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Mitchell Coombes is here

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posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by audio assasin

Fortunately I leave my destiny to no man but my own.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by rabzdguy
Ignore the rabble. There are many viewers of good nature that over weighs the brutes, so any info you give would help the people actually interested in what you speak. Im from Australia too, and would love to here from a countrymen.

Its simple...if this guy wants to come on ATS spewing how he has a 100 percent accuracy rating, then cut through the bs and give us one now. He obviously has been a lurker on here for a while and KNEW he would be put through a grinder. Im sure he also knows predictions fail 99.9 percent of the time on this site.

Time for him to stop saying how good he is and provide a prediction to verify hes legit and set himself apart. As well as a list of his purported 100% successful predictions.

Hey, I want this guy to be legit, trust me. But anyone can say stock up on food and oil...something big is coming. I want specifics of what he has predicted.

edit on 18-5-2011 by amongus because: (no reason given)
Im with you on this if he can do what he says then he needs to immediately dazzle us with an accurate prediction,that will certainly put me in my place

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by rabzdguy
Ignore the rabble. There are many viewers of good nature that over weighs the brutes, so any info you give would help the people actually interested in what you speak. Im from Australia too, and would love to here from a countrymen.

Its simple...if this guy wants to come on ATS spewing how he has a 100 percent accuracy rating, then cut through the bs and give us one now. He obviously has been a lurker on here for a while and KNEW he would be put through a grinder. Im sure he also knows predictions fail 99.9 percent of the time on this site.

Time for him to stop saying how good he is and provide a prediction to verify hes legit and set himself apart. As well as a list of his purported 100% successful predictions.

Hey, I want this guy to be legit, trust me. But anyone can say stock up on food and oil...something big is coming. I want specifics of what he has predicted.

edit on 18-5-2011 by amongus because: (no reason given)

man give the guy some time eh chill I want this guy to be legit as well and i think he is
so turn down the heat

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by MitchellCoombes

If people are just going to waste my time with ridiculous replies and constant scepticism I will withdraw from the public eye which I was thrown into ironically by this site.....the same site that is now throwing accusations my way.

Does the burden of proof lay with prove why or how i am on a 100% correct prediction rating.....or on you to prove I am a fake......simply calling me a fake does not make it true..........the members of this site who seem not to want believe must open their eyes to the facts.

Its understandable to have a healthy lack of trust in someone not known to you but please let the truth and facts speak for themselves.

As to my "story" this is not a social network site but as the site name suggest an "above top secret" site...... so lets keep the replies purely professional and not personal.

By your "story" I refer to reasons why anyone should give you and your predictions
consideration as credible.

Any Joeblow can come off the street and start talking, why should anyone listen ?

You sound like a petulant child when you start making threats that you will run
home and play no more if anyone dares to question you.

I would be more than happy to hear your story but you have a big chip on your
shoulder and that is only going to end badly for you.

Drop the attitude and say something worthwhile.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:30 AM
Whilst I'm naturally suspicious of people and claims like this, ffs, give the guy a chance - he's only made a couple of introductory posts.
After all, people are supposed to be able to discuss 'alternative' ideas free from the ignorance and pre-judgement of MSM.
If he's full of it he'll be found out and condemned by his own acts and deeds- if he's not then he'll become a valued member of the ATS community.

Give the guya chance instead of acting like a bunch of attention seeking brats...we are all better than that!

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by MitchellCoombes

Hey dude,

Welcome aboard
Good to see another Aussie, were slowly takin over LOL

So I dont mean to be rude but Ive never heard of you before but from the snippets Im getting from this thread it seems you predicted the Japan earthquake, I gather from what you said in the OP that there have been others as well and Im guessing from the level of excitement your joining has sparked it must be impressive.

So care to toss me a bone and let me know some of the stuff youve predicted?
Perhaps even post a link or start a thread and cut and paste to some of your predictions for those of us without access to facebook.

