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Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Can you say greys?? They were manipulating various species for the E-l*th who love a diverse and interesting animal population on their 'vacation' worlds long before they accidentally created humanity.
Originally posted by Butterbone
Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Can you say greys?? They were manipulating various species for the E-l*th who love a diverse and interesting animal population on their 'vacation' worlds long before they accidentally created humanity.
Delusional. You really are just making this stuff up as you go. You can pick any made up name out a hat, and lay any claim you wish.
Well, I can trump that. Because none of you know about the Struvians. Evolution is true because the Struvians created it in order to create a system of support so that life would continue in this planet after they died off.
The Struvians were the plant people mentioned by the Myan histories. Servants to the gods of the Second Age. When they discovered the gods were displeased with them and were going to destroy them, they created evolution so that some of the things they learned would not be forgotten. One of those things was how to pass on information to guys who want to use that information to disprove crazyness ideas on internet forums.
I was lucky enough to be the recipient of that gift.
Plant people gave me magic knowledge to use on the internet. Therefor your argument is null.
You will have to use evidence to prove me wrong. Otherwise I am right.
Have a good evening, take your meds, and all hail the Struvians, bringers of the thong.
Originally posted by Butterbone
Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Can you say greys?? They were manipulating various species for the E-l*th who love a diverse and interesting animal population on their 'vacation' worlds long before they accidentally created humanity.
Delusional. You really are just making this stuff up as you go. You can pick any made up name out a hat, and lay any claim you wish.
Well, I can trump that. Because none of you know about the Struvians. Evolution is true because the Struvians created it in order to create a system of support so that life would continue in this planet after they died off.
The Struvians were the plant people mentioned by the Myan histories. Servants to the gods of the Second Age. When they discovered the gods were displeased with them and were going to destroy them, they created evolution so that some of the things they learned would not be forgotten. One of those things was how to pass on information to guys who want to use that information to disprove crazyness ideas on internet forums.
I was lucky enough to be the recipient of that gift.
Plant people gave me magic knowledge to use on the internet. Therefor your argument is null.
You will have to use evidence to prove me wrong. Otherwise I am right.
Have a good evening, take your meds, and all hail the Struvians, bringers of the thong.
Originally posted by Archirvion
reply to post by itsthetooth
Holy mother of godthat was one long reading BUT i loved it. Well done job there.
Just to add something here. We human beings is also an ET race per definition.
And a story according to archaeologist findings through old egyptian runes.
The Annanuki,wich were the ones from the heavens came or the princes of the royal seed ALSO believed there was a god. They according to runes didnt either understand what GOD was,they simply didnt have knowledge of it,but they believed that GOD whatever that might be did exist.
There are 5 documented ET races per today that are known for scientists (+historiansarchaelogists wich has worked on the subject)
5:?edit on 26-5-2011 by Archirvion because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Butterbone
Plant people gave me magic knowledge to use on the internet. Therefor your argument is null.
You will have to use evidence to prove me wrong. Otherwise I am right.
Have a good evening, take your meds, and all hail the Struvians, bringers of the thong.
Does it ever occur to you that your beloved religion, 'science' is also just another control tool being used to control and manipulate you, just like every other version of their created religions?? So NO, you aren't going to find any proof for things that the Jue-sah/Illuminati/NWO bunch don't want you to know about.
A collection of practices, based on beliefs and teachings that are highly valued or sacred.
Mental acceptance of a claim as truth regardless of supporting or contrary empirical evidence.
Originally posted by Butterbone
Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Can you say greys?? They were manipulating various species for the E-l*th who love a diverse and interesting animal population on their 'vacation' worlds long before they accidentally created humanity.
Delusional. You really are just making this stuff up as you go. You can pick any made up name out a hat, and lay any claim you wish.
Well, I can trump that. Because none of you know about the Struvians. Evolution is true because the Struvians created it in order to create a system of support so that life would continue in this planet after they died off.
The Struvians were the plant people mentioned by the Myan histories. Servants to the gods of the Second Age. When they discovered the gods were displeased with them and were going to destroy them, they created evolution so that some of the things they learned would not be forgotten. One of those things was how to pass on information to guys who want to use that information to disprove crazyness ideas on internet forums.
I was lucky enough to be the recipient of that gift.
Plant people gave me magic knowledge to use on the internet. Therefor your argument is null.
You will have to use evidence to prove me wrong. Otherwise I am right.
