reply to post by FuGGer
Foolish. What the borders of Israel are are none of the US's business and this is foolish to boot.
Obama has just alienated one of the most loyal voting blocks the democrats have in Jewish voters who were already a bit wary of him, not only for his
weak support of Israel and repeated catering to the Muslims, but also in the shabby treatment the Israeli government he and his administration have
shown on a number of occasions. This is yet another, with the Israeli Prime Minister's visit so close to this announcement.
The vast majority of the country is fundamentally against foreign aid of any stripe, let alone foreign aid to nations that harbor terrorists. The
last thing the people of this country want is tossing cash at Muslims, which will be seen rightly so, as protection money. At a time when
unemployment is high and the nation's economy in terrible shape, to divert resources from domestic priorities and give it to Muslims, extremist or
moderate is a political disaster.
He has set expectations that can not be met. It does not matter what you give the Palestinians, they will be a disaster as a governing entity absent
massive amounts of aid and there is no way that Israel will give up the land in the first place and were they to give it up, would certainly need to
be compensated.
This will also heighten an already strained relationship between Blacks and Jews, who ironically support common leaders in most cases, but
historically have had a tense relationship.
Nobody really believes that we will spread democracy in the Middle East. At best we will get illegitimate elections pitting one religious thug
against another. For the purpose of global stability, this will be nothing more than old wine in new bottles.
This alienates Wall Street and Hollywood, two of the largest sources of donations to the Democrat party. Both industrys are dominated by Jewish
leaders who will not look too kindly of this about face in US policy.
I think this is an outright appeasement of the Muslims. Obama knows that high gas prices are huge election issues. He has probably worked a deal
with OPEC whereby he denounces Israel and pushes for a return to the 1966 borders in turn for an increase in oil output and a dramatic reduction in
oil prices.
The Republicans are licking their chops right now
edit on 19-5-2011 by dolphinfan because: (no reason given)