posted on May, 15 2011 @ 08:52 AM
Sun Setting on British Power
From Nelson atop his column to Wellington gracing his arch, this city is filled with monuments to the martial glories of an island whose forces
once dominated continents and ruled the waves.
Today, though, the relatively modest British intervention in Libya is fueling fresh anxiety here and in Washington about the nation's shrinking
military muscle as the U.K. cuts defense spending in response to a record deficit
At a hearing Wednesday before a Parliamentary defense committee, the heads of Britain's army, navy and air force said the U.K. would no longer be
a "full spectrum" military force—one capable of both low-intensity combat such as counterinsurgency and the kind of major operations required for
state-on-state combat.
Sun Setting on British Power
We in Britain have an illustrious (if you can use that word) military history, but I feel it is high time that we re-evaluate our position in the
Our empire is gone, we are not the policeman of the world and we can't go galavanting around the globe getting entangled in messy U.S adventures.
The fact we are now involved in Libya is I feel a disaster in of itself and I feel we only just have the resources to take part in it. The situation
in Libya demonstrated how dependent militarily Europe still is on the United States.
The military balance of power is slowly shifting as many NATO members are having to impose drastic defense cuts. Yet in the East China's military
spending continues to increase, while Russia recently announced a large expenditure on defense. India too is starting to gradually beef up it's armed
I'm wonder whether there will ever be a true European Union military and what this would mean for the balance of power.
As things stand, with Britain not even having a carrier force, if Argentina was to invade the Falklands again, what could we possibly do to stop them?
Britain and France recently agreed to a military cooperation agreement, whereby if I understand correctly, they would share military equipment. I'm
not sure how realistic that would be and I'm not too familiar with how well the Falklands are defended to be honest, but what with the state of
things today, I very much doubt we could effectively counter such a move from Argentina. To be honest, I find the situation unlikely, but it was just
a speculation.
I think Britain should stay away from projecting military force and as things are going it seems like we'll have no choice anyway. Say for example if
Europe was overun by Russia (pure hypothetical situation here) then they began (or attempted) an invasion of the UK. How effectively would we manage?
Would the United States come and save our bacon? Maybe that's not a very good scenario as it's dependant on a lot of things. But still, some things
to ponder....