posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:59 PM
Alright, let's just talk about this Reptiloid situation for a minute. I mean, really, come on, let's face the facts. I'm not really sure where I
stand on this topic. I've read a lot about the subject from different perspectives. I understand the Hollow Earth theory and how that could be
plausible I understand the theory that reptiloids may be Earth's indigenous underground dwellers... and by the many ancient underground cities that
have been found, I understand how that could be plausible as well. So, where does that all tie in to a benevolent agenda and them coming from another
dimension or the Astral Plane. Why do people believe that they are harvesting us for future consumption? That's the confusing part of the theory for
me. Can someone shed some light and make me a believer?
The things that I've heard David Icke and Peggy Kane say are SO insane, it's hard to believe. I know that they genuinely believe what they're
saying, which is very frightening. They are not speaking out of malice, they truly believe in their statements regarding Reptiloids, that are waiting
on the Astral plane to eat us when we pass on... But why do they believe these things? I know that Peggy Kane has gotten a lot of her information
through her EVP machine by using reverse speech. Although, the recordings that she's reversed are uncanny... but wouldn't a superior race be able to
tell that they could be found out this way? And stop it from happening? I mean, if they have the ability to control our thoughts, wouldn't they be
able to implant false information to make us believe whatever they wanted us to believe?
AND, what about the Ancient Astronaut theory regarding The Sumerians and Annunaki? Where does that tie into the Reptilian theory? Were the Annunaki
Reptiliods? If so, why are they so hidden from society if they were the ones that created modern humanity..? Can I claim metal health disability
payments for this, haha. Just kidding, obviously. I'm just really curious about this topic. Whenever I try to talk to friends about this, I sound
like a crazy person and the just give me blank stares... a link on Peggy Kane and Reversed Speech samples... eerie.