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Human/Dolphin translation machine invented!!

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by Josonic

We should call them Delphinus Sapiens Sapiens...

It would be a start.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by NowanKenubi
Well, dolphins are territorial, we are too, they give themselves names, we do too, they give themselves surname, we do too, they make war, we do too... What is there to learn if they are our ancestors on the evolutionary scale?

Dont forget, they have sex for fun too - the ony other species aside from man to do that.

Originally posted by DerepentLEstranger
what do i find most amazing about dolphins [and whales]?

the chauvinistic refusal to acknowledge them as sentient beings.

they are still being referred to as animals.

did you know that dolphins dream awake?
that is, they experience waking and dreaming consciousness simultaneously.
one of the major goals of shamans by the way

they are truly the shamans of the sea and tide.

I think its programming - its just too 'crazy' to consider a Dolphin (or Cetaceans in general) as anything more than a stupid animal to most people. i think its too much of a paradigm change - as soon as people acknowledge these things, they must change their attitudes towards many things, and for some thats just too much to ask.

And how amazing is what you said regarding experiencing dreams while awake! That would make them inter-dimensional beings! Let that rattle round the mind for a while - huge statement.

EDIT: Or should that be multi-dimensional beings?
edit on 18-5-2011 by srsen because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Josonic
If we do end up being able to directly communicate with dolphins I could see them one day being labeled as intelligent genus with humans being the only other one. They could be given their own rights just like you and I have.

YES they should have full rights!

They should be released from their Zoo prisons, given full rights to live a free and ahppy existence. No more killing Dolphins/Cetaceans for food, no more killing Dolphins/Cetaceans for science.

FULL RIGHTS. Anyone inteferring with those rights should be tried in a criminal court. Simple.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by srsen
Dont forget, they have sex for fun too - the ony other species aside from man to do that.

Not true. Most primates engage in what would appear to be "recreational sex". Male Chimps and Gorillas without a mate will masturbate and Bonobo's (I think it's them) engage in massive group orgies.

That said, how do we know that other animals don't engaage in sex for recreation too? It's not like we can ask them, yet anyway. Dogs will happily hump a persons leg and seemingly enjoy it, for example.

I find it ironic that in one breath you say "only Humans and Dolphins have sex for fun", then bemoan the chauvanism of regarding animals as beings lacking intelligence etc...

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by srsen

It hasn’t, more’s the pity.

From the OP article:

"We don't even know if dolphins have words," Herzing admits.

The research that claims they have surnames is just as dodgy. Have a google and see for yourself.

The truth is, we don’t yet know whether dolphins can talk at all:

Other (dolphin) communication uses about 30 distinguishable sounds, and although famously proposed by John Lilly in the 1950s, no "dolphin language" has been found. Wikipedia

Still, it would be nice to find another species with which we could communicate in their language. I don’t think we’d be very surprised by what they had to tell us, though. We might be a bit shocked to find that they’re not as nice as we thought they were. For example...

Originally posted by srsen
Dont forget, they have sex for fun too.

Dolphins’ idea of fun sex is often kidnapping followed by gang rape:

Dr. Richard Connor, studying dolphins in Shark Bay in Western Australia, has documented cases of males kidnapping and holding females captive, sometimes for months at a time. National Geographic

Animals are no better or worse than us, really. Perhaps we humans would be a bit less hard on ourselves, and each other, if we all realized that.

edit on 18/5/11 by Astyanax because: there was more to say.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

They have to have a language since they can work in groups. You need some form of communication to operate. Whatever it is, it is a language, just like signs is one.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by stumason

Not true. Most primates engage in what would appear to be "recreational sex". Male Chimps and Gorillas without a mate will masturbate and Bonobo's (I think it's them) engage in massive group orgies.

That said, how do we know that other animals don't engaage in sex for recreation too? It's not like we can ask them, yet anyway. Dogs will happily hump a persons leg and seemingly enjoy it, for example.