P.s are you from Melb, I went to highschool with a guy of the same name. Buckley park?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by audio assasin

Originally posted by amongus

Originally posted by rabzdguy
Ignore the rabble. There are many viewers of good nature that over weighs the brutes, so any info you give would help the people actually interested in what you speak. Im from Australia too, and would love to here from a countrymen.

Its simple...if this guy wants to come on ATS spewing how he has a 100 percent accuracy rating, then cut through the bs and give us one now. He obviously has been a lurker on here for a while and KNEW he would be put through a grinder. Im sure he also knows predictions fail 99.9 percent of the time on this site.

Time for him to stop saying how good he is and provide a prediction to verify hes legit and set himself apart. As well as a list of his purported 100% successful predictions.

Hey, I want this guy to be legit, trust me. But anyone can say stock up on food and oil...something big is coming. I want specifics of what he has predicted.

edit on 18-5-2011 by amongus because: (no reason given)

man give the guy some time eh chill I want this guy to be legit as well and i think he is
so turn down the heat

ok, so you want him to be right, which obviously goes against basic logic because that would mean he can predict which is as much a fantasy as any other. no man woman or child who walks this planet can predict 5 minutes into the future let alone days, weeks, or months and even certain events would further constict the probability.

in all honesty I come to the conclusion that no one can predict because if we could this would be a non-debatable issue. it would be clear cut and down to the core. predicting is more of a guess or already based off of something definitive and expanding it using prior data

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:31 AM
Greetings and salutations.

I was curious when some renown Psychic would join all the loony tunes here.

I can make a prediction too.

I won't say it just watch the video.

edit on 18-5-2011 by IamJustanAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
Whilst I'm naturally suspicious of people and claims like this, ffs, give the guy a chance - he's only made a couple of introductory posts.
After all, people are supposed to be able to discuss 'alternative' ideas free from the ignorance and pre-judgement of MSM.
If he's full of it he'll be found out and condemned by his own acts and deeds- if he's not then he'll become a valued member of the ATS community.

Give the guya chance instead of acting like a bunch of attention seeking brats...we are all better than that!

your post has a hint of, don't question shut up and listen

but then you go on to say "people are supposed to be able to discuss 'alternative' ideas free from the ignorance"
completely contradicting yourself.

what kind of theorists would we be if we didn`t ask this guy the obvious what kind of predictions have you gotten right and why should we listen to you?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:38 AM
TextText Red

Thank you to all the responses. I will make haste for my future predictions. For all those who want to know how I do this I am afraid words would not be able to describe it accurately.

The process involves many steps and long nights. It has taken many years to perfect this elaborate process.

All those looking for proof for my previous predictions will have to scroll through my Facebook on your own accord as I only look to the future and have absolutely no need to prove myself to ignorant fools.

Future predictions will be my proof to those that have not seen previous predictions come to light.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
Whilst I'm naturally suspicious of people and claims like this, ffs, give the guy a chance - he's only made a couple of introductory posts.
After all, people are supposed to be able to discuss 'alternative' ideas free from the ignorance and pre-judgement of MSM.

Funny, his introductory posts are pretty much telling people to hold their breath
waiting for his pronouncements and not to question him...

I'd like to hear what he has to say, but not under conditions that he is some
unquestionable sage.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by MitchellCoombes
TextText Red

Thank you to all the responses. I will make haste for my future predictions. For all those who want to know how I do this I am afraid words would not be able to describe it accurately.

The process involves many steps and long nights. It has taken many years to perfect this elaborate process.

All those looking for proof for my previous predictions will have to scroll through my Facebook on your own accord as I only look to the future and have absolutely no need to prove myself to ignorant fools.

Future predictions will be my proof to those that have not seen previous predictions come to light.

"For all those who want to know how I do this I am afraid words would not be able to describe it accurately"

I knew it...

/not surprised

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by MitchellCoombes

Well sir, if all you have is negative predictions, perhaps the world would be better off with out them?

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by MitchellCoombes

You know, if it weren't for the rude attitude, I might be willing to give you a nice hello.

