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Something is going to have to change!

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posted on May, 15 2011 @ 02:43 PM
(this is posted in the general conspiracies thread as it incompasses everything we have came to know, please move if necessery)

This is something to mull over and not to be taken to heart, this is simply a wake up call.

I love ATS, all its users and most of the threads. Everyone here apart from the suspect few I agree with in everything they post.

The problem is with all the infromation we are recieving I believe it has desentized us to everything we hear and see and in a bad way. We take in State murders on a mass scale (war on terriorists/drugs/oil) and merly say well at least its not me, condem it and move on.

We all sit back with our coffee in our basements/livingrooms/friends houses and read this site, sometimes in horror at what is happening in the world. Some of us stop and think about how to change it and other either say its not my problem or you do it and last but not least "we are waiting on the mothership in 2012".

Well im for one am fed up "im mad as hell and i cant take it anymore". This post is bigger than any conspiricy, this post far out weighs one death or a few for I am talking about a worldwide revolution.

This has to be at state level revolution, not government level. While we all watch the puppets (government) its the people that work for the state that are the snakes. They rule on the back of political parties and have done for decades, these are the people that we did not elect but still rule us as a whole.

We need to pick our selves up, dust our selves off and come up with a plan of action. Ats may be one small cog in the greater scheme of things but the old saying goes "one man can make a diffrence" and that is you. If this one small cog starts turning then others will follow suit. Its hard to start something by yourself but if others support you then "many hands make light work".

It is ATS's responsibility to muster the troops. We come here with our rose tinted glasses hoping that someone some where has made a stand so we can grab popcorn and watch the events unfold. Each one of us can make a diffrence but we need someone to start pointing us in the right direction to start "rallying the troops" even if its a simple MSM comment section bombardment of truth and facts. We need direction to have the best effect.

I for one am willing to standup for my fellow man, I may not have any answers but i sure have a hell of alot of questions.

The question is are YOU willling to stand up for your fellow man!

edit on 15-5-2011 by michaelmcclen because: bad grammar

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Well im for one am fed up "im mad as hell and i cant take it anymore". This post is bigger than any conspiricy, this post far out weighs one death or a few for I am talking about a worldwide revolution.

You just landed yourself on the "watch list".

TPTB do not like talk of revolution friend. I feel as if you are fishing.

Paranoid....maybe.....maybe not..

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by michaelmcclen

Good post and I agree with it wholeheartedly.

What I would say though is I think there is a large awakening right now. I read comments on the MSM sites regarding the killing of OBL and I have never seen such an outpour of disbelief from so many people. Of course this was escalated by the U.S Government changing the OS every 5 minutes.

Also there has recently been an increase in the numbers of people using the Alternative News Sites, so this is encouraging.

I appreciate there is still a way to go, but it is happening friend. Peace.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by liejunkie01

Well im for one am fed up "im mad as hell and i cant take it anymore". This post is bigger than any conspiricy, this post far out weighs one death or a few for I am talking about a worldwide revolution.

You just landed yourself on the "watch list".

TPTB do not like talk of revolution friend. I feel as if you are fishing.

Paranoid....maybe.....maybe not..

Im not fishing my freind, im beyond caring about the boggy man. I would rather die than be a slave to this so called democratic society. Im not afraid to say it like it is, thats part of the freedom of speech.

The boggy man has made the word revolution into an evil word, not to be sayed like so many others.

Its the same as terriorist, "one mans terriorist is another man's freedom fighter". I will say every word including bomb as much as I please because once you no longer fear them they have no control over you. It part of waking up to this madness we call the western civilisation.

(As always peace and love to all mankind)

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

I completly agree friend, people are now asking questions that they wouldent have through about asking years ago.

With so many people tuning into the alternative instead of the MSM i believe its time to give the sleeping bear that is humanity a little poke and get the juices flowing. It in no way has to be violent or even the million man march, It quite simply has to get the word of infromation and peace out to everyone.

This can be achieved by even the simplest of man with the internet. Post great topics on facebook walls from ATS for others to see ( I dont care what that fella from wiki leaks says its free it works get over it) all it takes is for one topic to make sence and they will start looking for others. (happened with me and ufo's)

I believe that there is a super weapon in the world to destroy governments and we all have acess to it, that is the problem. The super weapon is the internet, why do you think states are trying to censor it.

As always peace

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