Have a good evening, take your meds, and all hail the Struvians, bringers of the thong.
Originally posted by itsthetooth
Originally posted by Butterbone
Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Can you say greys?? They were manipulating various species for the E-l*th who love a diverse and interesting animal population on their 'vacation' worlds long before they accidentally created humanity.
Delusional. You really are just making this stuff up as you go. You can pick any made up name out a hat, and lay any claim you wish.
Well, I can trump that. Because none of you know about the Struvians. Evolution is true because the Struvians created it in order to create a system of support so that life would continue in this planet after they died off.
The Struvians were the plant people mentioned by the Myan histories. Servants to the gods of the Second Age. When they discovered the gods were displeased with them and were going to destroy them, they created evolution so that some of the things they learned would not be forgotten. One of those things was how to pass on information to guys who want to use that information to disprove crazyness ideas on internet forums.
I was lucky enough to be the recipient of that gift.
Plant people gave me magic knowledge to use on the internet. Therefor your argument is null.
You will have to use evidence to prove me wrong. Otherwise I am right.
Have a good evening, take your meds, and all hail the Struvians, bringers of the thong.
I never heard of that name, where did you get it from?
Originally posted by iterationzero
reply to post by DragonriderGal
Does it ever occur to you that your beloved religion, 'science' is also just another control tool being used to control and manipulate you, just like every other version of their created religions?? So NO, you aren't going to find any proof for things that the Jue-sah/Illuminati/NWO bunch don't want you to know about.
Science is a religion? Maybe we should first ask, what is religion?
From Wiktionary:
A collection of practices, based on beliefs and teachings that are highly valued or sacred.
But what constitutes a belief?
From Wiktionary:
Mental acceptance of a claim as truth regardless of supporting or contrary empirical evidence.
Religion is based on a disregard for empirical evidence. Science is, therefore, the exact opposite of religion.
And if you’re going to slag on science, it’s certainly your prerogative. But it seems really hypocritical for you to do so and then enjoy the benefits of what science has provided to you, like the computer you’re using to post about how awful science is.edit on 27/5/2011 by iterationzero because: (no reason given)edit on 27/5/2011 by iterationzero because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by StratosFear
Excellent post OP, a well thought out and mature approach to a hard subject. Out of many threads that i read here this one is one of my favorites. I would love to hear more about this subject and see some of your references(not that i want to validate but i want to know more.) I would very much like to have you and a few of the other informed mature members who contributed to this thread to have a good dicussion about this subject without the confines of texted based communication as it is a very poor way of communicating im sure many would agree. I think that with a logical approach with informed members there could be a start for a new way of religion on a grand scale. Even if only half of what you posted here is correct i think the people of the world should know about it. Something like a church were you dont go to pray but you go to hear the facts, the evidence and listen to peoples` research without ridcule or condemnation from traditional religion. One point i wanted to comment on was what you said about how humans powers were being blocked or taken away and yes you are right about that but it is up to the individule to reclaim what is lost, thats the test! Finding a way to unlock what is locked the key is and always has been implanted in us. But BUT! There are powers in the world that would very much like it if we stayed as (for lack of a better defined term) Sheeple to more easily control us. Thanks OP and the few that contributed so far, i`ll try to follow as best i can but these one liner posters make it hard. 2 pages one day 30 the next, ya`ll know how it is.
Originally posted by DragonriderGal
Originally posted by iterationzero
reply to post by DragonriderGal
Does it ever occur to you that your beloved religion, 'science' is also just another control tool being used to control and manipulate you, just like every other version of their created religions?? So NO, you aren't going to find any proof for things that the Jue-sah/Illuminati/NWO bunch don't want you to know about.
Science is a religion? Maybe we should first ask, what is religion?
From Wiktionary:
A collection of practices, based on beliefs and teachings that are highly valued or sacred.
But what constitutes a belief?
From Wiktionary:
Mental acceptance of a claim as truth regardless of supporting or contrary empirical evidence.
Religion is based on a disregard for empirical evidence. Science is, therefore, the exact opposite of religion.
And if you’re going to slag on science, it’s certainly your prerogative. But it seems really hypocritical for you to do so and then enjoy the benefits of what science has provided to you, like the computer you’re using to post about how awful science is.edit on 27/5/2011 by iterationzero because: (no reason given)edit on 27/5/2011 by iterationzero because: (no reason given)
I'm not saying that what humanity has invented is bad.. We are amazing in the things we can create.
