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How much for your silence?

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posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 08:51 AM
Hey all,

I have been looking about lately in some of the UFO threads and was led to a certain thought.

Especially relavent is a reply I revieved to a post only today:


For example, i would hide the truth for 10 million US dollars, knowing that i will be executed if some info is leaking.. the problem is in our society, no matter from which country you are, people are egoistic and selfish, every human just takes care of his own butt no matter what ..

I have seen this viewpoint expressed previously on ATS and again today I wondered about such a statement; the members of this site have contributed many fantastic stories and claims with regards to the subject of UFO's and it seems a popular subject for debate here. So my question is, taking as an example the above quote:

If you had absolute and unquestionable proof for the existence of and advanced extra-terrestrial intelligence, but your life (not anyone else's, family members etc.) was threatened to the point of guaranteeing your death in the event that you expose this evidence to the public. Would you make that sacrifice?

I like to think that I would. Remember we are talking about a proof that is absolute and unquestionable, that as soon as you place in the public domain could not be refuted. I think, taking into consideration the importance of such a discovery, there would be a duty to do so.

How many of the ATS members, a large number of whom have expressed such an deep interest in the subject, would honestly be prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to gift the rest of mankind that knowledge?

And if you would not, then why?


posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 09:07 AM
I would....(Take the cash)
Namely because no amount of proof would be enough to convince or change the world, so instead, i'd keep it secret, take the money and use it to help people in need.
I don't think many truly care about aliens existing or not, most just want to go about their lives without interruption or change.

[edit on 3-8-2004 by Deimos]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 09:08 AM
You think that the only threat is your life? I don't think so, this is the truth that would change the world, it's religion, it's thiking itself, there would be an international chaos .. i think the government not only pays a HUGE amount of money to people who are introduced to the real thing but also are monitoring their everyday steps + if the info would spread it could kill the whole family, friends and other people who knew this person .. No human is able to take such a risk, besides, there is no point in living, if there is no one to die for.. think about it ..

p.s. this post is based on my reply

[edit on 3-8-2004 by RealityBites]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 12:38 PM
Well, let's get something straight:

Nobody will ever get paid to hide the truth, and if you are capable to expose the truth, you will be among those, who just have vanished from the human community without any trace, including your family and relatives. It is not good to play wth any info about aliens, because the government cares for the cover of the truth, and they will do everything to keep this thing silent.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 12:48 PM
Is there any evidence of entire families dissapearing?

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:15 PM
If there was evidence of the disappearance, then it'd be sloppy work don't you think?

Remember we are talking about a proof that is absolute and unquestionable, that as soon as you place in the public domain could not be refuted

There is NO such thing, so I'd take the cash. You could have a live alien, pieces of the craft, whatever. It could STILL be easily refuted....

Live alien: Show up the next day on the tube with an even halfway convincing latex suit resembling the alien, etc. problem solved.

Pieces of the craft: Claim (by military official) the debris is from a classified top secret reconaissance drone, and "I'll take that please".

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Deimos
Is there any evidence of entire families dissapearing?

You must be joking!!

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Istvan
Well, let's get something straight:

Nobody will ever get paid to hide the truth

I never said they will, but people who work for the government, for the secret operations and all that stuff get enough cash to keep their tongues in their mouths, otherwise it would all be revealed decades ago ..

[edit on 3-8-2004 by RealityBites]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:13 PM
I think, they would be punished rather than overpaid... but surely, they get a lot of money. There is law regarding the government secrets, and if any top official does against it, probably will get the worst possible punishment, legally.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:18 PM
To: Istvan //

But what about UFO crash sites? You think citizens who have been there and saw the whole scene are just feared to death not to tell anything? I think a HUGE amount of money mentioned in other threads (40-90 billion dollars a year to black ops) goes to cover-up thing, such as paying citizens and press, and so on .. It is a fact that even nowadays a huge amount of money can overcome laws and justice .. and truth, of course ..

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:21 PM
Of course, that some of the info is leakin, but we never know what is true or not, where is the starting point to investigate the whole thing .. Im reading UFO related stuff a year and a half now, and i can say that there are lot of fairy tales(for example Billy Meier case, hes just a freak who earns money on this stuff, and he is doing it good, too), you can't even separate the real thing from crap ..

[edit on 3-8-2004 by RealityBites]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:29 PM
you guys have it wrong.

They dont give hand-outs like money.

all they do is tell you to keep your mouth shut or else its your life and your families maybe all your friends too.

It doesnt take money to keep your mouth shut. It takes the heart to keep your family and friends alive.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:29 PM
you guys have it wrong.

They dont give hand-outs like money.

all they do is tell you to keep your mouth shut or else its your life and your families and maybe your friends too.

It doesnt take money to keep your mouth shut. It takes the heart to keep your family and friends alive.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:31 PM
I would only sacrifice my life if i can have many listeners and followers.

If there is as many skeptics like there is in here, than what would be the point to sacrifice?

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:41 PM
don't think that's the whole deal, it is in human blood to earn money, to be above all, to rule .. i tell ya they overpay a huge amount of money for those who are really related to this stuff, such as area51 personell, test pilots, engineers, research teams and so on, the whole thing is about our role in evolving and such stuff, simple fear won't do the thing .. fear + huge amount of money in ur mouth - will. But that's only my opinion.

[edit on 3-8-2004 by RealityBites]

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by 1halucinogen1

you guys have it wrong.

They dont give hand-outs like money.

all they do is tell you to keep your mouth shut or else its your life and your families maybe all your friends too.

It doesnt take money to keep your mouth shut. It takes the heart to keep your family and friends alive.

That's right! nobody will hand out any money, if the government has any trouble, there comes the threat.

Anybody who witnessed a UFO crash site before, probably he/she had a long conversation with a few top officials regarding his/her family and friends... and relatives.

I say one thing, better be careful.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:48 PM
You really think mankind is ready for this kind of information?Hell no.PPl are always gonna have doubts and question your motives.I'd take sum cash and join whatever organisation is hiding the truth.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by RealityBites
don't think that's the whole deal, it is in human blood to earn money, to be above all, to rule .. i tell ya they overpay a huge amount of money for those who are really related to this stuff, such as area51 personell, test pilots, engineers, research teams and so on, the whole thing is about our role in evolving and such stuff, simple fear won't do the thing .. fear + huge amount of money in ur mouth - will. But that's only my opinion.

[edit on 3-8-2004 by RealityBites]

Those people get what they work for, and what they deserve. Whatever they do against their government, they are being watched recently. If they pop out any word about what they have seen, driven or repaired, the first thing the government will do is to get rid of that occupant immediately. Such work is not a joke, the bigguys are always ready to act.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:53 PM
let's see, if I was a government agency on a budget and I needed to shut someone up let me calculate the cost. $10 million and they still have the ability to blow the cover of whatever thing they have knowledge or proof of. Or $.22 on a bullet and we never have to worry about it again. I guess it depends on the humanity of our government.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:57 PM
That's something we'll never know, as long as the gov't is doing the job perfectly. My guess is though, that there are several $.22's finding place regularly at just any part of the world for 'top Secret' reasons...

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