Participation Rules
Our goal is to create one of the Internet's most respected resources for detailed discussion and analysis of the
important issues that are
part of the 2004 election year in the U.S. We've all seen how the candidates and the mainstream media tend to focus on almost anything other than the
hard issues. Let's focus the massive intellect and energy of ATS members on these issues, and be the resource voters need to become more aware of the
issues, and where each candidates stands.
Typical ATSNN Standards Apply!
Post Quality
The content of this forum will be promoted separate from ATS through the unique URL, People who are unfamiliar with us, or discussion boards may find your
material through political-topic searches in search engines. We will be demanding a higher-than-normal effort to create posts that are spell-checked
and properly written with acceptable grammar.
The MORE Tag (New Thread Preview)
When starting a new thread, your posts must begin with an introduction paragraph that summarizes your position, or your affiliation's position, on
the chosen issue.
After the initial paragraph, place an
tag similar to ATSNN posting...
this creates a short preview on the home page of the new website. Use the
tag as shown... LeftBracket "[" lower-case "more" then RightBracket
"]" immediately after your introduction paragraph in your new thread post.
New Threads
When you post new threads to this forum, your subject lines
must begin with one of the following ALL-CAPS subject prefixes:
SECURITY: (Military, war in Iraq, war on terror, terrorism, etc.)
ECONOMY: (Jobs, economic policy, etc.)
SOCIAL: (Medicare, Social Security, education, AIDS, Gay Marriagge, etc.)
TAXES: (The "dirty" topic)
FOREIGN: (Foreign Policy)
ENERGY: (Oil, alternatives, etc.)
ENVIRONMENT: (Parks, polution, etc.)
ETHICS: (Corporate governance, political ethics, campaign finance reform, etc.)
PLEASE NOTE: The education topic has been integrated into "SOCIAL" and the defense and terrorism topics have been condensed into
Insults and Attacks
All aspects of the discussion and debate must remain focused on the issues at hand. Any attack or insult directed
at anyone; be they a member,
a candidate, or other public figure, will not be tolerated in any way.
If this is observed in a post, no warning will be given. Your post will
be removed, a significant points penalty assigned, and access to this forum will be denied.
[edit on 26-8-2004 by SkepticOverlord]