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Are you a lottery win away from Ruby Ridge?

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posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:38 AM
After reading some threads it seems clear that in the US, many are fed up with the government. Not so much the system of government, but the actions and inaction's of the government. One thread wanted to know how to get everyone to go on strike.

I read some of the responses and thought of my own situation. Some people have jobs that others depend on, such as medical. People in these jobs have a hard time, even if it is to their detriment, to refuse work because it is in their nature. I realized that most people are dependent on a functioning system. The advancement of civilization means not everyone has to have a farm to survive. These people simply cannot stop functioning in the system.

What if you could? If you were to win some multi-million dollar lottery, would you set yourself up to be completely self sufficient? You could have access to your own grown foods, water, and green energy to provide power. You would have all your need covered.

Now, if you found yourself in this situation, a sovereign individual, sufficient in all the basic ways, would you still be part of they system? Would you pay your taxes seeing how the government wastes it? Would you be willing to flip off the government in a stand off of freedom?

How do you think the government would react? How would the people react to seeing the actions or inaction's of the two opposing forces?

Personally, I think I would. While I would likely still want to pay taxes at a local level, I would not file taxes federally. I would more than happily stand my ground against the FBI, DHS, IRS SWAT that would sit at the gate. I don't feel free any longer, because we are not. To secure a small piece of land to carve out as my own sovereign territory, I would fight for that. Would you?
edit on 16-5-2011 by Wolf321 because: title correction

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:54 AM
Thats a good idea, i'm going to start playing the lotto! Lol
I would probably pay my "property taxs" and such.but id invest all my leftover money into something real like gold or something. And tell everyone else kiss it. What would they tax if I didnt work?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by Wolf321

As the lottery is government run, the taxes would be taken from your winnings before you even saw a dime. Realistically, you would still depend on governmental infrastructure-- where would your children go to school, what police or fire department would you call in an emergency, and on the same token what government's laws govern your actions on a day to day basis? Full taxes would be taken as they should be.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by v0ice0freas0n
As the lottery is government run, the taxes would be taken from your winnings before you even saw a dime. Realistically, you would still depend on governmental infrastructure-- where would your children go to school, what police or fire department would you call in an emergency, and on the same token what government's laws govern your actions on a day to day basis? Full taxes would be taken as they should be.

Taxes would be taken off the top, but after that, it just like it was before, tax-wise. Investments, interest payments are taxable. Now you would get away with a year or so without filing possibly, but not longer.

You wouldn't need infrastructure unless you wanted to leave your property. Children can be home schooled. I could do without renegade police(you can be well armed and secure), and a home can be set up with a sprinkler system (so avoid the odd explosions and don't have wooded areas too close to your home) and unless your family suffers from a medical condition, no need for medical services.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Wolf321

There will certainly be need for medical services, and even so, its completely unrealistic to think that the US government wouldn't squash you immediately.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:14 AM
Hell yes I am.

I just need something to cover property taxes to prevent the standoff.

Nobody would ever see me again.

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posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by v0ice0freas0n

No doubt they have the ability to squash you immediately. But the question is more about a metaphorical flipping them off.

As a whole, they are squashing us anyway. Well, to be more accurate, its more like a kid with a magnifying glass, they are heating us up but we are all going to burn in the end.

If you could hold out on your own, now or later they will come after you for making your own fuel, drinking your own milk, growing your own non-GMO vegetables, using rain or aquifer water.

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