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IF Harold Camping is so confident of 21 may rapture y is he accepting donations.

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:47 AM
Its just 3 more days for 21 may rapture , if Harold Camping is so confident of 21 may rapture y is the site still accepting donation.... y Harold Camping has not spent his lifetime savings as this followers are spending.
edit on 18-5-2011 by sandesh because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-5-2011 by sandesh because: Typo

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:49 AM
Perhaps God is broke...

He's taking donations for the relief effort...

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by sandesh

I always say that as well. If the worlds guna end they why dont they go and blow all their cash on enjoying their last days or take out a ton of loans to party with? Or maybe im thinkingtoo commercially and they want to just be with their family, either way these people always have an excuse for why it didnt happen and im sure he has already got it written out someplace

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:56 AM
harold campaign?

or you mean harold camping?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by sandesh

I raised this issue on a previous thread regarding this lunatic, wondering how many of his "followers" had sold everything they owned and given it the proceeds to him and "his!
They probably don't charge an entry fee into their club BUT donations are welcome and then in tiny print that nobody can read "but not refundable"

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:00 AM
All I know is, if this does happen, I am going to their offices and taking all the cash. Anyone else in?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:05 AM

His current end times prediction is that the Rapture will be on May 21, 2011 and that God will completely destroy the Earth and the universe five months later on October 21.[3][4] He had previously predicted that the Rapture would occur in September 1994

sorry but i think if your taken in by anything this guy predicts or organises and use your life savings, you deserve to be ripped off,

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by sandesh

I have wondered the same thing myself.

I found a NPR article yesterday that made me feel so sad for these people.

"My mentality was, why are we going to work for more money? It just seemed kind of greedy to me. And unnecessary," she says. And so, her husband adds, "God just made it possible — he opened doors. He allowed us to quit our jobs, and we just moved, and here we are."

Now they are in Orlando, in a rented house, passing out tracts and reading the Bible. Their daughter is 2 years old, and their second child is due in June. Joel says they're spending the last of their savings. They don't see a need for one more dollar. "

You know, you think about retirement and stuff like that," he says. "What's the point of having some money just sitting there?" "We budgeted everything so that, on May 21, we won't have anything left," Adrienne adds.

So Harold will have all the donations and these people will be left with nothing.

Many members here have asked about what their excuse will be when they are still here the next day. Well I think the same article answers that.

So he's not planning for May 22?

"Absolutely not," Camping says. "It is going to happen. There is no Plan B."

I've asked a dozen of Camping's followers the same question.

Everyone said even entertaining the possibility that May 21 would come and go without event is an offense to God. They all hope they'll be raptured. Some worry about being left behind.

"If I'm here on May 22, and I wake up, I'm going to be in hell," says Brown. "And that's where I don't want to be. So there is going to be a May 22, and we don't want to be here."

So when his believers are still here on May 22, they will just assume they have been left behind and are now in hell.

Maybe that is what the money is for, for them to survive thru Oct 21?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by sandesh

Maybe everyone else will be "left behind" but Camping will be "out of here" with their cash!

This guy proved himself a "false" prophet in 1994...

Those who fail to rember history are destined to repeat it!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:17 AM
Perhaps he doesn't believe he will be one of the 'chosen' to be swept up in this rapture of his.

Personally, I hope that whoever it was that originally cooked up this whole rapture phenomenon burns in hell an eternity and a day. It's total bunk and not based on anything biblical.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:19 AM
According to Camping, the entire earth is going to quake, and the world as you you knew it will be a disaster. So, his raising of funds wont matter about the days after Judgement. Silver and gold will be worthless. Mr Camping says he is carrying on as usual and not altering his lifestyle. The man will be 90 this year, and as far as I can tell, his message has been unchanged since I was forced to listen to him as a child in the 90s. My parents bought his book, "1994?." In it, he said he was not 100% sure, but 2011 was also a year that was to be considered. I am not a supporter by any means, just a listener as of the last week..more out of curiosity! As I have posted in a recent thread, he explains his biblical calculations here:

Start at page 30ish, since it is a long and seemingly repetative document!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:21 AM

Check this out..

Harold Egbert Camping (born July 19, 1921) is a Christian radio broadcaster[1] and president of Family Radio, a California-based religious broadcasting network that spans more than 150 outlets in the United States as well as a website.

Camping's trademarks include his deep, sonorous voice coupled with a slow cadence. He has also used mathematical predictions applied to the Bible to predict dates for the end of the world.[2] His current end times prediction is that the Rapture will be on May 21, 2011 and that God will completely destroy the Earth and the universe five months later on October 21.[3][4] He had previously predicted that the Rapture would occur in September 1994

Above is all from Wikipedia

Did you read the last line?? Previously predicted that the Rapture would occur in September 1994?? And people still believe him huh??? Give me your money instead

edit on 5/18/2011 by Chrisfishenstein because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:22 AM
If I'm left behind will Kirk Cameron come and save me?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by clintdelicious
reply to post by sandesh

I always say that as well. If the worlds guna end they why dont they go and blow all their cash on enjoying their last days or take out a ton of loans to party with? Or maybe im thinkingtoo commercially and they want to just be with their family, either way these people always have an excuse for why it didnt happen and im sure he has already got it written out someplace