How do we even know you are the "real" guy you say you are?

The proof is in the pudding, not the prediction. So, first, let's verify you're who you say you are (without the attitude, thanks). Second, you claim to have 100% accurate predictions. Burden of proof is on you.

Or you take yourself out of the "public eye". Your choice.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by yourmaker

WTF are you talking about....all I'm saying is give the guy a chance and judge him on his acts and deeds.

If he's a fraud then he'll be found out soon enough and treat the same way that all self-aggrandised charlatans are here on ATS - with very short shrift.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:48 AM
Mitch please help me, please! I have seem to have misplaced the remote for my tv, and was hoping you could predict where I might locate it? I see a few posts on here about cards? So if you could give those a quick shuffle and help me out that would be excellent.

Please inbox me as I am to lazy to get up and manually change the channels.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:50 AM
To anyone wondering he supposedly predicted the Japan earthquake. Some say he has "deciphered" the Illuminati card game. He himself said he knows someone that has hacked HAARP and that's how he did it.

He then said that the earthquakes in Japan were not over and indicated that another was imminent and would change his Facebook profile image to some clocktower image 4 days before the quake that was supposed to finish off Japan.

That was 2 months ago.

Firstly you have to believe Japan's earthquake was caused by HAARP. Even if HAARP had this ability it doesn't answer the question of why someone would want to do this to Japan and set off a nuclear disaster that affects all inhabitants of this planet - even the so called "elites".

And if you belived this rather tall story because you think "they are out to get you" you then have to believe that a hacker found proof, and some random poker player from Australia happens to know him. And then that even after stating that he knew someone that hacked HAARP people with the power to build something out of science fiction could be hacked and allow the info to be disseminated.

He also posted something about stocking up o stuff in Australia I think it was May 11th. I guess he thought some Federal Reserve meeting about QE2 would trigger an economic meltdown. He was wrong.

All you idiots that friended him on Facebook are about as awake as the rest of the hypnotised masses. Surfing ATS for 2 hours a day does not awake you make.

Oh look up, a chemtrail.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by MitchellCoombes
TextText Red

Thank you to all the responses. I will make haste for my future predictions. For all those who want to know how I do this I am afraid words would not be able to describe it accurately.

The process involves many steps and long nights. It has taken many years to perfect this elaborate process.

All those looking for proof for my previous predictions will have to scroll through my Facebook on your own accord as I only look to the future and have absolutely no need to prove myself to ignorant fools.

Future predictions will be my proof to those that have not seen previous predictions come to light.

Lies, lies and more lies.

Snakeoil salesmen never had shame.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by Version100

Okay I give up. I write down countries, then I write down random dates, and times, and throw them into a hat.

It's been working for me so far. Why don't you guys give it a try?

I came to this site thinking it was open minded people. I made predictions, I got them right. I was looking forward to sharing more of the same but I have come to the conclusion this site is a cesspool of self-righteous, ignorant fools who can't accept anything other than their own incompetence.

I wrote an introduction based on the comments and posts on my Facebook and have already been slandered. I now know this was a bad idea.

I will leave you with the fact.the only genuine person who can predict future events accurately has slipped through your fingers and why?............ Because a few of you could not wait, because a few of you did not want to believe, because a few of you are incapable of believing, because you cannot do what I am able to do???

I hope you don't treat everyone who gets invited to this site the same way you treated me.

I wish you all the best of luck, this site is not for me.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 03:56 AM

All those looking for proof for my previous predictions will have to scroll through my Facebook on your own accord as I only look to the future and have absolutely no need to prove myself to ignorant fools.

LMFAO God complex much

Dude you come in here with an introduction title that reads "Mitchell Coombes is here" and make all these grand statements without anything to back it and then when people ask questions you respond by calling them ignorant.

Dude all I can say is good luck

You may be psychic or have access to info that no one else has but it doesnt mean you have to act like a jerk.

As a believer I hope your the real deal but Im already callin BS


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