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Son of Oda

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 06:57 PM
I am the Son of Oda, I hail from the North and I have been among you for some time now. I have watched as many topics boomed and many topics fell stagnant, I have kept my thoughts to myself through this time. Through the corridor I walk, opening into the wide space of conspiracy and the unexplained. I take a seat at the table of thought and feed my hunger for alternatives, for hightened awareness of my world. What it shall be tonight I am not certain, though I am not a picky eater.

Gaze upon your reality,
what is it that you see?
Your life infested with malady,
or a life of a bourgeoisie...

Is a life a life if it is destiny?
Is a life a life if it is fair?
Is a life a life if ruled through villainy?
Is a life a life if it goes out subtly without so much as a flair?

An eye for an eye leaves the world blind,
but the world is blind as of now,
Not a child but a mind left behind,
how much madness will you allow?

This world is as much yours as it is mine,
and I am King of this ol' pagoda,
A change is needed and it's about time,
So I hope I am welcome, Son of Oda.

posted on May, 20 2011 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by SonOfOda

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posted on May, 20 2011 @ 07:03 PM
I am the son of Joseph.

I am the son of a da too.

So, I am the son of O'da.

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