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New Anti-Government "Sovereign Citizens" On 60 Minutes Right Now! The New Terrorists!

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posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:05 PM

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Screwed
People,people,people.....The problem isn't "Da Gubberment"
It's US!!!

As another poster so eloquently put it,
it's the soccer moms who have only ever seen a gun on T.V.

it's the ignorant sheep who get their view of this world and all of their news and information from John Stewart and Steven Colbert.

it's the Christians who believe that if we could just get Pat Robertson into the White House this country would be great again,

it's the steel mill worker who believes that if we could just get a good Democrat into office our union jobs would be safe,

It's all of the ignorant people in this country who are so god damned afraid to think for themselves, who are too god damned stupid to formulate an original thought, that they are going to welcome with open arms this NWO that is speeding towards us like a freight train!!!!

Where is Chuck Norris when you need him most????

Screwed, your post is probably the best thing I've ever read online. Please keep telling it like it is; more people need the wake-up call and it is up to us to gently & lovingly help others see the real truth. May all your days be sunny and all your Lottery Tickets be winners

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by sitchin
they should pay their taxes like everyone else they think they are better then us ,they are nothing more than gypsies .defrauding and threatening their way through life,if everyone had their attitude then society would not be able to function,i hope the police have a ball tackling these morons

Where in the US constitution does it state we have to pay a tax on income for private citizens not government employees? Where? Find it.

Do you think for yourself or do you let the government do your thinking?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

Ok so, I've read this guy's entire article, and I must tell you this, I've got a LOT to say.

But I'm going to try and keep it short and to the point.

This guy is dangerous. Why alphabetaone? Why is he dangerous? I'm glad you asked.

First of all, undoubtedly he has an agenda, sovereign citizenry notwithstanding, he has an agenda, albeit one that he may not even be aware of himself, nor the potential for harm he could be perpetuating.

When I first started reading that article, my initial impression was "You know what, this guy sounds like an average neighbor next door, regular joe, who is about to be ostracized by the corporate media". But I felt he simply wanted to inform the typical American as to what their rights are, and what may be potential for crisis in the Founding Fathers visions.

THEN, it all changed, with one SIMPLE paragraph that defines the Creed:

CREED: At all times and places, I have been, am and will be as our Father YHWH ha Elohiym made me: An actual, physical man made in God’s image and endowed by my Creator with certain unalienable Rights. Unless otherwise expressly and voluntarily agreed by me in writing over my actual hand-written signature: I exercise my actual rights of religious and political freedom of choice to declare that the venue of all of my conduct, speech, writings, agreements, residence and domicile is: without the singular “United States” and actually on the soil within the physical boundaries of The County of Dallas located within the border of The State of Texas–one of the several member-States of the perpetual Union styled “The United States of America”; that all of my conduct is intentional; that all of my acts and intentions take place in a Year of our Lord; that I act at arm’s length and without prejudice to my capacity as a sovereign Dei gratia; that I do not consent to act as, or as part of, any “double personality,” “double capacity,” and/or “double character”; that my duty of obedience is only to that government that exists under the authority granted by our Father YHWH ha Elohiym as per Romans 13:1-7 and is consistent with the express charitable trust called “The Constitution of The State of Texas” and “The Organic Law of The United States of America”; that I have not knowingly, intentionally and voluntarily consented to be subject by virtue of mere statute, rule, regulation, emergency, or alleged moral or obligation to the authority of any unincorporated, implied charitable trust; that my purposes are at all times religious first and/or political second and dedicated to restoring understanding and respect for the spiritual principles which provide the foundation for the republican form of government guaranteed at Article 4 Section 4 of The Constitution of the United States ratified in A.D. 1788 and by Article 1 Section 2 of The Constitution of The State of Texas. Alfred Adask a/k/a “ALFRED N ADASK”

This changed everything for me. Either by design or unknowingly, he is radicalizing likely the entire Bible Belt Gun ownership population of America. Equally as dangerous as any radical muslim.

Any scholar of human behavior will tell you, that mentioning ANYTHING that contains religious pretext is almost a stamp of approval for condoning a particular leaning. That Creed, reads almost as your Gun's license to pull it's own trigger against anyone who does not meet your approval of what you are willing to accept in life (and more importantly) or as an active and responsible citizen. Freedom and Liberty are NOT counter-intuitive to regulation and the code of law.

But again, lets break apart that CREED and try and put yourself in the mind of an ultra-religious zealot

I have been, am and will be as our Father YHWH ha Elohiym made me
Reads: God made me this way, don't you try and tell me how I have to be.

An actual, physical man made in God’s image
Reads: Rally yourselves people, rally yourselves as GOD has spoken and YOU are just like him!

and endowed by my Creator with certain unalienable Rights
Reads: You need not listen! your GOD gave you these rights, not responsible citizenry!

Unless otherwise expressly and voluntarily agreed by me in writing over my actual hand-written signature: I exercise my actual rights of religious and political freedom
Reads: Again! You do NOT have to listen, your religion gives you the freedom!

Lets quickly count religious references:

1. Father YHWH ha Elohiym
2. Creator
3. God’s
4. rights of religious
5. Year of our Lord
6. granted by our Father YHWH ha Elohiym
7. Romans 13:1-7
8. my purposes are at all times religious first
9. respect for the spiritual principles

This will undoubtedly incite and provoke all those aforementioned. Again, unknowingly or knowingly, he HAS an agenda.

Leave the damn religion out of it next time buddy and PERHAPS, then, you may retain a modicum of integrity and believability.... (waiting on the religious right to firmly jump on this stance)
edit on 16-5-2011 by alphabetaone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

I had just seen the article on infowars about 60 minutes and posted it. Been in and out of meetings all day so no chance to read yet.. Didn't know it was authored by Adask.. But yea that guy's a radical.. My reason for this thread was to comment on the media spin, it seemed apparent to me watching the broadcast that they were stereo-typing folks that don't fully support government and have guns and think for themselves and whatnot as all the same.. This guy was a perfect person to get on the broadcast from the 60 minutes perspective though..

