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Caught on Video : Teenage mother attempts to murder her toddler

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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 12:44 PM
I thiink the most shocking thing of this whole topic is that folks are using the word Mother to describe said person in the story.
Whether she was a Hood Rat. Ghetto mom, whatever.
She was not a Mother or Mom.
The words Mother, Mommy, Mom,Etc. should always be capitolized and revered right up there with the word God.
The chick in said video does not fit any of these.
I say Babies and Doggies are the only thing left in this world that are still good, and not even in that order.
You just do not harm either.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by g146541
I thiink the most shocking thing of this whole topic is that folks are using the word Mother to describe said person in the story.
Whether she was a Hood Rat. Ghetto mom, whatever.
She was not a Mother or Mom.
The words Mother, Mommy, Mom,Etc. should always be capitolized and revered right up there with the word God.
The chick in said video does not fit any of these.
I say Babies and Doggies are the only thing left in this world that are still good, and not even in that order.
You just do not harm either.

Don't forget the kittens.....I have a cat and he is adorable!

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:06 PM
i hope they tied her tubes and are force feeding her birth control if she is free to walk the streets. something tells me shes gonna be gone easy on for postpartum depression.

EDIT: just seen monster was givin 25 years. still plenty of time for her to harm others after wards. this is why i believe expecting parents should require a license with evaluated approval before having the child
edit on 21-5-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by elouina
Looks like munchausen by proxy to me. She was doing it all for the attention. I guess those folks will take any kind of "special attention". Even if bad.

Exactly what I was thinking. Mom wants attention.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:48 PM
It's so painful to hear about a child so young and innocent being treated in this way, of course it will bring up strong emotions.

But to the people making big judgements about the mother, writing a life story based on one terrible action of hers, calling for her death etc...I honestly believe that there is a collective consciousness that we all share, and every thought along those violent and hateful lines, this eye-for-an-eye's all part of what gives energy to these kinds of act and perpetuates them, and until we all stop thinking in these ways horrible things like this will never stop.

I'm not pretending to be perfect about this, and if someone I love is hurt then I have emotional angry responses like everybody does, but I don't believe they are right and I try to resist them.

I find it very distressing to read about this poor baby, but that doesn't make me feel it's ok to want to kill another human being no matter what state they have found themselves in. Vengeance is a very dark and negative concept and holds us back in our development, in my opinion.

We all wish things like this never had to happen. I'm not meaning to judge, but when I read these things about killing the mother...well to me it just seems like part of the same pattern that horrors like this come from in the first place.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by caladonea

(silo13) was defending the mother..

I was NOT defending the mother. I was calling out hate in one of it's original forms - prejudice.

The same prejudice that might have caused the doctor's to not give a damn at saving the life of a little 'ghetto trash baby' - but thankfully they did - regardless of stereotyping and prejudice.

Some might say it's 'their job' to save that baby - I'm saying it's ALL OF OUR JOBS to PUT AWAY PREJUDICE AND HATE.

THAT was the ONLY point of my original post - no matter how you try to twist it.



posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by samsamm9

Originally posted by sepermeru

Originally posted by kalunom
OR she is f'ing insane.

Either way, I hope she finds her way inside a deeply buried box real soon.

So you and Hitler both support exterminating the severely mentally ill. Good to know.

Not so sure about "mental illness" anymore, it's beyond that , this seems to be happening more and more, there must be something that triggers these people to commit these crazy , irratiional, impossible crimes !

Did anyone notice that there was more cases of extreme violence towards children ?
Or is it just my perception

edit on 21-5-2011 by samsamm9 because: (no reason given)

Regardless, the person I was responding to considered two options, and one was that she might be severely mentally ill, and the poster thought even if that were the case, she should be killed. So I'm not arguing that she definitely is mentally ill -- I really don't know. I'm arguing that someone who says "even if she is truly mentally ill, she should be exterminated" is a psychopath.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Ben81

In situations like this I can't help but think what the # is wrong with some people. If she didn't want the poor baby why not give him up for adoption? Leave him at a safe surrender site? Tell someone what was going on?

That is disgusting and heartbreaking on all levels. I'm glad they were able to save him, and she needs to pay the price.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
I didnt find any Youtube video to embed
and there is no further detail of this event
only the most saddest thing ever caught on video

Being priven of air during your first day of birth can have extremelly dangerous consequence in long term

The poor baby weighting around 2 pound was defenceless against the 200 pound animal in the room

When someone is disconnected from reality they think about money first everything else doesnt mather

Another possible explanation of the hardest question of all time regarding babies
what if she were raped .. would she want to keep it ?? WOULD YOU ?

if someone else have another theory on why a mother would do that to her own child .I wanna hear it
this criminal act on a baby is always very hard to explain and debate

I dont want any kind of comment like this .. "The mother saved the baby to avoid this crual/dark world"

Video Link
edit on 5/21/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

Video is safe to watch.. the baby now is probably living with another familly
hope the "mother" go do some thinking inside of a cell for a few years
edit on 5/21/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

I just read a few days ago about a women that got in a fight with the father of her 28 day old baby and she cooked it in the microwave.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:27 PM
Life is getting cheaper and cheaper.