I find it ironic that in one breath you say "only Humans and Dolphins have sex for fun", then bemoan the chauvanism of regarding animals as beings lacking intelligence etc...

Umm nothing ironic bout anything - i had simply read that they were the only other species that did it - if thats incorrect then sweet, i learnt something new today.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Astyanax
We might be a bit shocked to find that they’re not as nice as we thought they were. Because animals are no better or worse than us, really.

Indeed. I remember reading some time ago that Dolphins are quite into infanticide, murder (one species of Doplhin has major issues with a species of Porpoise and will attack and kill on site) and are actually about as aggressive as we can get..

All this nonsense in this thread gushing out about the "noble" dolphins and "what they can teach us" is just a form of romanticism based on an assumption that because we all loved flipper and we see them frollicking, they must be peacefuil, happy and benevolent creatures.

They are animals, just as we are animals. Animals and nature in general is cruel.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:54 PM
interesting, thats if this does come through.

i bet dolphins first words will be "you are the only irrational species around this planet really"

but what was that keanu movie with the brain implants and such, didnt it have a hi tech dolphin part of some secret program.

leads me to think the only reason we want to communicate with them is to have em do our dirty work and carry around badass lasers to kill terrorists.

also WE DO need to ask 'em if it was them that made the japan quake

off topic: when is al qaeda gonna start deploying them ak47 wielding monkeys?
dont tell me it was just propaganda...

edit on 18/5/11 by AnotherYOU because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by srsen

Whether the irony was intended or not, it was still there

But glad you learnt a new fact! That's what ATS is all about

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by stumason

Originally posted by Astyanax
We might be a bit shocked to find that they’re not as nice as we thought they were. Because animals are no better or worse than us, really.

Indeed. I remember reading some time ago that Dolphins are quite into infanticide, murder (one species of Doplhin has major issues with a species of Porpoise and will attack and kill on site) and are actually about as aggressive as we can get..

All this nonsense in this thread gushing out about the "noble" dolphins and "what they can teach us" is just a form of romanticism based on an assumption that because we all loved flipper and we see them frollicking, they must be peacefuil, happy and benevolent creatures.

They are animals, just as we are animals. Animals and nature in general is cruel.

Just because someone has an opinin, it doesnt make that opinion the truth.

What you consider nonsense is the exact opposite to others - each to their own dude

It's not right to make out that everyone who believes different things than yourself, things which are outside the box, are incorrect and foolish.

Bottom line - NO-ONE has spoken to a Cetacean, so NO-ONE knows their thoughts and what they know. We all have theories and they're fun to discuss
Let's keep it there friend

Please, welcome to the thread, but respect the opinions on here please.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by dreamingawake
I believe it will help scientists, trainers, keepers and Veterinary staff to see more into their intelligence and what more can they offer as the same as we can offer to them. They seem to want to help out and, very compassionate!
Dolphins Help Rescue Dog
edit on 18-5-2011 by dreamingawake because: (no reason given)

and THIS is the very behavior that really touches my heart, I truly believe that Dolphins are ONLY hostile to humans because we are either invading their privacy or there's danger afoot and they know it's not good for us to be there at that time, so in order to get our attention quickly, they MUST act in a manner to tell us to leave and leave NOW.

This is purely from memory;

I know there's another story of a father and his daughter that were swimming in the ocean and wanted to interact/play with a pod of dolphins but, they responded kind of harshly, (I think the story is on ATS) the pod would keep kinda darting at them, and swimming is circles behind them as if to push them away from the area.

The father, experienced diver, kept looking around to see if there was anything amiss, the water being deep, it couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. About a minute later the entire pod was swimming around them and they couldn't swim in any direction, even trying to get back to the boat, which was some distance away.
Some dolphins swimming very close to them, close enough to touch them, creating a 'barrier' of sorts to stop them from going any where. After about 20 mins of this behavior, they all began to create a larger and larger circle and eventually were back to swimming normally as if to 'let them go'.

