Did you hear the lady toward the end who appologized for screaming?? She said 2 planes hit the twin towers right before the second plane hit. Am I
the only one who caught that??
edit on 5/19/2011 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)
It was two clearly different voices. The first voice was a news anchor voicing over armature footage of what had already happened. The second voice
was of the person filming it.
edit on 19-5-2011 by FanarFanar because: (no reason given)
I'm sorry that you feel that this was in distaste but it really isnt. It happened, and we have been fighting wars over it for years now. Thats the
only distasteful thing here.
Yes, okay. It's obvious the plane is fake. Do you have a theory or hypothesis, or was you just posting the video to share with others? Your OP is