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"Chemtrail" evidence. A challenge for believers.

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by Mactire

I have worked in a grocery store for many years. Let me tell you as an insider that all stores which sell things do this. I'm not surprised that there is now artifical versions, but even those have been available for quite a while. Let me give you some examples:
Bakery departments bake cinnamon things in the morning. Helps to wake people up to the fact that cinnamon flavored things are yummy for breakfast.
In the afternoon, they bake cookies. That's the usual time Moms with kids come shopping for the day. Smells like cookies gets kids wanting cookies, which they usually give away free for the asking, which brings Moms into the bakery. The smell also evokes the fact that they themselves have not actually baked cookies for a while, and fresh-baked ones would be sooooooooooo nice.
In the evening, adult rush shopping on the way home from work. So they bake french bread. And sell it hot from the oven. Brings them running. That is also when the deli makes sure they are baking the chickens. A hot, freshly cooked chicken for an easy dinner is pretty popular.
The grocery store I shop at now fries bacon. Why? Smells good. Makes you want meat. I've even seen stores sampling steaks during dinner hour. Makes you want steak.
Same thing in floral.
And what about artificial? New car scent.
And you equate what Walmart does with "chemtrails"? So to you, "chemtrails" are just an annoying ploy to get people to what, exactly? Look up? See clouds? See planes? Buy binoculars?
What about all the bad things people say "chemtrails" really are? I mean the list is endless....poison, drugs, toxins, disease, things to mess with the weather...? See where I'm going here?
Apples to oranges.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:34 PM
Is there not a single chemtrail believer on this board who has any single shred of evidence supporting the chemtrail conspiracy?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by stars15k
reply to post by Mactire

IBakery departments bake cinnamon things in the morning. Helps to wake people up to the fact that cinnamon flavored things are yummy for breakfast.

and if you're selling a house a real estate agent will advise you on odours too - fresh coffee and baked bread are good odours for prospective buyers....I'll leave it to your imagination what odours are not good!!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:25 PM
hey people lets give this dis-info shill a challenge--show me a movie, tv show or comercial made before 1990 that has a chem trail in it??? ON my side we have the opening credits of the tv show Pawn Stars--last summers koolaid comercials-and every show or movie with outside location shoot--BUT NONE BEFORE 1990??? Why???
These shills want you to be a scientist, when you know [if your older than 35 or so] what a normal con-trail is -[moisture turning to steam in the engine of a jet that quickly cools in a short distance behind a plane and dissapears]--however their isnt enough moisture in the WHOLE SKY FOR A CON TRAIL TO GO FROM HORIZON TO HORIZON, THEN SPREAD OUT AND TURN THE SKY TO HAZZY CRAP?? not to mention the criss-cross or striping patterns--- Get real,we dont have to be scientists to know the sky is crapped up!!
Look up people and watch, watch as a storm front comes, watch as a heat wave comes, watch as they spray for days then dissapear only to come back and spray again-[ where did they go for those couple of days??maybe to spray somewhere else!!!]
The web site has good info, you can go to the site for bloogers with good info. clifford carnicom has good evidence on the health affects and proof of chem-spraying.
Gont listen to dis-info agents people, it onlt takes common sence and a little watching the skies to see you are being sprayed for global dimming.
This barium, and aluminum oxides are building up in soils and water, as well as IN YOUR LUNGS AND YOUR CHILDRENS LUNGS-
look up people and any time you see a dis-info post ask the question, [ you show me a con trail that goes from horizon to horizon then spreads out and joins other stripes to smear the sky] in any picture or movie,that was taken befor 1990?? They cant because they didnt spray befor then.
Wake up people you are being poisoned for global dimming-you young will have to breath aluminum oxides, barrium and other metals for the rest of your life. good luck, you will not be healthy when you reach the 55 years i am now. Got children?? my god wake up people

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by itsawild1
hey people lets give this dis-info shill a challenge--show me a movie, tv show or comercial made before 1990 that has a chem trail in it??? ON my side we have the opening credits of the tv show Pawn Stars--last summers koolaid comercials-and every show or movie with outside location shoot--BUT NONE BEFORE 1990??? Why???

apparenty because you don't bother to read replies to hte p[revious time you asked exactly the same question.

You made this challenge in another thread and it was promptly debunked there -

did you think all those have gone away in the couple of days since then???

edit on 18-5-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by itsawild1

I'll start by saying there are no "chemtrails", just contrails and clouds misidentified.
Have you never read any "chemtrail" thread here at ATS? All of your claims are talked about daily. Try using the search feature. All have been explained many times before. Our views haven't changed either because the science has not changed.
And your ideas that bolster your belief are all easily explained by knowing some basic science and aviation.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:35 AM
Here's what Chemtrails are. No use trying to debunk me because I have a Lieutenant Colonel acquaintance who has debriefed me on what the real purpose of these trails are for, and how they tie in with HAARP. You can argue with me all day long, but his position in the military (I won't disclose who or what exactly he does) gives him privy to all sorts of military projects that I know of, and that drastically out weighs anyone's opinion on "they aren't real because I say so" nonsense. Both of these are considered classified, yet interlinked projects, but their purposes are far less sinister than anything anyone is talking about on this site.
Myths about Chemtrails:
(these are based on some of the theories I've seen on this site)
-They are not lethally poisoning the people
-They are not "directly" affecting weather

Truths about Chemtrails:
(this is a bit complicated because they serve a joint effort of the CIA and the NSA as well as another division that I don't know the name of)
-They are being used to amplify aggression in people. This is being done in an effort to destabilize the Mid-East as well as other areas of strategic advantage all over the globe.
-They are being used to "glaze" the ionosphere. This is where HAARP comes in.

