Thats a tough question there. Everywhere I look I see restrictions, regulations, limitations, conditions and conrtol. You can't do anything these days
without paying some kind of middle man. Everyones looking for a piece of the pie I guess, but it is mostly the little guy who is left with the crumbs.
Maybe someone thinks that we are not smart enough to take care of ourselves. It is obvious to me that our cage gets smaller every day.
I purpose that we don't need to be nannied constantly. We dont need these limitations that are put there for our "safety". The gene pool is going to
hell in a hand basket with all the rules set forth for people not to hurt themselves. If some fool wants to make stuid choices and winds up paying the
ultimate price for his actions, the way I see it, thats one less fool to procreate. What happened to survival of the fittest? Natural selection?
One thing is for sure, If we keep going down the road we are at this present time, we are going to look like the film Idocracy before too long.
The road we are on now is a dead end. We need to take a left before its too late...
edit on 19-5-2011 by MessOnTheFED! because: (no reason given)
edit on 19-5-2011 by MessOnTheFED! because: PS I
put this in NewWorldOrder because thats what we need. Not one like the gengeral conspiratist thinks, but one where the babysitters go away.
Don't worry. Civilizations change all the time. Just imagine us in 500 years. Consciousness is going to be different. You can assume what the future
will be just by learning about nordic aliens.
I totally agree with you on some level. In so many cases warning signs point out the most OBVIOUS things. I remember seing a bag of peanuts which said
"warning, may contain nuts".
I live in the UK and health & safety here is an absolute joke and costs a TREMENDOUS amount of money.
All it takes is for one person to use a chainsaw has a buttscratcher and it will have a warning forever.
I know what you are saying. It seems rediculus for someone to always hold someone else liable for their stupidity. "WARNING: THE COFFEE IS HOT!" It
doesent take a rocket scientist to know that coffee is hot. Yet someone gets paid because she spilled hot coffee in her lap. WTF?! As I said earlier,
the gene pool is turning to rubbish.
Its about time to fire the teacher. Live and let live. Thats my way of thinking. Until someone steps on your toes, what right does anyone have to tell
others how to live?
Even if someone steps on your toes, you do not gain the right to tell them how to live. You gain the right to ask them to get off your toes.
Problem is, when they don't. What do you do then? Do you find someone to force the folks off of your toes? Or do you punch them in the face,
knocking them off?
(I ALWAYS choose the latter. Of course, a punch might be few choice words, or a real punch. Point is, my problem my solution.)
Also, students can't fire the teacher.
We need to graduate first. (err evolve)
edit on 5/19/2011 by adigregorio because: afterthought
The Nanny State is the only way to have the citizens of the various nations of Earth comply and adhere to the NWO. The NWO agenda needs people to be
reliant on the government(s) for support and sustenance, because it will be easier to transition to a World Government. If people are independent,
the NWO agenda can not be realized without massive global wars and genocide, so it is easier to destroy people economically. In terms of
Progressivism, the back bone ideology of the NWO agenda, the only way the human race evolves is to turn over their independence to the government. In
that context I guess humans have evolved.
I would prefer people handling their own problems. A compromise would have to be met in most cases. If the people were not able to compromise about
their differences then they should settle it however they feel is best. As long as it is within the law.