posted on May, 19 2011 @ 09:20 AM
The cave photo anomaly seems to be a little to solid to me, the person who is claiming the ghost may actually not recollect that photo. Even in the
article it mentions how he just seems to forget what he's saying. I think the anomaly looks to much like the photographer, perhaps, someone else
took the photo that he's unaware of or Does that brand of phone have an autotimer? I don't think he's trying to hoax anyone, he doesn't seem to know
enough about photography, but then again who knows til you actually talk to the guy?...who takes just a cell phone to take pictures, . ..Usually
people have atleast a point and shoot.
As far as the second set of photos posted with the same anomaly. I have a question for the photographers out there.
If you take two shots of the same house at the same time, but zoom out the second shot to get some of the foreground in. Would the shadows on the
house be identical or would the change of focus change the shadows slightly?
Also, would the angle of the house be slightly different after zooming out?
edit on 19-5-2011 by Iseladore because: because I can't think and
type at the same time