posted on May, 17 2011 @ 08:52 AM
"For the last 5 years, we have posted countless articles covering both natural disasters and their impact on our food supplies as well as on many
other timely topics. After several decades of monitoring these events, it's hard to convey how shocked we are by the sheer number of disasters that
have occurred just in the first 4 months of 2011.
Yesterday, all day, I spent analyzing natural disasters and plotted them against our food belts. Never, ever, have I seen so many federally declared
disasters this early in the year.
The DHS/FEMA maps were defined by 2 colors: blue signified no disasters (to distinguish the disaster-free areas from water, they are shown in white
below) and yellow indicated declared disasters. Map after map, state after state were mostly yellow. Surely this must be an error? Thinking through
the numerous news items on Earth Changes, with sinking feeling, I knew they were correct. It was only when the state information was transferred to a
single national map, the implications become uncomfortably clear."
Alarming Number of Disasters Striking World "Food Baskets"
Are we all ready to stand in line at government food lines by selling our soul? Sorry, we can't give you food unless you get a micro chip implant
and the 25 vaccine shots we believe you should take, oh and by the way here's a cup of fluoride to wash down the GMO food we will be feeding you.
Get ready people, get as self sufficient as you can, and make sure you help your fellow man.