I'm saying that way too many sheeple are trained/conned into accepting the limited and limiting confines of what currently available 'science' allows us to 'believe' along with the whole "turning a blind eye" phenomenon by many of it's disciples as to how 'science' (like any other religion) can be easily manipulated and controlled by those who own the research facilities and publishing houses. It requires you to take only whatever is printed/'tested' by 'scientists' as facts, even as any authority in any religion requires that you take whatever is printed as the only and true word of god or whatever.
That is my problem with it.. in that respect it does require 'faith' on the part of the 'believer' that all the published information is *true* and that you are indeed being given all the information about EVERYTHING that is being researched.
Can you "prove" that you are being given either of those things??? No. You just 'believe' you are because you are being successfully spun by their manipulations and misdirections. In which case, yes, you are every bit as fooled as your 'religious' brethren, and on par with them in most every way. Like I've said, 'science' is the new religion of the 'educated' masses.
edit on 28-5-2011 by DragonriderGal because: (no reason given)
I didn't think you would have any comeback for this observation of mine, iterationzero.
And really.. quoting wikipedia?? Like that's any really valid resource??? Sheesh, people can edit it all the time, so any information there is always wide open to being manipulated.
Originally posted by iterationzero
reply to post by DragonriderGal
I didn't think you would have any comeback for this observation of mine, iterationzero.
Sorry, wasn't aware that I needed to respond to every half-baked rambling about how science is just a religion from someone who, based on their statements, obviously doesn't really understand how science works. I could literally spend all of my free time on ATS doing just that. You want to believe in your fairy tales and be a hypocrite about the value of science, that's fine. I'll stick to what's observable and testable.
Of course you will. They have you well spun, indeed. And good one.. way to shift the focus, eh?
It is hardly half baked to call you on your lack of awareness of the meta-level of things.
You can't prove that you are in fact getting all the 'true' facts, since you simply can not prove that every researcher who gets funding and wants to be published isn't vulnerable to being manipulated/bribed.
Nor can you prove that all the research being done is in fact what is being made available for you to know about.
If the NWO bunch wants to hide info, then you can believe they will, and do. So nope, sorry, but you are taking both those things on 'faith' which makes you every bit the true believer that any other religion has.
Originally posted by NorthStargal52
I have read this whole thread ..
Personally I don't knock anyone’s views ,, just had to get that out' but about the God issue being an Alien
first let me say something that has to do with the Holy Spirit ..
although in my traditionnal beliefs we leave out the word Holy.
I practice a very spiritual kind of faith and actually it really isn’t considered a faith .. it is oral and traditional ways of my tribal people..
who very much look at mother earth in the whole picture even before it was to be.
Mother Earth gives life .. and the only other thing human wise that we compare to her to or close to her would be a woman cause she gives birth.
As for saying that
A qoute by itsthetooth
"God was a space alien and not our real creator"
is not quite how I relate it to be ..
let me try to clarify this .. In my tradition we see the GOD everyone refers to, as a spiritual being or enity.
Who gave us the stars and they were the star people ,, who gave us plant life, rock, the grandfather moon
who gave us the spider people and the ant people and everything was of life above and below above their was spiritual life ..
I would like to advise you about this wiki link .. it gives a brief look at some of the beliefs of a traditional Native American .. each tribe has their own oral beliefs and some or all have very much in common or share the same beliefs.
Many Native American people have converted to being Christians ,, and because I lived on my reservation for many many years and can honestly say the religious church’s use to frown upon our pipe ceremonies but it has changed much over the past.
That is why it is so hard for me to understand some posts in this thread because it almost seems that their is such Christians who do believe in the Spiritual stuff like after life and Spiritual entity’s or beings .. who everyone refers to them as Aliens and technically speaking they are?
I guess my answer to this Question would be to say A spiritual Being gave us our universe our galaxy and everything else that followed I wouldn’t say he created it he gave all this to us .. the reason I leave out create is this was a spiritual happening and we don’t know if it was done just by thought or done by some unforeseen power that the spiritual one possessed .. we don’t know .. So that is why I say the spiritual being gave all of this to us ...
Native American mythology
over the years but only just being curious I have sat in on bible studies from various religions
and in the end I .. I always come back to my own beliefs .. so I always thought this is what everyone basically does
and I can see those who are chreistians trying to understand why it is people even believe in Aliens and other stuff.
Well I belive that all things are living even a rock