HAARP is not a weather affecting weapon, nor does it create or amplify earthquakes. What it does do is bounce a high energy wave off of the ionosphere which is used to target weather trends and/or fault line stresses for another weapon (actually a series of weapons across the globe as a part of a joint covert effort that I wasn't let in on). These weapons are located in South America, Britain, The United States, China, Australia, and India. It's these weapons that, with the help of this atmospheric glazing, are being used for the aforementioned purposes. These are but a byproduct of what HAARP was initially designed for however. HAARP was created to scour the Earth for voids beneath the crust. Hollow places where something might be hidden. Now I wasn't told what exactly they're looking for in these hollow voids, but it could be water, oil, anything. Could be an Alien city for all the secrecy that surrounds these things. I'm not one to speculate. I only go on what I've been told by reliable sources.
The government doesn't need permission from airlines to place these chemicals in their airplanes, and they don't need any special nozzles or hoses. This chemical is mixed directly with the fuel supply before the airlines ever receive it.
There you have it. Information. From source I've known for 20 years. Information can't be construed as infallible proof to be sure, but you don't have infallible proof to the contrary, so I'll take his word over Adam's any day, and Adam is who I don't know you from, so...
edit on 19-5-2011 by 10100100010000100000 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by 10100100010000100000

From the OP

I present a challenge to the "chemtrail" believers, provide the board with some evidence.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 01:46 AM
post deleted...

edit on Thu 19 May 2011 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by 10100100010000100000

You lost me at HAARP. Something about the subject of HAARP makes believers sound nuts. I just can't put my finger on it....

Is no chemie willing to bring "chemtrail' evidence to the table, or are we getting no replies because there is no evidence?

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by 10100100010000100000

Hah! Hah!

What a *nice* try....sadly, it's obvious you made that up, about your "source"...or, your "source" is having fun pulling your leg.

While others just shake their heads and walk away....someone else might read that, and not see the joke. So just n case, here's only a segment to address:

HAARP is not a weather affecting weapon, nor does it create or amplify earthquakes. What it does do is bounce a high energy wave off of the ionosphere ...

Hint: Look up 'ionosphere' in the encyclopedia. Go on, the learnin' will do y'all some good.

Pay attention to the heights (level) that the ionospheric layer occurs at. Really, pay close attention.

Now, chuckle at the grand joke that has been played.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:44 AM
I have a picture of some hardcore chemtrailing a few days ago in the UK. Will post later when home. I showed it a friend and he said the sky looked like a maths workbook. Defo not contrails :/

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by JDARK11

Why not contrails? What makes you think they are different?
You can't tell chemical content from a picture or video. Did you have a sample of the trail tested?
Without a test, it's a contrail.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by JDARK11

These "pictures" they include close-ups of the airplanes, with the spraying apparatus clearly visible? Do these airplanes that you claim were "spraying" show the "spray" coming from anywhere else besides directly behind the engines?

When you saw these airplanes overhead, did you use your computer to, at the same time, ascertain their identity, using websites such as Or, any other such sites??

If not, then your photos are likely worthless....and, yet again, simply more pictures of contrails. When you post them, be ready for the truth....

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by 10100100010000100000

I love reading stories like yours.
I've talked to several military people and some actually admitted that when someone asks about the stupid "chemtrails", the provide a story because they are tired of being told they don't know anything. Yep, they feed you a story, something that they know you want to hear.
They laugh about it, then. Really.
Like that hoax video, showing a plane ahead of them "chemtrailing". You can even hear them laughing...

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by 10100100010000100000

An appeal to authority is not evidence. It's a logical fallacy, actually.

I think the OP is asking for something more than "Billy Finnegan down the street said so".

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Dont know how you get the image up big on this forum but here's the pic. And to answer you questions. No I dont have any samples or anything like that lol or no planes in the picture. I have seen planes spraying it though "behind the engines". Im not saying 100% these are chemtrails, but there's just something not right about them. I've seen "contrails" disapear within 5 - 10 seconds, but the ones in my pic just stay there and get thicker and put a strange haze on the sky :/

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by JDARK11

Dont know how you get the image up big on this forum but here's the pic. And to answer you questions. No I dont have any samples or anything like that lol or no planes in the picture. I have seen planes spraying it though "behind the engines". Im not saying 100% these are chemtrails, but there's just something not right about them. I've seen "contrails" disapear within 5 - 10 seconds, but the ones in my pic just stay there and get thicker and put a strange haze on the sky :/

Those are some beautiful contrails! If you give us your location and the approximate time of the sighting, someone on here can even show you which airplanes/flights made them!

Now does anyone have evidence? I mean, seriously, guys. There's a huge conspiracy going on to poison our skies, and no one has any evidence?

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by JDARK11

Yes, once again....perfectly normal contrails.

If you pay close attention, you also can see that layer of more cirrus, above the level of the contrails. All, quite thin...but, the fact it is there indicates that the upper air mass was perfect for a lot of contrails, AND cirrus, to form.

Temperature and relative humidity. The two main aspects.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by JDARK11

Photo says May 13, so this day:

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