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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:11 AM
I actually saw this on my local news station:

If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. This assistance might include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control (including isolation and quarantine). It’s likely that an investigation of this scenario would seek to accomplish several goals: determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and thus prevent further cases, and how patients can best be treated. Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak, but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas (I will be volunteering the young nameless disease detectives for the field work).

Perhaps they're concerned with certain mad scientists attempting to exploit the Rabies virus (which primarily afflicts the brain and temperment) to build AIDS vaccines, as similarly depicted in I Am Legend (2007) and its predecessor films:

Further Progress Toward AIDS Vaccine: Rabies-Virus Vaccine Protects Monkeys
Led by Matthias J. Schnell, Ph.D., director of the Jefferson Vaccine Center, the researchers found that a rabies virus-based vaccine administered to monkeys protected against the simian equivalent of the HIV virus (SIV). The data were published in the journal Vaccine.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

edit on 21-5-2011 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss because: upgrade

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:46 AM
CDC CAN HELP MY A$$!!!! what moronic idea is this i bet yeah all all they are going to do is say "sorry we dont know the cure now we are going into the world best bunker to live the rest of our lives while you die or if it ends we will come out maybe" so CDC CAN HELP MY A$$!!!! if they wont

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by THEwTRUTH
CDC CAN HELP MY A$$!!!! what moronic idea is this i bet yeah all all they are going to do is say "sorry we dont know the cure now we are going into the world best bunker to live the rest of our lives while you die or if it ends we will come out maybe" so CDC CAN HELP MY A$$!!!! if they wont

amen to that mon frere. If zombies come, the CDC can kiss my ass. I am not goign to evacuate my lab for a spoon of alphabet soup!

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:45 PM
i believe there was a post a few weeks back that explained the chances of a zombie attack i am searching for it but will post it when i do

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 12:50 PM
Just aim for their heads and don't forget too Double Tap.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by THEwTRUTH

Yes, based on the idea of transmittal by bite, etc., it would be easily contained.

However, if there was some kind of airborne virus, that was a mutated form of Rabies, we could very well see something like the Rage virus in 28 Days. So, it is still possible, just unlikely.

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 07:22 PM
I really have to applaud the CDC and their effort to bring emergency preparation to the younger generations. While I don't think they are literally trying to prepare us for a zombie invasion, I believe that, as stated in one of their banners, "If you can survive the zombie apocalypse, you can survive anything."

Much like "The Zombie Survival Guide" by Max Brooks, it is a lot of great, common sense information that could be applied to a myriad of disasters.

In any case, I am glad to see they are utilizing new methods to reach out to the American people.

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