posted on May, 17 2011 @ 06:50 PM
Hello Everyone,
I do not think you mind if I waited until the froth of conjecture and disbelief begins to subside. At the risk of taking more punishment, I would
like to explain to those some answers and motive for those who hate this “kind of stuff”, and the few who do see what it is if only vaguely.
For those who think this has a foundation in the teachings of the Urantia Book, you are indirectly right. That is true because the book defines in
its teachings how spirit names and administers the creation which it defines as a huge training school which embraces the disciplines of mathematics,
sociology, as well as the spiritual destiny for humanity.
The book sounds “Christian” because it is based upon the bestowal life of its sovereign who came to earth ( Urantia) and was killed for daring to
show man that the Father in heaven was everyone’s friend without regard to political or social status or beliefs. The book was his gift to Urantia,
taking almost 100 years to transmit and publish as a material revelation in the 20th century.
Now permit me to lay out my motive for walking into the den of lions with my eyes wide open. The message I posted to begin this thread is from the
Deities themselves. Because the Paradise Deities are existential (infinity), if they should ever personally enter the continuum you and I call
time-space, they would convert this laboratory of experience back into the existential and would thereby lose the value of what it means to learn by
going through sequences and the application of patience - neither exist or being required in infinity. Hence, we have the sovereign of our part of
space speaking first, and second for one of the Paradise Deities themselves as the Voice designed to be, literally, the actual voice and will of the
Paradise Father. In time-space he wishes to be called Siraya. Some of you may wish to remember that name because it is possible you shall hear it
spoken frequently over the coming years of redemption for out little blue planet he too calls Urantia.
My posting was not meant to make you believe anything, but it was to provide a warning from the highest levels of the universe that we are about to go
through a reclamation of the planet in the material sense, and also in the spiritual sense, which is not addressed by the message I posted. I
personally could not feel good about myself if I did not make some effort to allow people to hear the warning. I can not make anyone believe or take
seriously on how high a level this has come from, but I care that all who come in contact with the warning at least know they have been told. No one
is to be left out regardless of what they feel about their own safety and whatever or however they may feel about what we call God.
I am fully aware that the Fragile Earth category is scientifically oriented, but there are no other categories which allow the subject of changes to
earth to be discussed in those terms. The message is not prophecy. The message is a hard-headed evaluation by those who rule inhabited spheres that
there is grave danger and no one wishes your lives to be taken in these upheavals. If this were posted to Prophecies the message would be assumed to
be a category and that, I believe, is not something that needs to be discussed. The danger to fragile earth is what needs to be discussed and
understood to the extent it can be talked about.
I read all the messages. I see how confusing the message is to some of the posters. So let me explain one more thing before I close. How did this
message get received and how did whoever sent it send it?
The message your read was sent through a universe transmitter device. “Up there” spirit has laid lines like our telephone and internet
connections we call circuitry. The message was passed down one of those grids. It was initiated from the outside periphery to the time-space areas,
recorded on our local universe headquarters (Salvington), and relayed to a human being who is able to decode the message as it is being sent and type
out like a teletype operator. It was then dispatched to me who disseminated it.
You have no idea how badly I would like to have the ability to provide more messages ready to come in the next few weeks as the emergency begins to
loom for Urantia. There is no real category on ATS to allow for messaging the direct connections now established with humanity to allow the average
person to read and determine for themselves what Deity itself is telling us.
Someone would do the world a favor to initiate a category where genuine, high level, communications can be sent for evaluation by everyone who can
read and and are allowed to believe what they wish. No one is forcing anything on anyone. The messages need to be heard, and I am willing to work
with you or ATS in someway that would make this possible. These messages are coming in about two a week, and only the most urgent has been posted
Thank you for listening and I hope I can provide some answers if there any questions remaining.