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Come On Truthers! Show you Commitment to the Truth....

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posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:37 PM
FIREHOUSE magazine is sponsoring their annual Fire House Expo in Baltimore's Inner Harbor from July 19
to July 23 2011.

As part of the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 there will be several speakers on the topic including

FDNY Deputy Chief Jay Jonas on his ordeal trapped in the stairway of the collapsed North Tower

James Schwartz, Arlington Va FD and FBI Agent Chris Combs the incident commanders at The Pentagon

Terry Shaffer Chief of the Shanksville PA FD

So truthers....

Here is your chance to shine. To confront all the lies of 9/11 with the truth

No doubt can impress the 2 speakers from The Pentagon with your knowledge of how it was not a Boeing
757, but a missile. Hit 'em that there was no aircraft debris found at the Pentagon. Or that the holes
in the walls were not big enough to be made by a plane Or the mystery of the hole in the C ring wall..

Can also confront the speaker from Shanksville on how the crater was too small or how could an entire
757 be swallowed up in such a small hole. How about the fact that there was no blood at the scene hence
no bodies....

Can inform Chief Jonas that the entire WTC was "dustified" by space beams hence his claim of being in the
building is false. Or that 343 members of the FDNY did not die that day, all were vicsims created in a

Time to leave mommys basement and enter the real world........

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by thedman

Of course it goes a lot deeper than that. Your post is as ignorant as you accuse the truthers of being. Troll much?
3rd line.
edit on 15-5-2011 by coyotepoet because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:46 PM
343 members of the FDNY did not die that day? I have never heard of this. Can you please send me to a legit source? Thanks!

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by superman2012
343 members of the FDNY did not die that day? I have never heard of this. Can you please send me to a legit source? Thanks!

Well, of course there is no "legit" source for that garbage but if you want just click over to the Lets Roll forum and its wall to wall claims that there were no real victims on 9/11!! Plus all other flavors of trutherisms.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by hooper

its wall to wall claims that there were no real victims on 9/11!! Plus all other flavors of trutherisms.

Most of which I bet are made by disinfo agents in an attempt to make the legitimate truth movement look ridiculous.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:58 PM
Well it would be nice if they could put this one thing up on a big screen, show it over and over and over, and confront the idiocy of the 'official' story concerning it, that very few reasonably astute people I have seen buy into.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by thedman

And how would someone who was trapped in the middle of a false flag attack somehow know all the details of the attack?

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by thedman

My, my. You ARE angry about the Conspiracy Aware. It's as if You find a couple of out there stories and because they seem so out there, you dismiss ALL stories, regardless, if they don't support the OS.

As another poster pointed out, disinfo agents DO visit forums and DO put out whacky stories to discredit the truth.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by superman2012
343 members of the FDNY did not die that day? I have never heard of this. Can you please send me to a legit source? Thanks!

Well, of course there is no "legit" source for that garbage but if you want just click over to the Lets Roll forum and its wall to wall claims that there were no real victims on 9/11!! Plus all other flavors of trutherisms.

That's a pretty broad brush you're trying to paint us all with.

Why would you think that we all think the same thing, no matter how absurd? The simple truth is: We don't know exactly what happened--that's what we're trying to find out; but we do know that the OS is too idiotic for anyone to believe.

But I don't think that's a good enough answer to keep you from using that same lame argument again and again and again....
edit on 5/15/2011 by Ex_CT2 because:

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by thedman

Sure let's hope it's balanced and informative, along with these guys maybe we'll see Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, Firefighters for 9-11 Truth and Pilots for 9-11 Truth there as well. Should make a great mix.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Ex_CT2
Why would you think that we all think the same thing, no matter how absurd? The simple truth is: We don't know exactly what happened--that's what we're trying to find out; but we do know that the OS is too idiotic for anyone to believe.

Well, in that case then you really need to stop referring to yourselves as "truthers". What you really are, are "guessers", and you guessers are making more guesses about what supposedly really happened on 9/11 than there are grains of sand on the beach. How can we believe you when you can't even agree among yourselves on what the "secret conspiracy" even is?

As for being "too idiotic to believe", Islamic fundamentalists have committed terrorist acts against innocent civilians. Muslim fundamentalists have hijacked aircract. Islamic fundamentalists have committed suicide attacks. Plus, Islamic fundamentalists have attacked the WTC previously in 1993. The claim that it's "too idiotic to believe" someone could have thought to put them all together sooner or later is itself "too idiotic to believe".

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by Ex_CT2
Why would you think that we all think the same thing, no matter how absurd? The simple truth is: We don't know exactly what happened--that's what we're trying to find out; but we do know that the OS is too idiotic for anyone to believe.

Well, in that case then you really need to stop referring to yourselves as "truthers". What you really are, are "guessers", and you guessers are making more guesses about what supposedly really happened on 9/11 than there are grains of sand on the beach. How can we believe you when you can't even agree among yourselves on what the "secret conspiracy" even is?

As for being "too idiotic to believe", Islamic fundamentalists have committed terrorist acts against innocent civilians. Muslim fundamentalists have hijacked aircract. Islamic fundamentalists have committed suicide attacks. Plus, Islamic fundamentalists have attacked the WTC previously in 1993. The claim that it's "too idiotic to believe" someone could have thought to put them all together sooner or later is itself "too idiotic to believe".

