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Modified boeings or holograms?

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posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by weedwhacker
About how people today wouldnt have allowed themselves to be forced to be slaves and how Eddie was quite sure that the first slave off the boat told his "master" to go to Hades when told to pick the cotton and the subsequent beating had the rest of them saying we will pick the cotton...just put down the whip.

Which, in fact, is what happened on at least one of the flights. Remember Daniel Lewin?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:13 PM
why do they have to be holograms anyway ?

I think there is a very feasible and plausible conspiracy theory for 9/11. it's more or less the pearl harbor theory. 19 hijackers take control of 4 planes. 3 of them hit targets.

the US either knew it was coming or actually assisted the plot so they could demonize their enemy and whip up the flames of patriotism for a war in the oil fields

no need for CD, holograms or missiles

I'm not saying I believe the pearl harbor theory or the 9/11 one I just referenced, but I sure as heck don't believe the CD, holograms and missile theory

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

IF all these so-called "truthers" or "Truth Seekers" ("truthers" would be the combining together of those two, oh....."contrail" is a combination of "condensation" and " trail"......perhaps "TS" will suffice? Shorter to write.....)....

...if these so-called "TS" will just focus on only your idea, there...the "Pearl Harbor" analogy (as it is floated, so often, in conspiracy circles) as their primary focus of attention, I think they'd make a LOT more progress......

edit on Tue 31 May 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by roboe

Or Mickey Rothenberg on United 93

Hijackers would kill Flight attendent/passenger as means of enforcing compliance

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:14 PM

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by DIDtm

I cannot begin to conceive the dreamland you live in. For whatever reason you are unable to understand my reference, so true to form, you attempt a personal attack. Sad.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by DIDtm

I cannot begin to conceive the dreamland you live in. For whatever reason you are unable to understand my reference, so true to form, you attempt a personal attack. Sad.

DID you or did you not reference me as an 'internet tough guy'?

Pretty sure you started with the personal attacks.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:55 AM
Are people still milking the hologram theory?!
It's just such a retarded theory.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by DIDtm

Nope, I made a generalization based on observing the words of quite a few posters on ATS over the years. If you took personal offense, im sorry, but that would be your issue.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

19 hijackers take control of 4 planes. 3 of them hit targets.

No hijackers.
Completely planned and pulled off by elements inside the Government, such as Bush and company.
Planes were rigged to fly remote control.
These are not speculations but facts I am a witness to.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by syrinx high priest

19 hijackers take control of 4 planes. 3 of them hit targets.

No hijackers.
Completely planned and pulled off by elements inside the Government, such as Bush and company.
Planes were rigged to fly remote control.
These are not speculations but facts I am a witness to.

that is a pretty bold statement..
so according to you, we can replace speculation with proof?
well lets hear your story.. and it will need to be in specific detail..
thanks in advance..

edit on 14-6-2011 by pccat because: spelling

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by jmdewey60
reply to post by syrinx high priest

19 hijackers take control of 4 planes. 3 of them hit targets.

No hijackers.
Completely planned and pulled off by elements inside the Government, such as Bush and company.
Planes were rigged to fly remote control.
These are not speculations but facts I am a witness to.

How can you be witness to the planes flown by remote control without being one of the perps?


posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
...a cruise missle hidden within a sub-atomic particle beam hologram.

Dude! "sub atomic particle" and "hologram" are two terms that aren't great together - just doesn't work technically. It sounds like it came from a Treknobabble generator.

On the other hand, area 51 is known to have worked on particle beam technology(including weaponry) and reverse engineering ufos and highely advanced aircraft designs so it is not entirely unfeasible they would have sophisticated holograms by now.

Area 51 isn't where high energy weapons (including particle beam sorts of things) are tested. That's several other places. Kirtland would be one. I don't buy the UFO thing - CT mythos. And holograms ala Star Trek and Star Wars don't exist. You can't do them in free air. Yes, a lot of fog projector, pepper's ghost and vibrating mirror displays have ad copy guys that try to foist them off as holograms - they're not. BTW, before you pull out that AF document everyone tries to pawn off as "PROVING@!@!!" that holograms exist, be aware I'm going to ask you to also find and post the intro chapter that tells you who wrote that and why - somehow the background always gets left off.

John Lear, while a member on ATS, was adamant that the planes that hit the twin towers were actually holographic images and when someone with his incredible accomplisments and experience says something like that, then I tend to take it seriously.

John, bless his heart, also believed that our little space brothers lived in the lush forest utopias of the Moon, Venus and Saturn.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

How can you be witness to the planes flown by remote control without being one of the perps?
By being geographically close to one of the maim perps, namely George W. Bush, who was the President at the time of the plane crashes. He was at a book reading photo op in the Booker Elementary School in Sarasota Florida. They had it set up so that the group with Bush could watch the crash on the school TV set so that it would seem normal to the people there. They had a camera operator in Battery Park, Lower Manhattan, south of the World Trade Center towers. Apparently, the military was running an exercise there and had the area cordoned off to only allow certain people into the park, so they were able to set up on the lower esplanade where normally there would be fishermen and other people casually using the area. The point being that they could set up in advance of the second plane coming out of the South, without a bunch of people standing around wondering what the hell they were doing. They up-linked the feed from that camera via satellite, and they would have had a person in a local Sarasota tv station to pick up the link and broadcast it through the normal transmitting tower. It just so happened that I was watching that channel, living in Sarasota County at the time. I got a really close up view of the plane which practically flew over the camera position at one time. And I watched the camera setting up to point in the right direction, before you could even see the plane coming up over the horizon, and it tracked all the way up to and including smashing into the second tower. It was clear enough to me and I came to that conclusion immediately, that it was flown remotely, by its movements as it passed overhead. Plus the camera was zoomed in so close at this point that I was looking through the windows into the cabin, and then into the passenger area and there were no live people in the plane to be seen.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by pccat

well lets hear your story.. and it will need to be in specific detail..

To add to the story I was retelling in my last post, three years ago one of my friends decided to tell me her story about Mohammed Atta, who just so happened to be the same person who supposedly was piloting that jet I saw crash into the WTC. Living in the Sarasota area, it happened that the wife of my co-worker was a teller at the bank in Venice, Florida, just down the road from the Venice Airport where Atta was working at the flight school there. He was acting on behalf of his employer by bringing the paperwork for the school's banking transactions, to the local branch where she worked. He probably had a little bit of a thing for her, and habitually situated himself to be served by her, whenever he came over, which was a daily routine. A routine continued through the tenth of September. She is not fuzzy on the date, seeing how the FBI had come to her place of work on five occasions, to interview her over the transactions between her and Atta. Also, Banks, if anywhere, do have security cameras, so I would expect that they got the tapes from those. The bottom line is, Atta was in Venice Florida at two pm the afternoon before the supposed hijackings. He was not on his way to Portland, Maine, from Miami. Atta is a patsy, just like Oswald was, in the JFK assassination.

posted on Jun, 14 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

Dude You Still Rock !!! The Truth Movement Needs more like you.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by truthseekr1111

Break out the tin foil!!!!!!

Give me a break. Now the bad guys are using Jedi mind tricks on the families?

i said that was ONE of the THREE possibilities... next time please include the CONTEXT when you criticize things implying nonsense.

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