posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by TheAmused
There's a couple people that have hit the nail on the head here, all of them in fact are dead on that she's your mother and needs you right now..
but there's a few things that strike me about her messages.. The dead are in fact coming through in great numbers more and more every year. 10 years
ago people would laugh their heads off to think that there would be SEVERAL paranormal investigator shows on primetime TV that were taken generally
seriously even by mainstream America.
The number of occurances of walk-ins, demonic possession, hauntings, etc.. they're rising at staggering rates. I'm not willing to blame it all on a
paranoid society or the free flow of information. As far as Jesus coming back soon.. I'm not sure how to feel about that. At no point did Jehovah
claim that he was the only game in town. I've run across other gods and such, I don't intend on worshipping any of them but the events lately give
me a little bit of pause. I've always found the Christian God's methods a bit suspect and remind me somewhat of the typical charismatic cult
leader... love bombing, become part of the family, rule by equal parts fear and love, controlling information flow, violent outbursts when he's
Take it as blasphemy if you want, I'm not saying I don't believe in him, I just choose not to follow him. He kind of creeps me out. That said.. a
lot of what your mom is saying is a little over the top, but has been echoed in many many places recently. I wouldn't say it's quite as bad as
she's making it out to be and I'm not 100% sure it's the influence of Jehovah that's giving this information to her, but for the most part it's
on the money. I'd have to hear more details to be sure, but.. tough times ahead. The storm is just starting in earnest.