Well Dave let's think this through though, when a population is fed an absolutely unbelievable 'official' story line with enough holes to sink a battleship they are going to have to try and fill in those holes as best as they can. We have a sold out Mockingbird press media as well that is owned and of no use, so what else can people really do but to try and find 'truth' amongst themselves even if THEY cannot connect the dots 100% of the time.

We can pretty well see what DIDN'T happen, *TRUTHERS* IMO by and large have a much better grasp of what did happen and why than any amount of garbage spewing out from 'official' sources even if they are not all 100% on the same page.

As far as 'Islamic fundamentalists" let's not forget the real economic and geopolitical reasons for war that the kept press will rarely ever discuss and that the presses job nowdays is to demonize what ever 'enemy' has been chosen as a target in whatever way they can. It reminds me in many ways of the war on Native America and how even TPTB at the time used every attempt to paint them as the 'bad guys' rather than as a culture who resisted being taken over and subjugated and yes went 'on the warpath as a RESPONSE.

edit on 15-5-2011 by Tecumte because: edit text

edit on 15-5-2011 by Tecumte because: 2nd text edit

edit on 15-5-2011 by Tecumte because: too many thumbs

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by thedman

Can also confront the speaker from Shanksville on ... how could an entire
757 be swallowed up in such a small hole.

Some of us would still like to see evidence of this.

Time to leave mommys basement and enter the real world........

Time to get help with your obsession with truthers.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by ATH911

Here is your opportunity

For months you have done nothing but troll posting threads about the size and shape of the impact crater

Here is someone who was there and can provide first hand information on what went on that day

No more obessing on every clump of dirt, every blade of grass in a picture of the scene

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 05:13 AM
Is this anything else than a rant? The truth movement started with the people who were there. Why dont you go and tell them firefightersfortruth, aka them are all wrong?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 06:34 AM
Flip the coin.

Bring your deified speakers to the next truth movement convention and see how they fare.

They would never agree to it.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Ex_CT2

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by superman2012
343 members of the FDNY did not die that day? I have never heard of this. Can you please send me to a legit source? Thanks!

Well, of course there is no "legit" source for that garbage but if you want just click over to the Lets Roll forum and its wall to wall claims that there were no real victims on 9/11!! Plus all other flavors of trutherisms.

That's a pretty broad brush you're trying to paint us all with.

Why would you think that we all think the same thing, no matter how absurd? The simple truth is: We don't know exactly what happened--that's what we're trying to find out; but we do know that the OS is too idiotic for anyone to believe.

But I don't think that's a good enough answer to keep you from using that same lame argument again and again and again....
edit on 5/15/2011 by Ex_CT2 because:

Huh? What are you talking about? Someone asked where the "vicsims" garbage is coming from and I gave the information, reluctantly. The simple truth is you DO no what happened on 9/11. Its just that the reality does not support your personal bias and political preferences.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by OllyP
Flip the coin.

Bring your deified speakers to the next truth movement convention and see how they fare.

They would never agree to it.

Of course they wouldn't, you're correct, I imagine they have been invited many times to a public all out no holds barred forum that would openly and honestly discuss the issue.

Has this ever happened? Why doesn't someone produce this LIVE for T.V., let both (all) 'sides' have their complete say, and put it on T.V. as a mini series. With so much interest in this topic, that seems like it won't go away, I think this might attract a whole lot of viewers if it was done in an *absolutely* fair and impartial way. I bet it would never be allowed by the controlled press though.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Ill show you ignorance...

1) Believing that no planes hit the WTC - All the evidence points to a plane, yet it must have been a hologram?
2) You don't believe a SINGLE word from the Govt., UNLESS it backs your view, or delusion.
3) The man just basically told you to take your little notebook and crayons out of your parents basement, go out and do something about your views / theories.
4) Ignorance - To believe that your govt killed nearly 3000 of its own citizens to go into Afghanistan and Iraq to get oil... How much oil have we gotten?? Oh..... it must be for the Lithium.. right?

5) If I believed that my Govt. was killing us and making death camps, while poisoning us with chemtrails, while the NWO sit behind hidden doors, planning to kill us all..... I would get off my arse and do something about it!!

There are ZERO life points, for finding a conspiracy in EVERYTHING!!!!!

Tag lines: Missiles, mouth breathers, holograms, N.W.O, CIA, Mothers Basement, Small Minded, "Only excitement in boring life", Birther , Dis-info, Jesus, Allah, Jews in van, and last but NOT least... When your conspiracy is proven wrong, turn the proof into a conspiracy!

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Cassius666
Is this anything else than a rant? The truth movement started with the people who were there. Why dont you go and tell them firefightersfortruth, aka them are all wrong?

Firefighters for 911 Truth has not ONE single firefighter from FDNY that was there that day on their petition. I wonder why that is?

Not to mention that the "truth" movement originally was started by family members to find out why this happened. Their questions have been answered.

The CTs have overrun the group and perverted it.

The Family Steering Committee was what they were called.

BTW, the vast majority of them, don't like you types.

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