"I'm Barack Obama and I approve this video. You don't want to punish her with a baby."

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Ben81

I couldn't watch much of this.............unbelievable sad.

What a beautiful, sweet little baby.

The woman, rather than hate, should be sterilized and put in a mental facility for the rest of her life.

Oh that's right, Reagan closed most of them down in the 80's.

Anyone that could do something so horrendous is clearly mentally deranged.

God, this thread I should not have visited, just really depressed me.

Usually I am against cameras everywhere, but in this case, in a hospital - it's a good thing that camera caught her.

She really should be locked up and never allowed to have another child ever.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:38 PM
This is a very sad case of child abuse the poor baby is lucky to be alive and i have to wonder about haveing the oxygen cut off for that length of time if the baby will have any kind of brain damage ..The mother gets 25 years for this she should have gotten life behind bars for this crime ..I hope they find a good loveing home for this sweet little baby..

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:47 PM
That mother is an animal.

An f'n animal.

Actually worst than an animal.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by Ben81

This is a selfish world. she said she was ' stressed and didn't want to deal with taking care of her anymore '

there are many who don't desire change and don't acknowledge GOD in their lives.

selfishness is as much a issue as ' rape ' in this scenario as you pointed out.
edit on 21-5-2011 by steven704 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 04:32 PM
Funny how everyone is shocked when a woman tries to kill her own baby but when the US military kills hundreds of innocent children in Afghanistan and Iraq nobody bats an eyelid.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by morkington
It's so painful to hear about a child so young and innocent being treated in this way, of course it will bring up strong emotions.

But to the people making big judgements about the mother, writing a life story based on one terrible action of hers, calling for her death etc...I honestly believe that there is a collective consciousness that we all share, and every thought along those violent and hateful lines, this eye-for-an-eye's all part of what gives energy to these kinds of act and perpetuates them, and until we all stop thinking in these ways horrible things like this will never stop.

I'm not pretending to be perfect about this, and if someone I love is hurt then I have emotional angry responses like everybody does, but I don't believe they are right and I try to resist them.

I find it very distressing to read about this poor baby, but that doesn't make me feel it's ok to want to kill another human being no matter what state they have found themselves in. Vengeance is a very dark and negative concept and holds us back in our development, in my opinion.

We all wish things like this never had to happen. I'm not meaning to judge, but when I read these things about killing the mother...well to me it just seems like part of the same pattern that horrors like this come from in the first place.

You make a very good point about the eye for an eye mentality. I don't agree with those who call for her death. But honestly had I walked in that room and saw her doing that I would have snapped on her and not in the verbal way.

No matter what her life was like is irrelevent to the choice she made to try and kill her child. It was thought out. You could tell by the way she was acting on the video. She was trying to be sneaky and get away with it. If there was true mental illness involved It would have played out much differently.

This girl is not a good person and to me that is not a judgement but a statement of fact based on her actions. No good person would ever harm an innocent child no matter the circumtances. It is our choices that make us who we are as individuals, and her choice shows what kind of person she really is.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by Ben81

This makes me fing sick. Do you see in the video how while the mother is trying to smother the baby she leans over on her elbow like she is tired. Ooh how boring it is smothering baby. I hope she gets a good 20 years.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by caladonea

I am wondering if she is a pedofile.

why the hell she would be a paedophile ??
Seriously, explain me why

Pray for that baby.....

Prayer is exactly what it represent
Doing nothing and still thinking you're helping...

I personaly wish the extermination of humankind and peoples who blindly "pray" instead of moving their butt to actualy CHANGE things

edit on 21-5-2011 by Conciliatore because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 05:55 PM
There are some sorry son of a bitches in this world, and this is girl is one of them...If the courts would let me, I would smother this girl myself for what she has done to this little innocent child...This burns my ass up....and people think they are going to be raptured today? Give me a break......

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:15 PM
I just watched tha video and it literally brought me to tears.. Being a mother myself of 2 beautiful kids, I just can't imagine doing that or someone else doing that to either of my kids. I'm sorry that she had it rough and that tha baby's father was not in tha picture helping her with tha baby, but that is no excuse for wat she did. My children's father has not been in their lives since tha day that they were born... I have it rough, we all do... But that does not excuse anyone for harming a child. Especially their own....

I don't feel sorry for her..... If anything, I feel sorry for that baby, and I am glad that tha baby made a full recovery.... My thoughts and prayers are with that baby and the new family he gets.....

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