posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!
Welcome to the fold. You might find the darned things a bit addictive though!
Without knowing your familiarity with weapons, I'd suggest you take a safety course. Most gun ranges offer them and it's a cheap investment /
Couple rules to live by for safety's sake:
No gun is ever unloaded: Even if you pop the magazine out and clear the chamber and then leave the room for a second, when you get back to the gun,
treat it like it's ready to shoot. Imagine some homicidal gremlin is there and just waiting for the opportunity to chamber a round and take the
safety off when your head is turned. If that gun is out of your sight for a moment, treat it like it's ready to kill you or someone else.
Keep your finger off the trigger: Until you've got a target lined up in the sights and have decided to shoot it, don't touch the trigger. Your
finger is the best safety there is: no touch, no "bang", plain as that.
Don't point your gun at anything or anyone you aren't ready to shoot.
Practice, practice, practice; shooting is a perishable skill. Plus practice is a good excuse for some range fun