What a way to ruin their ticket on the big heaven-jet than to waste their remaining cash on hookers and blow
jk .. seriously though, the bigger problem I have with this whole thing is less the donation bit but the whole prediction in the first place.. the bible states flat out that not even the angels will know the time.. yet Harold does? I'm sure the angels feel pretty stupid now .. and God thought he had the best method to hide the time, trumped by a mere mortal.. named Harold
edit on 18-5-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:34 AM
Wow some of these christian preachers have a good lurk, I would feel sorry for the people that have donated except I am having a bit of trouble with that one, silly buggers, oops got it wrong in 94 but made a heap a dollars, sorry no refunds. It will happen in 2011 oops sorry what is the matter you have nothing left and trusted me, oops sorry wrong again suffering is the will of god,,,,,,,crikey

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by miniatus

Originally posted by clintdelicious
reply to post by sandesh

I always say that as well. If the worlds guna end they why dont they go and blow all their cash on enjoying their last days or take out a ton of loans to party with? Or maybe im thinkingtoo commercially and they want to just be with their family, either way these people always have an excuse for why it didnt happen and im sure he has already got it written out someplace

What a way to ruin their ticket on the big heaven-jet than to waste their remaining cash on hookers and blow
jk .. seriously though, the bigger problem I have with this whole thing is less the donation bit but the whole prediction in the first place.. the bible states flat out that not even the angels will know the time.. yet Harold does? I'm sure the angels feel pretty stupid now .. and God thought he had the best method to hide the time, trumped by a mere mortal.. named Harold
edit on 18-5-2011 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

Did you read my post?? He previously predicted the rapture in september 1994....Yet people still believe him and throw money at him??? WOW

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:01 PM
Ok, so his calculations are based on numerology and he uses numbers from the bible to get this exact date.
With sentences like this:

The number of years between the tenth plague in Egypt in 1447 BC where the firstborn were killed to 33 AD when Christ was crucified was 1,480 years inclusive which is 2 x 2 x 10 x 37 (2-Gospel, 37-judgment). Christ was the firstborn Son who was slain to bring salvation to His people just as the Israelite firstborn were spared (“passed over”) while all other firstborn were killed.

What he seem to do is break the numbers down to pieces that fits his calculations.
Instead of saying 2x2x10x37 he could just have said 1x4x10x37, 40x37 or whatever else.
He breaks it down to numbers that are of significance to him all the time.

This delusional man is just arbitrary adapting his calculation in a way so that the outcome will always fit his end result.
I actually feel kinda sorry for him, he reminds me of that poor guy in the movie "A beautiful mind".

All this work he has put into distorting the holy words and numbers of the bible with his own mortal twisted mind to get a end date that God in the very same holy book clearly state is unachievable for any man to know.

Althought I'm not an active christian, I must say that he basically spits on his own God when he comes up with this end date and the reasoning behind it.
He seem to accept that everything else in the bible is holy and correct since he use the words of the bible as a ground for his calculations.
But by giving us an endtime date he basicallly says some of God's own words are wrong in that no man shall know the endtime, and that he in some twisted way have outsmarted his own God by getting this very date correct?

I can't decide if it's this whole thing or just that man himself that are sick here...

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 08:12 PM
Why does the worn out old prune want money ?

Even if the world doesn't end what is he going to do with it, buy an
extra case of Depends ?

Look at the disgusting piece of two legged filth, he's on his last days
in the world and he's still grubbing money like a New Jersey Banker.

He tells you about an invisible, imaginary, friend and then he asks you
for cash.

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:06 AM
If Harold Camping was accurate and fully believed in his own words he'd have given away all he has to those who will need it after such event.

You are right. If yo believe something you act like you believe it or you don't believe it.

Faith isn't faith without action to support it - and thats straight out of the Bible

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 05:29 PM
Fox News (genius that they are) listed 5 reasons why it couldn't possibly happen - here's my take on them

#5 The bible says no one knows
Actual Verse: But of that day and hour knows no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
but the bible also says
Actual Verse: But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
This implies that the "brothers and sisters" listening, will know, so that they will not be surprised.

OR if the KJV is literal, then it is the HOUR that doesn't know "man"

OR by this logic - we can predict every single day will be the end of the world, thereby finding a loophole and NO DAY can ever be the end.

#4 Jesus doesn't know
Same as verse above

it says NO MAN - and we all know Jesus as a MAN is dead

OR you could say he's part of the trinity, which still means he's not a man

OR you could also say Jesus is God, that "son" was just the only way we could understand him in his human form - so he knows, he just didn't know when he was still kickin it with the apostles

#3 Jesus will return quietly
Actual Verse: Jesus will come quietly as a thief

yah I know lots of thieves who fail in that attempt, they're in prison - but still - he didn't actually show up yet so we don't know how quiet he'll be - seriously

#2 Harold has been wrong before
This I agree with
(although one could argue he was wrong in his original calculations, like he claims)

#1 Harold hasn't cancelled his summer vacation
wtf? maybe he was too busy roaming the freakin country and forgot about it - this is not a good reason
Personally, I only need this one reason it won't happen
God exists, but I'm not convinced he knows we exist. Thats all

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