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Attack Mexico ?

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posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:27 PM
It seems Gazrok and I are the only ones who seem to have picked up on the subtle undertones of humor in the original post. It was a sarcastic question, not a real one, re read the whole post entirely.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:31 PM
Actually the humor was noted. But it is a serious topic and humor aside I do not take talk about invading countries lightly. I am sorry for that.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 02:39 PM
I actually thought it was pretty funny... and instantly thought that there must be a way to institute a draft of illegal aliens, send them there to fight, then slam the door behind 'em.... mass deportation disguised as fighting for your country that's not really your country! HA!

They don't need any terrorists. From what I've read, their law enforcement and government are hard enough on the citizenry.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 04:31 PM
Well, we're already paying for the people, so we might as well get the real estate that goes with them...

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by factfinder38
Do not attack Mexico,we already have half of them here collecting welfare healthcare and free schools and most of the people in the southwest have nothing left to steal. If we take them over they will all be on welfare like Iraq.

For your info.! If it wasnt for mexicans in the U.S. your ass wouldn't have any fruits and veggies on your table.... Mexicans are hard working people that come here TO WORK not to collect welfare. I have NEVER seen a white person working in the fields, nor do I think they want to. And if you are such a fact finder why don't you give me real statistics.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 10:11 PM
This post was not about Mexican or Jewish people. It's just jest about the preemptive concept that has become our foreign policy. Sovereignty of our borders, which our two party system refuses to address, although they swear an oath to protect this country, but you know, politics get in the way. Mexico must share a large degree of responsibility for the problem that partly stems from the repression of fair and decent wages for their people. As for Israel, I do not think that our present relationship with the State of Israel and certain Israeli groups is in the best interest of our country.


posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 11:07 PM
Interesting thread, I would like to point out a little known fact however.

Canada is rumored to have a well laid out battle plan in-case of an invasion by the USA. Basically we would flood the entire country and lace up our skates! Pucks packed with explosives and heavily modified hockey gear would devastate the enemy in no time.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 11:33 AM
Invade Canada........... I don't know that that would be a good idea because I think the world might finnally go to war agains American imperialism if they did this. And then Americans couldn't pretend to be Canadian abroad so they get friendlier treatment. As a Canadian I can also say that this would be one of the few reasons I'd personnally take up arms and join the army or resistance. Also the Quebequoi would have a fit, they thought that the rest of Canada didn't respect their uniqueness, imagine the Americans taking over.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 11:58 AM
Exactly you couldnt be more right. Illegal immigrants are probably the best thing that happened to contractors and people that look for cheap labor because they dont have to pay them as well and sometimes they dont even pay them why because they assume what are the illegals going to to do nothing because they are afraid of being deported so they go lok fro another low paid job where the same thing might occur. I agree that there should be something done about the border but that doesnt mean you have to go an insult the brave people who risked their lives crosseing the border to get there they are just looking for a better life

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 12:08 PM

I agree that there should be something done about the border but that doesnt mean you have to go an insult the brave people who risked their lives crosseing the border to get there they are just looking for a better life

Why don't you tell that to the rancher trying to protect his land/cattle from these "brave people". Or the numerouse other lives affected by these "brave people" as they cross into our country. Most are actually looking to send the money back to mexico. Basically, they are taking money out of our economy and not puting anything back in. Like stated earlier, after 5 or so years they go home, and home is not in america. I have nothing wrong with imagration or doing it the legal way. I just have a problem with these "brave people" that come inito this country illegaly(sp).

[edit on 4-8-2004 by jmilici]

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 12:19 PM
Most illegal aliens dont go back after 5 years why .. because they see that this country has more opurtnities to offer and they dont want their children to suffer through the same hardship they had to go through they ussually stay here and contribute to society and they learn to love this country and there are many other ways to defend their land than shooting and killing them. I am in favor of some sort of amnesty and hopefully that would stop some people from crossing the border illegally and if the US offered more opurtuntities for legal immigration that would be great but since 9-11 people have feared foriegners and that also has an effect because they have practicly stopped all legal immigration because of the general xenophobic attitude and the mass scare of a terrorist attack that this government has most people in.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 12:38 PM
Take it easy, please!!!
I was joking about invading Canada....
God, I live to close to yous to want it!!
I'd be in the front lines...

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 01:04 PM
I have been around illegals before, I have been called gringo as well as many other terms. Believe me they do go back. Most do not come with thier families and contrary to belief most do not send for thier families either. They consider the western usa as part of mexico. They feel there should not be a border. That is the general feeling amongst alot of mexicans. Not all but alot. I am completely against amnesty and think all illegal aliens regardless of ethnicity should be deported. Before giving amnesty we need to fix our current problems withen the borders.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 02:22 PM
The US is already being invaded by Mexican migrants. So an invasion of Mexico would not be an agression, rather the US counter attacking.

Should we do it? No, but we should stop the flow of illegal immigrants.
Maybe we can stop giving welfare hand outs to people without US birth certificates.

posted on Aug, 4 2004 @ 02:36 PM

Should we do it? No, but we should stop the flow of illegal immigrants.

A big AMEN to you phreak_of_nature

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