The father and daughter got back to the boat as quickly as possible, safe and sound but quite shaken, only to find a very large shark fin crest the water near the exact same place as they were being held by the pod~! (brings tears to my eyes every time i recall this story)

After a bit, the father realized it was a great white, and large~! The pod saved the family from a great white attack that day by creating a circular wall so the shark couldn't detect them, only the dolphins.

IMO, Dolphins are 95% benevolent, 5% malicious (only due to the fact, it's their home they 're protecting or humans)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by srsen

Honestly, evolving into a lifestyle of peace and happiness and freedom, while living in the Earth's oceans - sounds just awesome to me!

I wouldn't really consider Dolphins to be living a lifestyle of peace. They do some terrible things, one of which was already mentioned by a previous poster. They are also known to terrorize and torture other marine life for fun.

Not saying dolphins are evil, just saying Dolphins are Dolphins, just like people are people. Both do bad things, the majority of both species are most likely "good" Putting Dolphins on some pedestal of enlightenment and peace doesn't really seem to fit the facts, but if it fits you, more power to ya!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:06 PM
S&F awesome post way better to see a post like this than the doom and gloom we see here day in and day out i look forward to seeing if this communication device works and what they have to say for sure

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:07 PM
About the pleasure of sex in animals lives, we tend to forget that close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them. ( Seriously, I didn't know...

That alone proves sex is not only used for reproduction in animals.

This proves only pigs are pigs...

If we end up talking with dolphins, we could soon see to what extent the laws of marriage will be applied...

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:07 PM
i think people need to read this thread(and most) with the notion, that all scientific and technological breakthroughs are always first applied by and for military purposes.

think about that next time y'all sit in your ergonomic chairs.

wait, that is now.
edit on 18/5/11 by AnotherYOU because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by James1982
I wouldn't really consider Dolphins to be living a lifestyle of peace. They do some terrible things, one of which was already mentioned by a previous poster. They are also known to terrorize and torture other marine life for fun.

Not saying dolphins are evil, just saying Dolphins are Dolphins, just like people are people. Both do bad things, the majority of both species are most likely "good" Putting Dolphins on some pedestal of enlightenment and peace doesn't really seem to fit the facts, but if it fits you, more power to ya!

No, no, dont get me wrong, i agree that they are just another Earth-bound species with flaws just like us. Didnt mean to put them on some enlightened pedstal

BUT, there is some very interestng info floating around that makes me think they do have that part of their being. Yes, they have a balance of good and bad, just like everythng on Earth, but their 'good', i believe, would be amazing if we were to hear it from them so-to-speak

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by NowanKenubi
About the pleasure of sex in animals lives, we tend to forget that close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them. ( Seriously, I didn't know...

That alone proves sex is not only used for reproduction in animals.

This proves only pigs are pigs...

If we end up talking with dolphins, we could soon see to what extent the laws of marriage will be applied...

Huh, i didnt know that either! That's a lot of homosexual animals out there! As we said, just like people. Perhaps that is the message of this thread...:

To treat animals as an equal, because, they are equal!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by NowanKenubi

You need some form of communication to operate. Whatever it is, it is a language, just like signs is one.

Generally, a language is thought to be much more than just a collection of signs.

Another definition sees language as a formal system of symbols governed by grammatical rules combining particular signs with particular meanings. Wikipedia

If ‘some form of communication’ is your definition of language, then dogs, ants and even bacteria would have language. When we say dolphins have language, we mean they have a symbolic and syntactical vocabulary in which the symbols can be arranged in different ways to refer to different objects and conditions in the real world. That’s more than just ‘some form of communication’.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:31 PM
i can see it now, the dolphins appealing to un, to get them to intervine in the genocide(ill use this term loosely) against them,
hell this actualy does make me wonder how the legal system could change the "voiceless" actualy get a voice.

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