be the only name that affects demons, what a joke.
edit on 21-5-2011 by ISHAMAGI because: spelling

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

He was really called Zeus. Some Spanish guy overheard Mark say "Hey Zeus" while greeting him... confusion followed.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI

Yeah I used to think that too:
Check this portion of the film out to find out where it all comes from, and why we are being force fed the idea.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 10:39 PM
I think that this OP is spot on in the assessment that David Icke has allowed an outside entity to hold him as a mouth-piece.

Given the Nature of Mankind and our current History; I am so sorry, David, in my opinion, is an "attachment"; much as most people are.

As the story goes, all Demons and their attachments will be cast into the fiery pits of the Leviathan and the doorways closed until Judgment Day. As for my own personal redemption I have to wait and find out who I am and what my role is; I want to be here to see it all, and beyond, but I am not open to Demons as the ones I have are enough. At this point I highly doubt there is one amongst us that is not "attached" in some manner; the question lies in who is attached to whom? When I am finally faced with the Divine I will know and my demons will know that it is time for them to be banished and I will not miss them in the least. Others will fight for their demons because they are the foundation of their "Truths" and the only "self" they know.

I believe the force behind all of this is following a Plan and that plan is within the Bible; the problem is that they think the Plan can be adapted to suit them, because they are not of the Divine, and they may not even believe in the Divine past their own selfish parlor of mirrors. I believe there will be an AntiChrist, a Mahdi, a Maitreya, the False Prophet, and the Witnesses, as all of these elements are part of the alchemy of Spirit that is bringing a Kingdom to Earth; the NWO is the wrong Kingdom if it encompasses Demons, but it is the only Kingdom they have to create.

Bless my Life and all who encompass me! May the Divine Spark in us all show us the correct path!

Thanks for a great analogy of David Icke, and the lessons we are all going to face soon! Excellent research, Thank you!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by Greensage
I think that this OP is spot on in the assessment that David Icke has allowed an outside entity to hold him as a mouth-piece.

Given the Nature of Mankind and our current History; I am so sorry, David, in my opinion, is an "attachment"; much as most people are.

As the story goes, all Demons and their attachments will be cast into the fiery pits of the Leviathan and the doorways closed until Judgment Day. As for my own personal redemption I have to wait and find out who I am and what my role is; I want to be here to see it all, and beyond, but I am not open to Demons as the ones I have are enough. At this point I highly doubt there is one amongst us that is not "attached" in some manner; the question lies in who is attached to whom? When I am finally faced with the Divine I will know and my demons will know that it is time for them to be banished and I will not miss them in the least. Others will fight for their demons because they are the foundation of their "Truths" and the only "self" they know.

I believe the force behind all of this is following a Plan and that plan is within the Bible; the problem is that they think the Plan can be adapted to suit them, because they are not of the Divine, and they may not even believe in the Divine past their own selfish parlor of mirrors. I believe there will be an AntiChrist, a Mahdi, a Maitreya, the False Prophet, and the Witnesses, as all of these elements are part of the alchemy of Spirit that is bringing a Kingdom to Earth; the NWO is the wrong Kingdom if it encompasses Demons, but it is the only Kingdom they have to create.

Bless my Life and all who encompass me! May the Divine Spark in us all show us the correct path!

Thanks for a great analogy of David Icke, and the lessons we are all going to face soon! Excellent research, Thank you!

I really appreciate the insight and kind words.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Amenti

S&F !
very good, solid research..I really couldn´t stop reading..
this picture goes so long back in time, I really think we now live in interesting times heading towards important events even to come.
It´s quite shocking to realize that its happening NOW and who seems to be involved/ manipulated in this game, when we consider how many people, institutions, intelligence services, budgets, media and ´new age´ groups are in..and people like Greer, Hoagland, Lear, Wilcock, project Camelot, C2C etc seem to play an important role, too in THIS game..

on Bailey and the theosophic society, I was very interested into the beautiful and in-depth work of Rudolf Steiner, who was involved in the movement in the beginning, but very soon parted as she claimed she to have found an indian boy as reincarnation of Christ..ouch..
and she was very influenced by Blavatsky..


She described the majority of her work as having been telepathically dictated to her by a "Master of the Wisdom", initially referred to only as "the Tibetan", or by the initials "D.K.", later identified as Djwal Khul.

edit on 1-7-2011 by anti72 because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-7-2011 by anti72 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Amenti

Why is it that when you tell a religious person that you have angels that guide you they tell you you have demons? Didn't Jesus have angels that guide him? Didn't half the people in the bible have angels that guided them?

This is the truth. I am guided by angels. I am guided through LOVE. I have not only witnessed angels I have also witnessed demons. I know the difference in their vibration enough to know one from the other. Demons usually don't have much thought process though, quite often they are just entities that exist on a different vibrational frequency to us. Some of them feed off our energy (in particular sexual energy, which co-incidentally really does get you closer to "god" or at least the thing that your idea of god represents i.e. your higher consciousness), some of them are people who didn't pass all the way over, some of them are angry ghosts, some of them I'm sure have more intelligence, but I'm yet to meet a highly intelligent demon. Angels on the other hand are completely different.

Along with all the many other wonderful things they have guided me to do, to see and to become (including who I am today, which is someone... like David Icke, who wants NO MORE WAR!!! I want to see no more innocent babies DIE), everything I do through their guidence I do with love, I'm guided by love, it is unconditional love for people I have never met that makes me... unlike ANYONE I know.... get up every day and do SOMETHING to change this, to make people AWARE of the reality of war... to tell them its time we stopped!!!

When YOU can tell me that YOU get up every day and are guided by unconditional love for people you have never met to do whatever you can that day to save them, even though you know its probably pointless... but love guides you to keep fighting for what is really important anyway...