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

Yea I agree, he WAS the perfect person to get on the show.

The spin in the media is no real surprise to me anyway, but I have a feeling that the woman who had been researching sovereign citzens for the past decade (interviewed on the show) likely had a lot to do with it appearing and being characterized the way it was....I doubt that CBS had much of the influence there. But that's just me talking.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Alex Jones is giving his take right now, live on the air..

edit on 16-5-2011 by rstregooski because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by alphabetaone

I had just seen the article on infowars about 60 minutes and posted it. Been in and out of meetings all day so no chance to read yet.. Didn't know it was authored by Adask.. But yea that guy's a radical.. My reason for this thread was to comment on the media spin, it seemed apparent to me watching the broadcast that they were stereo-typing folks that don't fully support government and have guns and think for themselves and whatnot as all the same.. This guy was a perfect person to get on the broadcast from the 60 minutes perspective though..

Media spin? What media spin?


I didn't get a Three Stooges vibe off of this at all.

All joking aside, I believe those who take this "Sovereign Citizen" thing to heart, and live by it's ideology very well could be dangerous; but I don't believe for a second that they have 300,000 members as stated in the 60 Minutes piece.

I admit that I looked into the movement - to see if I could beat a traffic ticket - but it didn't take very long at all for me to realize that these people are just plain nuts. I'm perfect example of a Bible-clinging, gun-toting, Second Amendment loving redneck from the Bible Belt and despite what a previous poster said, what that man and his son did was commit murder and I can't possibly distance myself from it enough.

There is a BIG difference between standing up for your constitutional rights and threatening to murder elected officials and police officers if they don't let you do as you damn well please. There MUST be a functioning government to which the citizens of this country MUST submit themselves - the only other option is anarchy and chaos.

There are a lot of things about our government lately that disturb me, but I'm not about to take my guns and declare myself to be a sovereign state in my own right; that is just sheer lunacy. The Second Amendment is indeed there to allow the citizenry of the United States to overthrow a tyranny, but IMO we are a LONG way off from that. I could never even imagine a scenario in which I would draw down on a LEO in performance of his duty. That nightmare scenario could only come to pass if there were an intrusion into my home and I was forced to protect my family from masked gunmen; and since I'm a law abiding citizen - with the exception of the occasional left turn at the wrong time of day - I can't imagine that happening.

In closing this post, I agree with the OP. This was a shoddy piece of journalism intended to scare the sheep into thinking that there is a looming terrorist organization in our midst, when they are really nothing but a bunch of spoiled children that don't want to take responsibility for paying their bills. The report mentioned, I think 4, CS'ers who have actually killed an LEO; if there were more, I'm SURE they would have mentioned it.. I don't think that number is significant enough to label them as one of the top 10 threats in the country.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

I think you said that very well..

And re the 3 stooges, I was thinking the same thing when I saw it!

The similarities are crazy obvious!

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by rstregooski
reply to post by OldCorp

I think you said that very well..

And re the 3 stooges, I was thinking the same thing when I saw it!

The similarities are crazy obvious!

They need to realize that this psyop is just going to further confirm that the elite are trying to force us to submit to their tyranny.

We already know something is broken.We know we have a problem.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 10:57 PM
What a hit piece.60 min has really fallen this far? As for the 2 morons all it takes are fools like this to bring down entire movement.Seems that the anti CT ops are in full effect.

posted on May, 17 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

Your Non-Biased reporting is shot please refrain from making this claim in the future. Your claim of doing the research and finding the truth is shot, please refrain from making this claim in the future. Your claim as a responsible reporter is shot please refrain from setting deadlines in the future.


The term "Sovereign Citizen" is a contradiction to itself. You can not be Sovereign and a Citizen at the same time. This is what causes the problem. The correct term is Sovereign Individual. This movement is not limited to the United States there are millions of people world wide that are following this and other similar movements. Do some research into all the videos and papers that are anti-sovereignty. You will notice that they do not state it is illegal or incorrect. In fact all the attacks on the movement are based on a few stupid individuals who approached it in the wrong way and that we do not pay income taxes. Let me clue you in a little, according to the Constitution, the only people that are required to pay income taxes are foreign people doing business in the U.S. and foreign companies doing business in the U.S., so before you complain about us not paying income taxes think about this, YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY EITHER. However, because, as a Sovereign Individual, We are foreign to the current illegal Government WE DO PAY INCOME TAXES(Those of us that comprehend the situation). We deny the authority of a corrupt and illegal Governmental system. The 14th Amendment is illegal and Unconstitutional, was passed through illegal and unlawful means and is what Statute Law is based on. The government uses this to take the sovereignty from the Nation States that were originally the States of the Union giving Federal control which has no jurisdiction outside D.C. because the state of emergency was never lifted during the International War of States better known and incorrectly referred to as the Civil War.The warnings that are given to the police are justified, as we, by the constitution, have the right to insurrection of an illegal government. Many people say "Stand up and take a stand against corruption" yet when WE do we are laughed at, labeled terrorists, and hunted down or incarcerated because we pose a TRUE threat to the corrupt government and through disinformation we are discredited in the eyes of the public, keeping them from joining the movement in order to maintain control by the illegal government.
edit on 17-5-2011 by IPILYA because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2011 @ 04:23 PM

05/19/12 Barrack Obama's Speech
The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.

Now where did I just hear this same line?.... anyone? I can't seem to remember...

Is he reading the same conspiracy stuff I am??

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