posted on May, 16 2011 @ 08:30 PM
I've reached the end of my post edits once again. So from memory.
A comet's coma is not even as dense as gas, it is subatomic particles, electrons, ions, and parts of pieces of atoms reacting to the solar wind, and
highly reflective visually like the ionospheric Norther Lights, or Aurora Borealis. A comet's coma is sparser than the most sparsest vacuum we can
make on earth. I have sources that verify that. The other part of a V-shaped comet tail is debris ejected from the core of the comet outgassing,
thawing, disturbing the surface core. Those particles range from microscopic up to as large as small pebbles. That is the makeup of a V-shaped comet
tail we have all seen and loved, which nothing from could ever reach the surface of the earth. You wont feel a thing.