WHEN YOU can get up every day and do that... when you can tell me you cry every day with the agony they suffer while your family pays for their suffering through the taxes they give their useless governments

then YOU can tell me I am guided by demons...

but I'm sorry...

I'm guided by Angels

my Angels guide me with love

and they guided me to David Icke.

and for him and his unconditional love for people he has never met

I thank my angels and his angels and David himself for being someone that is REAL

unlike you

who's claim to fame

is to sit on a computer and throw christian judgements on people you've never met.

take your christian war

and go to hell.

Are you God? Are you ALLOWED by the rules of god to pass judgement on others? NO

then STFU.

edit on 17-8-2011 by GuitarGirlWA because: because i can

edit on 18-8-2011 by GuitarGirlWA because: because

edit on 18-8-2011 by GuitarGirlWA because: so David can speak in his defense

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by GuitarGirlWA
reply to post by Amenti

Why is it that when you tell a religious person that you have angels that guide you they tell you you have demons? Didn't Jesus have angels that guide him? Didn't half the people in the bible have angels that guided them?

When YOU can tell me that YOU get up every day and are guided by unconditional love for people you have never met to do whatever you can that day to save them, even though you know its probably pointless... but love guides you to keep fighting for what is really important anyway...

WHEN YOU can get up every day and do that... when you can tell me you cry every day with the agony they suffer while your family pays for their suffering through the taxes they give their useless governments

then YOU can tell me I am guided by demons...

but I'm sorry...

I'm guided by Angels

my Angels guide me with love

and they guided me to David Icke.

and for him and his unconditional love for people he has never met

I thank my angels and his angels and David himself for being someone that is REAL

unlike you

who's claim to fame

is to sit on a computer and throw christian judgements on people you've never met.

take your christian war

and go to hell.

Are you God? Are you ALLOWED by the rules of god to pass judgement on others? NO

then STFU.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by GuitarGirlWA

Your rant really sounds loving, Guitargirl. It sounds to me like you are justifing yourself with your crying and carrying on about war, etc. You blame Christians for "war" without specifying what you are referring to. True followers of Christ Jesus do not advocate war, however, turning one's cheek does not include allowing wholesale slaughter of innocents, such as the Muslims do.
You say you are guided by angels. You are entitled to your belief. Just one question: Do your angels deny that Jesus came in the flesh?
BTW: Jesus was not led by angels...nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus was led by angels. If you are going to try to justify your own delusions, please actually read material you reference, before making blatantly ignorant statements or ask uninformed questions.
Can you really be so heatedly against what you do even know?
You have my pity, but I cannot and will not pretend to accept your delusions.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 01:15 AM

Originally posted by 1PLA1
reply to post by GuitarGirlWA

Your rant really sounds loving, Guitargirl. It sounds to me like you are justifing yourself with your crying and carrying on about war, etc. You blame Christians for "war" without specifying what you are referring to. True followers of Christ Jesus do not advocate war, however, turning one's cheek does not include allowing wholesale slaughter of innocents, such as the Muslims do.
You say you are guided by angels. You are entitled to your belief. Just one question: Do your angels deny that Jesus came in the flesh?
BTW: Jesus was not led by angels...nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus was led by angels. If you are going to try to justify your own delusions, please actually read material you reference, before making blatantly ignorant statements or ask uninformed questions.
Can you really be so heatedly against what you do even know?
You have my pity, but I cannot and will not pretend to accept your delusions.

I reserve my love for those that deserve it. Those whose time is spent being self righteous and pretending they are god and they are allowed to judge people, I have no tolerance for. Those whose lives are being cruelly and systematically destroyed for having done nothing, those are the people I reserve my love for.

I certainly don't go around placing judgement on people I've never met and publically declaring I know what is really going on in their lives while clearly, the only way you could ever truly know, is to be that person. Nor do I declare their way is wrong while mine is right. I am here merely to defend someone who wasn't here to defend themselves, so shoot me.

My angels actually constantly guide me to people and books who tell me "you need to be unconditionally loving and accepting of everyone, even those who really don't deserve it", so even my angels agree with you on that point, but I'm human, and I have human feelings and you people just don't have a clue the damage you do to children who grow up with my abilities, simply because we are DIFFERENT from you and because your religion tells you this is EVIL even though all through the bible to be guided by angels is something holy, and yet you instantly tell me mine are evil. I am not evil, I grew up more loving and empathetic than anyone I know, so much so that I will not tolerate injustice of any kind...

including false accusations that only do more damage and cause more separation to us a human species.

When the # are we going to start doing the "CHRISTIAN" thing and loving and accepting everyone and knowing that IF there is a god, it is up to him alone to decide whether these are angels or demons that guide me and that is for me to decide not for you to force upon me.

Mary was guided by angels... Jesus was SURROUNDED by angels on his birth...

I think you should re-read the bible...

btw... just so you know...

Jesus wasn't christian I'd rather be a part of Jesus's religion than Christianity
edit on 27-8-2011 by GuitarGirlWA because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by Amenti

Yeb...problems are created for most people....a welcome and promising change will be easily accepted. The stage is being set-up by tptb to welcome all the people who will chose for this new world.

A few days ago I went to a supermarket and to my surprise there was only one check-out point which accepted cash money. The rest was credit-card only. This chip will be introduced and to make the transition more 'likeable' they will upload 10 euro for free on it......for you to try out the new gadget.

I strongly belief there is a huge money-drain in all western 'connected' countries. The money stolen is used for such kind of introductions and changes.

The only hope we have that there will be enough people with clear thinking will help if they keep their eye on the ball...the real Jesus.

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