posted on May, 19 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by ElliotNoir
I have a hard time swallowing the 'only the strong survive' cliche. Stephen Hawking is a weak, frail man in the physical sense. This means others
should help him and look out for him.
I think thats where things went wrong very long ago, as mankind reproduced throughout the years. People were eventually born with defective minds &
personalities, those without empathy or sympathy for others, who have no sense of right or wrong.
Those that wanted to impose their will over others went out and took what they wanted, killed whomever was in their way, and declared themself large
and in charge. They declared open lands as their own and either killed or enslaved honest men.
Thousands of years later we are still being oppressed by their descendants.
I appreciate that it appears non-compliance would bring the power structure to their knees, but it wouldn't. It would bring even more pain and
suffering to those who never had much to begin with. 'They' would beat us, kill us, throw us in jail and sell off our homes. Those in charge have
their heels well dug in, and they could live a good long while without a few of us around.
I think that to see a reversal of fortunes we need to use their strategies against them. Carrying signs in the streets and hiring lawyers for the
courtrooms is not much more than lip service. Truth be told, I think maybe the sword is mightier than the pen.